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Narrator POV

„Where do you think your going at this hour?"

„I will go and spend the night at Scarlett's.
At least she doesn't treat me like a piece of shit!"

„Oh come on Lizzie what have I done now?"

„You call me left and right as if I am your maid!
You never let me do the things I want. You never ask how I feel. Fuck You even forgot my last birthday."

„Okay you know I was on a working trip during your birthday this isn't fair!"

„Oh fuck off Robbie! You knew this trip was planned a while and you didn't seem to care to mention at work that your wife has her birthday in that week. And it's not just that! I don't even think you care!"

„I absolutely do care!"

„You do?! Okay what is my favorite flower?"

„That's a trick question you are allergic to flowers!" Olsen started to laugh out of frustration as she was going through her hair with her hands.

„Do you even know who you married? For gods sake you are such a fucking narcissistic asshole!
Have you looked outside the window? My whole garden is filled with flowers between my other plants!"

„Babe please! I love you I'm gonna change!"

„We ended up her multiple times. I get frustrated. I cry, I scream. You say you'll change. You say you love me AND my dumb ass falls for it over and over again. Robbie I don't think you can love anyone except for yourself. You only have eyes for your career and for yourself! It's like I am no part of your life nor are you interested in becoming a part of mine."

„So what do you wanna do? Go to couples therapy? I will trust me!"

„Come on as if this is gonna help! I've never had any passion with you not like me-." out of madness she almost spilled Vicky's name. Referring to the passion she had with her.

Ever since she met her she completely realized that Robbie wasn't the right one for her.
She opened her eyes. Not just her eyes but also her heart and this whole situation here drives her into frustration.

„I want a divorce.." she confesses as she saw no other option than breaking things up.

„What?" he scoffed.

„You heard me right. I will let my lawyer handle it."

„We won't get divorced babe you are to hot headed right now. C'mon we won't do this."

„No I will Robbie and do not „babe" me anymore.
I'll go and stay with Scarlett."

„Did she plant this thought of divorce into your mind?" Robbie asked mad making Olsen stop in her track.

„The fuck? NO! She didn't, maybe she even helped me more to actually open my eyes. She's seen how miserable I feel. I even let my frustration out on some trainees. I don't recognize myself anymore."

„Robbie, it's been years and I've seen no change.
I am sick and tired of your constant excuses and lies on wanting to change. You're losing me."

„Hold on!" he grabbed her by her wrist a bit to tight making Lizzie yank his arm behind his back slamming his face to the wall.

„We've been here before Robbie. I don't know if the alcohol flag is making you act this way but don't you EVER touch me again like this."
She hissed at him before letting his drunk ass go.

„Don't try anything you might regret."
She tells him and let go walking away to her car so she can drive to her friends apartment.


„Heyy there." Kate, Gray and Ryan walked into Vicky's room quietly.

„Guys it's past visiting hours? What are you doing here?"  Vicky asked confused.

„We wanted to take you out for a drink or two."
Kate says making Vicky chuckle.

„Y'all are crazy. Don't you see that I am kinda unable to leave?"

„Gray and Ryan smuggled some melatonin tea into the nurses station. They will be out by 30 minutes. We just want to cheer you up a bit come on."
Kate added making Vicky laugh in disbelief.

„This won't end well you guys. But hey, we gotta live a little I guess."

„Come on that's the spirit high five!" Ryan tapped his high five out.

„I don't wanna be a mood breaker but I don't have anything to wear. Except to a medical gown."

„Don't worry girl. I got you! I scrambled a cute outfit together. Ryan turn around she needs to change."

„W-what? Me? Why only me? Gray is a guy too!"

„Come on Gray is a gay twink! Besides you tried your luck with Vicky! So turn your ass around."

„It's not like I've seen her in a bathing suit but okay." he mumbled as he turned around and holding his eyes closed on top.

„Come on. Let me help you! Gray wanna help too?" Kate offered as he removed the blanket to assist Vicky out of the bed.

„Are we going to the pub again?" Vicky asked as she was changing. Wanting to know if she will be at the same place where Olsen and her fucked in the bathroom.

„That's the only place we know. There is a diner as well but we wanna get drunk. Not eat pancakes."

„I want pancakes." Vicky mumbled to herself lowly.

„We will get you some after the drinks." Gray tells her making her smile wide.

„How did you guys even come up with the idea on sneaking me out of my medical bed?" Vicky asked as she let out a wince while putting on a button up.

„The guys came up with the idea." Kate answered simply.

„Whenever I felt down or when something bad happened I had my friends who'd cheer me up. We'd do a lot of things, now that we grow up it's going out for drinks so I thought it would be good for you to change things up. So you don't have to sit here alone in your thoughts and all."
Ryan explained himself making Vicky notice how genuine this gesture is.

„Thank you Ryan!" Vicky gave him a kiss on the cheek as she walked past him.

„You guys are great friends I didn't expect to earn here." she added with a soft smile resting on her face.

„What are friends for!" Gray added giving her a wink.

„Come on enough soft time! Let's get drunk!" Kate clapped her hands walking past them to lead the way past the sleeping nurses.


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