The task

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Vicky POV

„Okay so if you can open your file there are your cases." everyone opened their file that was laying on their table.

„What are we supposed to do?" Kate asked.

„Each and everyone of you has a file off a student here in class. You think we were gonna let you dash into your free day without a homework?"
She added as she walked around.

„So what? Are we supposed to get informations out of that person that is in our file?" Ryan asked and Olsen nod.

„Exactly. This lesson will show, if you are capable of extracting informations out off an opponent. You have to do it subtle."

„Are the others allowed to know that we take out informations out of them?" Gray asked.

„I mean you can tell them but it will make everything harder because then they know that they are your target." she explained and I can't believe who I have in my file.

„Are there any other questions?" she asked as she kept her eyes on me knowing what she did. She paired me up with her. How am I supposed to gain informations from her when all we do is fight or fuck?

„What if we don't manage to gain those informations?" I asked and she smirked viciously.

„Be prepared for a punishment." she says seductively but no one got that hint except for me.

„So. I want a success rate off 100%. I am expecting good things from you all. Now go and dash off into your free day. You deserve it." she dismissed us and everyone got up to leave except for me. I waited for her.

„Does this mean I need to be with you all day long? To gain the informations I need?" I asked her as I wiggled with the file.

„I don't know what you mean Garcia."
She says sounding innocent of her actions but she definitely had a intention behind it.

I waited till the last student walked out closing the door so I can say what I planned on saying.
„Do I need to fuck the informations out of you miss Olsen?" I husked as I threw the file past her onto her desk.

„I don't know. Maybe that is an option you need to find out for yourself.." she answered lowly making me fold but I didn't want to show it.

„I know you are invited to the bar night out. We will see each other there. Maybe you can buy me a drink."

„Me buying a drink for my lecture? Isn't that inappropriate?" I asked as I slid my fingers up and down her back knowing damn well that we crossed the line of inappropriate things a long time ago.

„Please we are way past that. Besides everyone there is going to be to drunk to notice."

„Why are you so sure of it?" I asked making her smile.

„We do this every year. They try to be sober at first but it won't last long. They all gonna be drunk by the end of the night passed out somewhere."

My mind got stuck on the phrase „we do this every year." surely it also means that she's having some random student assigned to her. My face fell and I grabbed my file to head off.

„I need to go. The others are probably getting ready." I tell her as I grabbed my bag but she stopped me by grabbing my hand.

„Hey what's wrong? You mood switched so fast.
Is everything okay?" she asked me and I nod.

„Yeah totally. Maybe you should get ready too. Since you do this every year." I replied sounding unintentionally pissed.

„Vicky! What's the matter?" she asked me as she squeezed my hand but I let my hand slide out of her grip creating a distance.

„I totally forgot that I had to meet with Gray for something. I'll see you there Olsen." I replied cold with a lie I could have swallowed.

I walked off mad and went to Grays room.
„Do you have anything I need to know?"
I asked as I entered without knocking.

„You won't be pleased about what I found."
He says as he closed the file to hand it over to me.

I read over the informations and I slumbered down on his bed in shock. „This son off a bitch."
I mumbled noticing how Gray seems to be in distress.

„I don't want you to do whatever you plan on doing. This is some serious shit and he needs to get expelled. He's a -."

„Pete. I'm not gonna expose him."

„What are you crazy? He's literally training with us every day. Sitting in class with having no one else knowing what he did!"

„Look I can't do it okay. He might have something against me that could throw me off the program and I am not here to risk this."

„What did you do?" he asked me and my mind flashes to multiple things I did. Not just Johansson and Olsen. Even worse something that I kept hidden from my past.

„I am not a danger to others Pete. I swear. You have to trust me I can't let this get to the surface."
I begged him to believe me yet I sounded a bit threatening which I didn't intend to.

„I want him to confess this on his own. I will make him confess."

„How? He's gonna end up punch you again once he realizes what you know."

„He won't and if he does attack me this time he won't get away with it. Whatever he says or does I won't snap this time. He will." I tell him.

„Now. We gotta get ready to head off to the bar are you coming?" I asked him changing the topic as I got up to leave.

„I mean I have to I guess." he sighs giving me the feeling that he isn't that social.

„You will losen up once you drink a bit. I'll be there too and you can tangle along with me and Kate."
I tell him as I took him under my wing.


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