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Vicky POV


„She will never be as good as her siblings!! Don't you get it she's a failure!" the deep voice echoed in my head on and on.

She's your daughter! How dare you speak about here this way? She's trying her best!"

„Trying? Trying her best? For gods sake I don't give a crap about her „trying" she needs to get her shit together." I glanced at the sink in the kitchen seeing multiple bottle and cans of alcohol scattered.

She's a teenager. You need to stop drinking. We can talk when you are sober I am done fighting."
As I saw how he raised his hand everything moved in slow motion for me. I ran between them and then his flat hit my face making me hit my head against the living room table.


I gasped waking up from my sleep. I glanced at my clock to check the time. It's 5.05 am. I didn't wake up Kate from her sleep that's good. Practice starts at 6.45 am. I definitely can't fall back asleep now.

Might as well get up to train. I put on some running clothes and headed outside to run as she sun was starting to rise. This fucking training is really taking my last ounce of strength and with that fuck up of a dream I can't catch the right amount of sleep I need.

After I ran for a good while I exited the forest heading back to the main campus. It's 6.15 am now.
So almost time for our official training.

„Garcia?" I stopped in my track turning around to see Olsen come up to me from her car.

„What are you doing up so early?" she questioned.

„We have training soon." I pointed at the campus building and she raised a brow.

„Yeah but what are doing coming out of be forest so early in the morning. Were you running?" she asked me irritated and I nod out of breath.

„Yeah. I just got up early. Is that a problem?"
I questioned and she shook her head.

„No.. it's just odd to see you so early. Is everything okay?" she asked and I was the one now raising a brow. She cares?

„Doing just fine." was my short answer.

„Really? You didn't seem fine during gun practice the other day." She reminded me making me think of how they both had their hands on me.

„Olsen I am fine. I am just lacking some sleep that's all." I tell her sounding slightly annoyed.

„I can tell you are anxious. Something is bothering you? What is it?" she read me like an open book.

„You are overanalyzing me Olsen." I tell her trying to brush her off.

„No I am just reading your body language and the way you talk to me...You are rubbing your chest in circular motion. It's a sign of distress and anxiety.
You are not looking directly into my eyes this is a sign of lying."

„What is this another Olsen lesson?" I asked her making her sigh frustrated.

„I am here to help. You clearly have something that is laying heavy on your heart. You look tired are you sure you don't wanna share anything?"

„Are you asking that every student or just the ones you fuck?" I fried back.

„Can you lower your voice? This is a fucking campus people can hear you." she hissed at me and I took a sip of my bottle.

„I am offering you help Garcia."

„I don't need any thanks."

„You can't bullshit me Vicky. You definitely need some. If not from me then from someone else."

„Hey Vicky. Wanna head off to training together?"
I turned around seeing Ryan poking his head out of the main entrance door. I looked back at Olsen seeing how red she watched us both carefully.

„Of course we can!" I yell seeing a chance to escape her questions. Might as well use this chance to make her jealous.

I walked up to him and slung my hand around his arm. He looked surprised and smiled wide as well walked off. I glanced back once more before the door closed seeing how this affects her.

„So you wanna go out on a date on Sunday?"
He asked confident and I pulled my hand away as soon as we were out of sight.

„No offense Ryan. You are stupidly hot don't get me wrong and I am sure you are a great guy. But I'm not here to get into any relationships or dating in general." I answered truthfully because I really wasn't looking for anything like that even when the things with Olsen happened. But I still enjoy making her jealous, might make the sex hotter...

„Oh okay. Well, I'd still like to hang out with you. Platonically. A group wanted to go to a bar on Sunday since we have that free day. You are free to join us."

„Can I bring Wilson with me if I decide to join?"
I asked wanting to know if I can bring her along cause after all she is the only „close" one.

„Of course. Bring whoever you wanna bring." he tells me and I nod.

„I'll think about it thanks Ryan."

„Anytime." he smiled as we joined the training group.

„Can someone enlighten me on why we have to carry a fake gun with us?" Gray asked.

„So you can get used to the feeling of having one around your hip. This will be your daily life after graduation. You will always carry a gun with you as an agent." Johansson answered the question as she joined the group.

„Why not give us a normal gun already?" another guy asked.

„I know that USA is a really... independent country when it comes to the gun policy. But we here want you to realize that this is something that will kill someone if it's used correctly. This is not something you can handle lightly. So handle this one as a real one and you will get a feeling for it to earn a real one." she lectured him and he staid silent.

„Okay. We gonna start with hand to hand combat as per usual. The list on the board shows your names. That's who you will be paired with today."
I looked at the board from afar seeing my name next to „Gray! Nice to be working with you today." he stretched his hand out and I shook it.

„I am curious. How did you get into this program?"
I asked while looking at him up and down. His body structurer reminds me of a walking mantis.

„I am smart." he answered simple and I nod.

„Hm figured you'd be. You look like an IT guy. No offense."

„None taken. It's okay I've heard worse things about me." he answered as we we positioned ourselves on the mat.

„You know I've found out a lot about the students here but you were always someone a bit quieter."

„I like to observe before joining if I have to."

„Oh so you consider yourself as the fly on the wall?"

„If you wanna phrase it like that yeah." I answered as I raised my arms ready to fight.

He did the same and as I was stepping forward to take him down he moved quicker being able to get me down first. „What the fuck?" I mumble to myself as he stretched his hand out to help me up.

„You used my move against me. I expected you to be weak."

„GARCIA!! You really let Gray take you down?"
Johansson yelled at me. Probably mad that he took me down before she did.

„What is going on?" she asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

„Sorry I am a bit tired."

„You can be tired in bed. Get it together!!"
She demanded and I let out a sigh as she turned around to leave.

„I heard that annoyed sigh Garcia." she warned me.


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