She has a plan

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Vicky POV

„Hey there champion." Kate greeted me as I entered our room.

„Hi." I greeted her back looking at the clock seeing that it is time to get ready for training.

„Woah are you allowed to train with us today?"
She asked as I was getting ready too.

„I don't know."

„Did you ask?" she questioned.

„No. I just left." I confessed.

„What the fuck Vicky! You don't just get out of a hospital bed and leave as you like. They kept you there for a reason."

„Well I got tired of laying there." I fired back.

„I swear you are something else." she laughed lightly and I smiled.

„Wanna tell me what happened?" she asked me as I putting on my shoes.

„Smith approached me like a fucking asshole. He insulted Gray, I told him to apologize. He didn't so I punched him. End of story." I tell her shortly.

„What was he even thinking?"

„I have no clue. He kinda creeped me out at the end saying something like „I'll be watching you". Really weird if you ask me." I tell her and she raised a brow.

„What the fuck? That sounds pretty much like a creepy man vibe. Do you have any idea what he means by that?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders. Having his word echo in my head.
If he ever saw me with Johansson or Olsen or both I'd be dead.

„I have no idea." I brushed it off not wanting to think about it but I truly can't think of anything else.

„I need to do something."

„We have training in like 10 minutes." she reminds me and I nod as I exited our room.

„I know. I'll see you there." I yell as as I ran up to Grays door knocking.

„Garcia? Hey I thought you were still in the medical bed for observation?" he asked as I stormed into his room. Thank god he's alone now.

„I released myself from there."

„What the f-."

„Okay not you wanting to lecture me to I will rest later. I need your help."

„What is it?"

„You said you know a lot about the students. I know you keep files from all of us-."

„Who says I do have files off-."

„one is laying on your desk. This isn't a case file we get from class those are private ones from you."
He sigh as he got caught.

„Look. I need you to find me anything on Smith."

„Okay if this is about yesterday I understand your frustration but it's not ethical for me to do this."

„What the fuck Gray you keep files with our informations on it. I could expose you. You'd be in deep shit if I do. But I don't. Cause I need one of them." he hesitated as he heard my words.

„Please. It's really important for me." I begged feeling like this is my only chance to get him out of my way.

„Okay fine." I cheered and gave him a hug.

„How fast can I have it?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

„Depends on what you are looking for."

„The deepest secrets. Do your research as best as you can."

„Does he have something against you? Should I be worried?" he asked me and I shook my head.

„Nothing I could think off. Besides. You already know me from the file you created."

„Right. Look I'll do my best and I'll get back to you once I know something."

„Great I owe you something." I pointed at him as I walked back to the door.

„Just don't do anything I wouldn't do." he says worried and I nod walking off.

I see Olsen exit my room and as I wanted to turn to exit the hallway the other way around I heard her yell „GARCIA!!" making me stop in my track.

„Hi there." I greeted her and she looked mad.

„My office!"

„I have training now and I don't wanna miss-."

„NOW!" she demanded and I gulped following silently.

„Are you out off your god damn mind? Leaving your hospital bed without the permission?"
She asked me after we entered her office.

„Come on it's not that big of a deal. I-."

„It is a big deal. You literally got punched so hard that you fell out of consciousness. You could have a serious head injury. You could lose consciousness again when you leave on your own from any internal head injuries." she yelled at me and I won't lie that yelling really does hurt my head.

„I'm fine." I tell her and she stepped closer.

„You are not „fine" you just squeezed your eyes when I yelled at you. You head is sensitive."
I staid silent not knowing what to say.

„Do you need to be cuffed to the bed?" she asked me mad mot realizing what she said.

„I don't know do you? If you are into it we can try that!" I told her cocky and she gave me a head tilt.

„Watch your mouth Garcia we are not here to joke around." she pointed out and I let out a sigh.

„You are not allowed to train for the rest of the week. They gave me some pills I should hand you over because I walked into your room to check in on you and you weren't there." she handed me a pack of pills over.

„You can join my classes if you feel up to and if you feel like you are getting dizzy or have strong headaches you can leave classes as well to go lay down."

„Are those orders from the medical staff? Or from you?"

„That does not have to concern you."

„Does it? I feel like it does make a difference if the medical staff says it or if you do."

„Why?" she asked.

„Having them informations come from them is a medical restriction I need to follow. Having this come from you... it means that you care for me. More than you should and you know that Olsen."
I explained her and she staid silent.


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