Cafeteria mess

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Vicky POV

„Garcia!" Gray pulled me out of my deep thinking moment as I was getting my breakfast.

He sat alone and I joined him making him smile.
„Where have you been? Breakfast is almost over we have classes soon." he asked me and my mind flashed back to Johansson hovering over me with her lips pressed against mine.

„Garciaaaaa?" he snapped his fingers in front of me and I shook my head.

„Hm what's up?" I asked and he looks confused.

„You joust tossed off to daydream land I asked what took you so long before you joined me."
He repeated himself.

„Took a long shower that's all." I shrugged him off and he nod.

„So. Vicky. How are we doing today?" a guy joined us both and I glared at him as I placed down my bowl of yogurt.

„It's Garcia for you, who are you?" I asked offended.

„Call me Smith." he smiled but I didn't smile back.

„Y'know Garcia and I were talking and-."

„Shut up dwarf I wasn't talking to you." he pushed him aside and I got up from my seat to stand next to him.

„I don't know what your problem is Smith. But you better apologize for treating Gray like shit."
I warned him and he smirked getting up to look down at me.

„What do you want to do about it? Slap me?"
He asked unimpressed.

„Garcia leave it. It's okay we don't want any trouble." Gray spoke to me but I shook my head.

„No I am not the one asking for trouble. He is.
So I want you to apologize and leave." I demanded and he chuckled.

„I won't." he whispered to me and something in me snapped making me take a swing so hard that he started to bleed from his nose.

Be stumbled back and touched his nose seeing blood. He glared at me and I thought he'd be put back in his place were he belonged but boy way I wrong.

He took off like a rugby player and grabbed me from my stomach to smack me onto the next cafeteria table. He punched me once so hard that I lost consciousness for a second. I came back for a moment hearing him whisper „I saw you. I'll be watching you."

I saw how he got dragged away from above me by other students and I fell back again losing consciousness.

Narrator POV

„What the hell happened?" Olsen asked Johansson as she entered the medical section.

„I don't know. Smith won't say anything except for she started it and Garcia lost consciousness once I was there. She took a rough punch not gonna lie. Makes you think that he did it on purpose."

„How did that escalate so quick? They never interacted." she replied as she looked at Vicky worried. She has a busted lip and a blue eye.

„I have no idea."

„Did something happen during practice?" she asked Johansson and she turned red thinning back to having Vicky clenched beneath her thighs.

„Scar?" Olsen called out for her and she shrugged that memory away.

„Nothing. She was paired up with Gray today. So she didn't interact with him. I didn't notice any stares or comments during practice and both of them are usually non violent individuals."

„Hmm." Vicky was stirring up from being unconscious making Johansson and Olsen walk up closer to her on each bedside.

„Vicky? Are you okay?" Olsen asked as she placed her hand on her shoulder in comfort but as Vicky came back to real consciousness she panicked crawling back into the bed trying to create a distance.

„Hey hey hey, it's just me an Johansson. Everything's fine you are in a safe space." she reassured her noticing how she's looking to them left and right. One hand is moving to her chest probably out of fear from what happened.

„Is he.."

„He's dismissed for today. You won't see him."
Johansson answered whatever question she was about to ask. She calmed down and sunk back into bed the tension left her body.

„But so are you." Olsen added making Vicky sigh frustrated.

„Fuck." she mumbled.

„Are you better now?" Olsen asked having a feeling that this panic didn't just come from that event. She fears that this was only the trigger to something that lays deep under the surface.

„He really knocked you out didn't he?" Olsen stated at Johansson sternly signing her that this is not the right place for her sarcasm.

„Sorry." she apologized.

„I'm fine. Just freaked out for a moment. Can I go now?" Vicky asked making them shake their heads.

„Medical staff wants to keep you here over night.
Just in case." Olsen says.

„Wanna tell us what happened?" Johansson asked.

„Only if you feel ready for it. We could do it tomorrow if you wanna rest." Olsen reassured Vicky as she stroked her hand gently.

„It's fine. I'll rest later." she answered sitting up but due to the throbbing pain she closed her eyes tight.

„You feel dizzy that's normal for that situation. Come on lean back you don't have to exhaust yourself." Olsen tapped her shoulder pushing her back lightly. Johansson sat down on the chair and so did Olsen on each side.

„I honestly don't know what he wanted. He came up to me and Gray. I already felt how off his behavior was. He assaulted Gray I asked him to apologize to him multiple times but he said no.
Gray said it's fine I should let it slide but I couldn't. The way he acted made me boil and I snapped. With a blink of an eye I was pushed down onto he cafeteria table and I lost consciousness."

They both shared a glance and staid silent for a moment letting the words linger in the air.
„I fucked up didn't I?"

„Yup" Johansson answered bluntly and Olsen answered simultaneously with a more careful „Well.." she glared at the redhead.

„Am I gonna get kicked out?" she asked fearing that she might lose this one chance on becoming an agent.

„We don't get to decide that. We are just teaching here in Quantico. It is just protocol for us to ask you what happened so we can give those informations to the ones who are deciding."

„Can you lay in a good word for me?"

They both sigh. „We can try. Chances are 50/50."

„Will I get the chance to defend myself? Do I have a say in it?" she asked concerned.

„Maybe. We don't know yet."

„Well looks like I can pack my bag. You said at the beginning one big fuck up and we are out. I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have done but I just couldn't stay silent. I've been silent for too long."

„How about you rest for the day. Get some sleep you were lacking it I noticed that ever since training. Some burn out quick here even the best do." Johansson mentioned and Vicky nod.

„We will come back and see tomorrow how things go hm." Olsen added gentle making Vicky smile a bit.


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