Two strangers one solitude

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Narrator POV

„Hey man can't you watch-." Vicky spoke up mad as some liquor soaked it's way into the fabric of her pants.

„Sorry miss someone bumped into me I didn't mean to." he apologized as he sat down in front of the bar. Right next to Vicky.

„What happened to you?" he asked as he pointed at her arm.

„I got shot." she blankly answered and he raised his brows.

„Twice." she added as she took a sip of her drink and he let out a „Damn!" making Vicky raise her brow.

„I'm sorry. This must feel terrible."

„Oh it does." she answered as their conversation died off. She knew who he was. Vicky never forgets a face. But he doesn't know her. But she's glad about it.

„What brought you here tonight?" she asked him curiously knowing exactly that he should be somewhere else.

„Relationship issues." he answered lowly before taking a sip of his half spilled Whisky.

„Uh girlfriend problems?" she asked him and he sighs.

„Rather wife problems.." he mumbled. This hit Vicky like a truck. She's a home wrecker. At least that is what she's thinking now and it was written all over her face.

„I'm sorry where are my manners. I spilled half my drink all over you. So it's only fair that I get you one." he pointed to her wet pants and Vicky didn't reply at all.

„Hey man get me another whiskey and whatever this lady had here." he spoke to the bartender.

„Shouldn't you be home then? Solving your problems with your wife?" she asked him intrigued on wanting to know what he has to say.

„She's unsolvable."

„Oh come on. What did she say?" Vicky asked knowing she will get an answer since he smells like he took a dive in whisky.

„She's calling me a narcissist! That I am only focused on myself and my job! Like what the fuck."

Vicky listened eagerly as she watched him closely. He sure does look like a narcissist. She can see them from afar.

„Yeah I don't get why she'd do that." she answered sarcastically knowing that he won't analyze the difference now that he's drunk enough.

„Maybe you are what she tells you. I mean she's your wife after all. You guys know each other right?"

„She claims that I don't know her. As if it's important to know what type of flower she wants. I bring home money isn't this enough?"

„Doesn't she bring home her own money as well?"
She asked and he nod after a moment.

„See. She doesn't want your money since she got her own. She wants different things."

„Like what?" he asked and Vicky realized now what she was doing. She gave that fucking moron relationship advice. Advice for a marriage that might have went down hill a long time ago.

Even though she believes that she's a home wrecker.. she won't try to save that marriage.
It's not her job. So she held in for a moment to sort her words together properly and that left her with one option. Talking like a man..

„I don't know man. Maybe she needs to be fucked."
She says biting down her tongue afterwards.

„God forbid we haven't had sex in months. She's always to moody or on her fucking period. I stopped trying." internally Vicky was relieved to hear this. But she didn't show it externally.

She put two and two together realizing that she must've stopped having sex with him as the affair started with her.

„Maybe she just wants flowers." Vicky added making him sigh.

„She grows dozens of them in her fucking garden.
She doesn't need any." he fired back.

What an ass. Was what Vicky was thinking to herself. Even though she might have flowers blooming in her garden. She'd sure love to have a bouquet standing in her house somewhere. It's not about what she already has. It's about the gesture.

She knows for sure that he won't do it even though this is the bare minimum to come home from work with flowers. He could have grabbed them on his way home. Heck now these days you can even order flowers online if you are to lazy do get them yourself.

Just get them delivered and she'd be happy about that too. Maybe even more so she wouldn't have to see that face hiding behind the bouquet.

„Look man. I can't really help you with that wife problem." knowing that she might have been the catalyst of this problem.

„I mean you don't have a girlfriend right?"
He asked her and she laughed.

„Nope. I had someone.. something casual let's say that." she answered feeling slightly amused as she thinks of this extraordinary coincidence to meet Olsen's wife in a bar.

„Did he mean something to you?"

„HE?" she asked back confused.

„Well since you said you don't have a girlfriend I assumed it would be a guy."

„As much as I enjoy both. It doesn't matter-."
She held back her words reminding herself who she has sitting next to her.

„Turns out he was already taken. So I guess he's not meant for me." she purposely said „he" wanting to cover up her story better.
He doesn't need to know the truth. He will get it from his wife one day.

„Well that sucks."

„Yeah you have no idea." she mumbled as she took a sip of her drink.

„So are you gonna go back home to your wife?"
Vicky asked him while taking some peanuts from the small bowl in front of her.

„She's not home. Went to her fucking friend who probably set this all up. I never liked her." he fires back making Vicky raise a brow. He must be talking about Scarlett. She wonders what type of history they have.

„How come?" she asked him curiously.

„She's to protective. She's not really nice as well."
He confessed. Well to her protectiveness sounds good and about the liking part.. it looks like Scarlett can sense a narcissistic bitch from a mile away. 

„Women right.."  Vicky says as she had no idea what to say in general. So she leaned into the biggest cliche.

„I know. Maybe I just need to get rid of her."

„Wow hey there, no getting rid of anyone!" she answered now being the protective one.

„I didn't mean kill... maybe I bake need to take my wife and move away from her as far we can. So she'd stop seeing her and boom I have my wife back." he speaks in glory as if he was hacking out a plan.

„Look man, I think you are going to far with this.
It's a big mistake dragging your wife with you, making her leave her career behind. I wouldn't do it!" she tells him as she downed the drink she got from him. Vicky noticed how the drugs were kicking in. Maybe alcohol and medicine isn't that good of a combination.

She waved to her friends so they'd come to grab her. She didn't think that the medicine she got in the medical district would hit so hard with the alcohol.

„I should probably go. Don't do anything stupid man." she tapped his back as Ryan arms were wrapped around her to hold her up.


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