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Narrator POV

„Good thing I caught you before classes start."
Olsen walked up next to Vicky as she was heading off to her class.

„What do you need?" she asked her as she kept looking forward.

„16th February 1989, and our family dogs name was Fanny cause she always liked to lay in front of a fan especially during hot summer days." she says and that made Vicky look at her confused.

„I didn't ask for those information Olsen." Vicky tells her plainly.

„Yeah exactly. You didn't ask. Because we were so...occupied the other night. But it was standing in your file to gain a private information from me."
She says referring to the task she gave the class before they had their free day.
Vicky didn't seem to care to fail the task.
She was ready to fail this one miserably since they both were way to distracted to fuck each other in a bar bathroom.

„Olsen I honestly don't get your lesson sometimes." she huffs out as she walked into class first so she can walk in behind her.

„Good morning to you all. Let's get started I hope you had a pleasant day off. We gonna start where we left off and that was when I dismissed you with a task. Wilson. Please come to the front and give us a brief overview about your file."
She spoke up as she placed her bag down next to the table. She grabbed her chair and sat diagonally away from her desk so she can watch the students from the side.

„Okay ehm I had to gain informations from Ryan. He was my „target" if I can phrase it this way."

„Alright. How did you get your information and what are they about?" she asked  Wilson.

„The informations might be a bit silly but Ryan likes fishing. The biggest fish he caught was 87cm long. His favorite sports is ice hockey."

„Anything else?" Olsen asked.

„He had a golden retriever." she says unsure even though those were the right informations...and the only ones she got.

„Okay great you can sit back down. Thank you."
She took notes signing Wilson to sit back down.

„Ryan? What about you what did you have?"
Olsen called out for him and he got up to walk to the front.

„Gray is a nerd. He enjoys coding. He's into men. Sports isn't his strength, obviously. Besides that, he has two sister one younger and the other older than him. Oh and he has family roots coming from the Netherlands." he says quick sitting back down.

„Gray your turn." she says without raising her head from the papers she was writing down on.

„Wilson is not to mess with. She comes from a wealthy family. She's trained good with weapons their family went out to hunt whenever they had the time to do so. Her favorite color is sunset orange. She speaks four languages fluent and her other dream job option was to become an interpreter or as crazy as that might sound a surf teacher." He answered earning some laughs from students.

„Garcia you're up." Olsen calls out for Vicky now looking up from her paper as she eyes here up and down while walking to the desk.

„My target was Olsen." the students looked surprised. „I didn't get much information. Her birthday is on the 16th February 1989. They have a family dog named Fanny. The name Fanny comes from fan cause the dog enjoyed laying in front of it during the summer."

„Great. You can sit back down Garcia." she points her pen to Vicky's spot signing her to take a seat.

Time passes and as the last student announced the information they got, Olsen grabbed her chair and went back to her desk.

„Okay class so what do we learn now from this task?" she asked.

„That Gray is gay!" a student yells making Olsen raise a brow.

„Someone's sexual orientation shouldn't be bugging you. It's none of your business who he likes to do his business with. So if I hear one homophobic bullshit of a comment again I will throw you out of class and you will get a warning.
Do I make myself clear?" she spoke loudly earning a synchronized „CLEAR!" from everyone.

„Good. Now back to the question." she says while leaning against the desk.

„Informations are valid." Wilson says earning an agreeing nod from Olsen.

„Correct. But what about the informations you got? They are normal informations. Maybe some are more private then others but still. What's so special about them?" she asked.

„Maybe they can be used?" Ryan thinks aloud earning a nod from Olsen once again.

„Informations are the most valuable thing an agent can get."

„Even the name of my family dog Gray?" she asked and he nod.

„Yes! Sometimes all we need are the simplest informations. They can get us far. If I wouldn't be out about my sexuality then it would be shitty if it came out which just happened by Ryan saying it."

„So you think some informations can be used against someone?" she asked noticing how Vicky rarely pays attention to class.

„Definitely. Every information can be used to manipulate or control someone." Vicky glanced at Olsen and then at Gray.

„Some missions you will get are for observation. You will be undercover. Maybe even interrogating someone. That will happen soon to all of you.
But the point I was trying to make and what I wanted to teach you with this task is simple."
She paused for a moment.

„Informations can be a weapon. You just have to know how to earn them so you can use them to earn what you need."

„So are you supporting manipulating people with informations?" Wilson asked and Olsen shook her head.

„Partly yes and no. I don't want you to do that with friends and family or with your partner. This is for work purposes only. This job forces you to be cruel and brutal. If you are not you won't get far, kindness and foolishness can be the death of you. Or the death of others that are close to you."
Olsen explained carefully wanting the students to understand how important informations can be.

And this...this was exactly what Vicky was thinking about ever since she had that incident with Smith.
She can't shake this creepy feeling off that he might know something that could get her or maybe even others as well into deep trouble.


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