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Sunoo's POV

" 5 "

I was shocked and immediately turns my head to the person who just spoke.

" Are you ok? It seems that you have a problem, you've been sighing for like 5 times. " Jungwon worriedly said to me.

" I don't have a problem, i was just thinking something." I lied

" Come on hyung, I know that you have a problem, Don't you lie to me."

" Well, it's just that... Nevermind."

" Come on, you do know that I'm here right? And I'm always be here for you. "
I give him a small smile which he also gives me a smile.

A time later the bell rang and jungwon and I packs our things, as we are about to exit the classroom the teacher called out to me.

" Hey sunoo, can we talk for just a sec? " Mrs. Mo asks me.

I give Jungwon a look and tells him that i will just catch up to him.

" Sunoo, what happened? Back then you are excellent at my class, but now what happened? You are failing my class. "

" I'm sorry ma'am........ it's just that i couldn't study because I was working."

" You see sunoo, I know that it's hard but please, do you're best. You do know what will happen if you failed right?"

" Yes ma'am.... I will lose my scholarship."

" Good, ok now dismissed."

" Goodbye Ma'am."

She gives me a nod and exited the classroom i saw jungwon who was with Niki and they immediately go towards me.

" Hey hyung, are you ok?" Niki asks.

" Yeah, you've been like that since our first period." Jungwon adds.

" Yeah, just thinking something." I replied and walk pass by them to head to my next period.

Yes they're my best friends but i Don't want to worry them. I will just be a burden to them. They have already a personal problems and i don't want to be added to their own problem.


Hour pass by and it's now end of my last class and quickly packs my things because I will now start working now.
I immediately ran because my shift starts at 6 o'clock and my shift will end at 10 o'clock.

When i arrived at the convenience store i immediately wear my uniform and goes to the counter. I have someone with me who is also the same shift as me, her name is hanni who is also working part-time job, and we became friends.

" What is that?" She asks as i was doing my homework.

" Ohh, my homework."

"Its seems like you have something in mind."

" H-huh?" I asks confusedly.

" You've been sighing there for like 14 times already."

" Well i was just thinking." I said.

" Ohhh...kay...... Are you failing your class?" She asks while raising her right eyebrow at me.

I just sighed.... Again

" how could that happened? Like you're the most genius person who i met on my entire life."

" Well, I just missed a big project which take 80 percent of my grade."

" How could you missed it?, you literally have plenty of time."

" There's something more I'm bothered about....."

" What is it?" Hanni says giving her full attention to me.

" Well........ It started like 2 no 3 years ago when everytime i will go home after my work........ I feel like someone is following me or stalking me." I said while shivers runs down my spine.

" Wait, so you feel like someone is stalking you for 3 years and you didn't inform any of the authorities?"

" I want to but, they think I'm crazy and need help."

" That's right, but did you not tell any of your friends?" She asks.

" Well.... No, i don't want them to worry."

She just nods and continuing to asks me further questions about this 'stalker' i had.

" That's not all, while i was sleeping, i woke up and saw a tall man standing infront of me."

"Really?? Like a sleep paralysis??"

" I don't thinks so, it felt real, he once touch me on my face, and i could move but i didn't because I'm afraid that he will hurt me and my grandma." I said to her.

" Ohhhh, that's why you couldn't get enough sleep right?" She asks.

" Yeah, and sometimes i will not sleep because I'm afraid that he will hurt me and my grandma." I replied.

She pats my back and comforted me, we just kept bickering and yapping and stops if there's a customer who will enter.

Honestly I met her just 5 months ago, she just gives a happy and friendly vibes, that's why I chose to open up to her. Yeah i have 2 best friends who i can just tell my problems but i don't want to be a burden to them.

Parents of Jungwon are getting a divorce, Niki has a sick mother and needs an operation. If i said my problem to them I will just be added to their problems.


Hello that's all and I know it's boring and i promised the next chapters will be interesting.

Please support me, vote and comment, because it motivates me:p

Thank you for reading<33333

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