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Jake sat in the living room of his house, his worry evident as he continued to dial Sunoo's phone number. There was no response.

Sunoo had told Jake he was going out with Hanbin, but it was now midnight, and Sunoo still hadn't come home. Jake's anxiety rose as he dialed Sunoo's number for the tenth time.

"Come on, Sunoo, where are you?" he muttered under his breath, his hands shaking.

Jungwon suddenly appeared, his face etched with concern. "Hyung, did Sunoo come home yet?" he asked, worried, as Sunoo had promised they'd binge-watch some K-drama.

Jake glanced at his younger brother, who was standing in the doorway of the living room. "No, I tried calling him. He hasn’t responded even after ten tries."

Jungwon's eyes widened in alarm. "What if Sunghoon..."

But before he could finish, Jake interrupted him. "Come on! Let's go to Sunghoon's place," he said, abruptly getting up. "Let's go, hurry!"

Jake and Jungwon arrived at Sunghoon's mansion, their urgency palpable. As they approached the front door, Heeseung and Jay stepped out, their faces reflecting surprise and concern.

"Jake? What's going on?" Heeseung asked, noticing the frantic look on Jake's face.

"Sunoo's missing!" Jake shouted, his voice breaking with worry. "Where is he, Sunghoon? Did you take him?"

Sunghoon, who had been sitting in the living room, stood up abruptly, his expression shifting from confusion to alarm. "What? No, I didn't take him! I don't know where he is!"

Heeseung and Jay exchanged worried glances. "Jake, Sunghoon has been here the whole time," Jay said, trying to calm the situation. "We’ve been with him all night."

"But you know how obsessed he is with Sunoo!" Jake retorted, his voice rising. "What if he found a way to slip out and take him?"

Heeseung stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Jake's shoulder. "Jake, I promise you, Sunghoon hasn’t left the house. We’ve been monitoring him closely. He’s been here with us."

Sunghoon’s eyes filled with a mixture of frustration and sadness. "I swear, Jake, I haven’t done anything. I wouldn’t hurt Sunoo again. I know I’ve made mistakes, but I didn’t take him."

Jake’s anger wavered as he looked at Heeseung, Jay, and Sunghoon. The sincerity in their eyes was undeniable. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.

"Then where is he?" Jake whispered, his voice filled with despair.

Heeseung and Jay exchanged another glance, their worry deepening. "We’ll help you find him, Jake," Heeseung said firmly. "We’ll search everywhere, contact everyone we can. We’ll find Sunoo."


Sunoo found himself blindfolded in a dark, unfamiliar room. His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled against the ropes binding him. His voice cracked with desperation. "Help! Please, someone help me!"

A sinister laugh echoed through the room, sending chills down his spine. "You finally figured it out, huh?" Hanbin's voice dripped with malice. "Took you long enough."

"Hanbin... why are you doing this?" Sunoo's voice wavered, filled with fear and confusion.

Sunoo felt a sharp, throbbing pain in his back, a cruel reminder of Hanbin's betrayal. The memory of being stabbed before losing consciousness flooded back, intensifying his fear and confusion.

OBSESSION (sunsun au)Where stories live. Discover now