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They had tried calling both of their phones multiple times, but there was no answer.
Jake, Heeseung, and Jay had arrived at the hospital earlier in the day and had immediately questioned Hanbin.

He had recounted the same story: Sunghoon had attacked him, called Sunoo a cheater, and dragged Sunoo away. Hanbin's parents had arrived later, taking over his care, which allowed the boys to focus on finding their missing friends.

As the evening wore on, the five boys decided to head home. Exhaustion and anxiety were evident in their every step. They knew the only way to find Sunghoon and Sunoo was if Sunghoon made a move or revealed their location.

Heeseung and Jay, who had known Sunghoon since childhood, were at a loss. They never imagined Sunghoon could act so irrationally, and they had no idea where he might have taken Sunoo.

Jake, Niki, and Jungwon were visibly distressed, their anxiety growing with each passing hour. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming, and by the end of the night, they were all engulfed by their worries.

"Where could he have gone?" Jake muttered, pacing the living room of their shared apartment.

"I wish I knew," Heeseung replied, rubbing his temples. "Sunghoon isn't thinking clearly. We need to consider places that hold some significance to him."

Jay nodded in agreement. "He might have gone somewhere he feels safe or familiar. But he hasn’t been himself lately. This behavior is completely out of character."

Niki, sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, spoke up. "What if Sunghoon doesn’t come out? What if something happens to Sunoo? We need to do something more."

Jungwon, trying to stay calm, added, "We need to keep trying to reach them and think about any places Sunghoon might go. We can't give up."

As the boys discussed their next steps, the weight of the situation hung heavily over them. They knew they couldn't rest until Sunghoon and Sunoo were found and safe. The night seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment filled with a mix of fear, frustration, and hope.


In the dimly lit hospital room, Hanbin lay on the bed, the hum of medical equipment providing a steady background noise. He glanced at his phone, the screen illuminating his smirk. With a quick tap, he dialed Wonyoung's number and waited for her to pick up.

After a few rings, Wonyoung's voice came through, smooth and satisfied. "Hanbin, how are you holding up?"

Hanbin chuckled, adjusting his position on the bed. "I'm doing just fine. Everything went according to plan."

Wonyoung's laughter echoed through the phone, a sound of pure delight. "You played your part perfectly. You let the beast out of him."

Hanbin's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "The panic and confusion have everyone running in circles."

On the other end of the line, Wonyoung leaned back in her chair, an evil smirk playing on her lips. She picked up a glass of wine, swirling it thoughtfully. "Excellent. Let them worry. Let them scramble. I think you don't need to kill Sunoo because I think Sunghoon might kill him." She laughed.

Hanbin's grin widened. "Yeah, that's true." He chuckled, "What's next?"

Wonyoung took a sip of her wine, savoring the moment. "For now, we wait and watch. Let the pieces fall exactly where we want them to. You've done well, Hanbin."

As the call ended, Wonyoung chuckled to herself, her smirk growing more sinister. She set down her glass, the wine catching the light in a way that made it look almost like blood. The night was young, and their plan was just beginning to unfold.

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