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When i heard the gunshot i was freaking traumatize, I've never heard a gunshot in my 19 years living on this earth.

I was sobbing while running,Omg I'm gonna die.

As i was about to get caught..

A pair of hands suddenly grabbed me.


It was niki......

" N-Niki? What are you do-"

" Later hyung I will explain later." Niki said cutting me off.

He grabbed my left hand and we ran through the hallways outrunning the guards.

We ran, ran, and ran.

We eventually reach a balcony that is not so high above the ground.

" We're not gonna jump there, are we?" I worriedly asks.

" We have no choice hyung." Niki said.

Seeing the guards are about to catch us, I closed my eye, hold Niki's hand, and eventually we jumped down, although the balcony is not high above the ground, it is painful.

We recovered from the jump, and ran towards the high wall, while running i heard a shout.....

" KIM SUNOOOOO!!!!!!!!" i turned around to see sunghoon from the balcony screamed my name, his face covered with Anger and rage.

" Come one hyung let's go!" Niki said grabbing my hands.

We reached the wall, Niki helped me climbed up and after i got to the other side he climbed up after me.

" We're not finished hyung, let's go." Niki said to me while catching my breath.

We ran AGAIN to the forest God this is pain in the ass, we eventually reached a road that has a car parked to it. We entered the car and after we entered the car there was a gunshot.

" OH MAY FUCKING GOD, NIKI DRIVE!!!!!" i said to him panicking.

He drived and there was a two fucking car chasing us firing a bullet at our car.

" Hyung, get down." He said to me before grabbing a gun from the drawer of the car and firing at the chasing cars.

" OH MAY GOD, YOU HAVE A FUCKING GUN? " Niki didn't respond but he just continued to shoot at the chasing cars and driving.

The whole drive was traumatizing niki and  the other car are both firing at each other.
While me is fucking crouching down on my seat trying not to get shot.

Niki successfully killed the driver of the other resulting it to crash at the side of the road, meanwhile the other car are also shot down by niki. Gosh, this kid are really something.

After the commotion we stopped at the side of the road.

" Hyung, It's ok now, it's over." I was still trembling and traumatize from the sudden attack.

I didn't respond to niki, i want to speak but  there are no words that came out of my mouth, I was just shaking and trembling.

" Hyung, it's okay now." Niki said engulfing me into a hug.

I burst out crying in his hug and said....

" I thought i was gonna die."

" It's ok now hyung, I'm so sorry."

" You're such a jerk!"


He continued to drive and we eventually arrive at Niki's apartment.

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