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Sunoo was never been happier seeing his grandma laughing, well he always see his grandma laughing but now it's different...

It's genuine.....

Well..... i bet you're asking why sunoo's grandma is laughing?

Take a guess.....

It was because of......


Funny right? The first impression of sunoo to sunghoon is ruthless, rude, cold and dark attitude. Considering that 'what park sunghoon wants, he gets.'

Well he thought wrong......

Or so he thought.......

" Yah, is this park sunghoon?" Jungwon whispered to niki and jake.

" I don't know..... He's different today." Niki mumbled.

" Yeah, did he slip and hit his head to the floor?" Jake replied.

" Well... It  didn't happened but.... I wish that happened." Jungwon said.

Of course sunghoon heard all of there whispers and glared at the three who upon noticing sunghoon staring pretend that they're doing something.

Sunoo on the other hand was holding his laugh, he saw how sunghoon was rolling his eyes at jungwon, niki, and jake and giving then the 'look'.

" Aigoo, you're so funny Hahaha." Sunoo's Grandma was laughing at sunghoon's silly dad jokes.

" Am i? " Sunghoon ask.

" Of course, you should be a comedian." Sunghoon just chuckled, unbeknownst to sunoo's grandma sunghoon was the biggest business man in korea and was the richest man alive.

" Did you know that if i eat mi-so soup i will become happy because it make MI-SO happy." Sunghoon said and again the two laughs.

Sunoo upon hearing this made a look to his  Three friends who was already looking at him with a judgemental  and disgusted face.


Sunoo's pov

Oh may gawdd, i can't believe i survive that 2 hours with him at the hospital. His jokes are so 'corny' and too 'cheesy' i couldn't help but cringe at the spot.

Actually i was the one alone should visit my grandma but this pathetic lunatic insisted that i should go alone.

He has his reasons he said...

" What do you want for lunch?" Sunghoon asked turning his attention to me and back into his driving.

" W-Well... i don't know."

" Do you want to go to the mall? Let's eat there and after that let's buy you some stuffs."

" O-ok." I replied.

" Are you okay?" He suddenly asked.

" Y-yeah, why did you ask?"

" I noticed that you're dozing off."

" I-im fine just thinking about my grandma." Finally a tear had escaped my eyes.

" Hey, it's okay, she will be fine, just think that she will be no more in pain anymore." He said before taking my left hand and rubbing it.

God his touch cold.... Yet comforting....

I might die.

I just nodded and smile at him which he also smiled at the younger.

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