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" Here, take your medicine grandma." the younger said to his grandma who is lying down. His grandma weakly positioned herself in a sitting manner. She looks at sunoo confusedly.

" Who are you? Why are you here?" She  Frantically ask the younger, the panic in her voice was evident.

Sunoo, upon hearing this cause him to hold back his tears he knows her grandma's disease was worsening each days past by.

He signed deeply and smiled, he holds her hand and looks at her grandma who looks at him confusedly.

" I'm your grandson, kim sunoo. The one that you found infront of your door." He politely answered hiding the fact that anytime soon he could breakdown into tears.

" Oh, sunoo is that you?" She finally remembered and caressing his cheeks.

" Yes grandma, it's me." He said his voice is evidently cracking but he bite his lips to suppress his emotions.

" Here, take your medicine." The younger said as he handed the medicine and the water bottle to his grandma.

She quickly complied and minutes after she fell asleep. The latter was staring at his grandma in am expressionless face, he finally broke down into tears. He put his hand onto his mouth to cover up his crying.

He wanted to save his grandma but it's impossible, her disease has worsen and it's to late. The tumor has now became incurable.

Sunoo blamed himself for his grandma's disease.... He blamed himself because he didn't notice that his grandma was suffering. He blamed if himself for her situation.... He felt useless.... A bad grandson....

Suddenly, someone knocks at the door and this causes sunoo to quickly wipe his eyes and nose.

Someone has entered the room and it was the doctor.

" Good evening mr. Kim." The doctor greeted sunoo with a smile which the younger smiled back standing from his sit.

" Good evening too dr. Hong, is there any difference in the results?" The latter asked, still not giving up.

" Sadly, there is none... The results are the same..... The tumor in her head is expanding, this causes her to sometimes forgot certain things. I'm sorry to say this but....... She will be gone in the next 2-3 days." Upon hearing this, the younger burst into tears.

How could this happened? His grandma is his life, she is the one who raised him, feed him, protected him, and takes care of him whenever he is sick.

He can't afford to lose his grandmother, she loves him so much.... Even though he is not her biological grandson. She loves sunoo like one.



I arrived at the hospital and i immediately head to the room where sunoo is. I couldn't help my excitement so i walk faster.

I just missed him so much.

When i arrived at the room i knocked and entered. there, i saw my foxie sleeping his head leaning onto the bed, where sunoo's grandma is sleeping.

A smile crept onto my face upon seeing my cute little fox, his just so beautiful.

I walk towards him and bend in to his level, i caresses his hair removing the hair that was covering up his forehead. His sleeping face was ethereal, i admired his facial features for a good 1 minutes.

My gaze was captured by his plump lips, i gulped, controling myself from kissing him. I caressed his cheeks then his plump lips.

I can feel my heart is pounding right into my chest, it's like gonna explode in any second. I can feel something in my stomach..... Butterflies.

I slowly leaned in, planning to kiss him. When suddenly his eyes opened up.

He immediately leaned his head back from the shocked on seeing my handsome face-

" H-hyung, when did you get here?" He innocently asked but i ignored him and just stared right into his eyes.

" Can i kiss you?"

" H-huh? N-not h-ere." He stuttered, i left a chuckle at his cuteness.

" Nevermind." I pinched his cheeks which he clasped where i pinched the area.

" Ouchhh! Not my cheeks."  He then pouted, i left a laugh at his cuteness. I noticed his eyes are red and puffy.

' so you cried.' i thought to myself.

" Why did you cry?" I worriedly ask. He then fixes himself, i grabbed a chair and sat across sunoo.

" Why did you cry?" I asked again in a worried tone, i noticed that he is not looking at me, instead his head is looking down hiding his face.

" N-no, i didn't." He lied.

" I know your lying."

He looks up and saw the tears that starting to build up into his eyes. He finally cried, i came closer to him and hugged him.

" Shhh, it's okay my love, go ahead and cry."

" I-i D-Don't w-want t-to lose my g-grandma." He said releasing a hiccups while talking.

" I'm here my love." I mumbled rubbing my right hand onto his back.

We hugged each other until sunoo has stopped crying, seeing him cry makes my heart shatter into pieces.

It also reminds me of my mother.....

" Feeling better?" I asked at him as we broked the hug.

" Y-yes, thank you hyung." He finally smiled which made me crept a smile too.

" Here, i know it's your favorite." I said as i was handing him the tub of mint chocolate ice cream that i bought for him.

Immediately the smile grew larger on his face.

" Omggg, thank you hyung. You're the best."  He said as he took the tub of ice cream from my hands. I handed him the plastic spoon.

" Mmmm, it's delicious, you want some?" He asked, although mint choco disgust me for him I'll do it.

Sunoo then offered me the spoon with ice cream, so i took a bite.

I wanted to throw up.....

He then smiled at me, and kissed me on my cheeks.

I looked at him with widened eyes.

" Did you just?" I questioned him and he just shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his ice cream.

I like his sassiness.



Happy sunoo's month everyone<3333

Hi guys!!!

I just want to say that thank you for 2k reads🤧🤧🤧

Im literally crying rn

Tysmmmmmm for reading and i hope you love this chapter<33333

Ilygsmmmmm and I'm sorry if there's typos and grammatical mistakes that's cuz English is not my first language so bare with me 🙏🙏

Have a Good Day and night ilysmmmm

Stay safe, fresh, and healthy<3333

Should i add a smut?

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