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Hanni and I just doing our job while spilling some juicy tea and bickering around. Honestly I love her she's just soooo kind and funny person. We spent our time just laughing to each others joke and we will shut the fuck up when there's a customer.

The bell rang indicating someone has just entered the convenience store.

" Hello sir, good evening and welcome." I said bowing to the man who just entered.

'strange he seems so familiar......'
I thought to myself.

When the man is finished grabbing some things, he then went to the counter which where i was.

While i was checking his items i noticed that he was staring at me, but not just any kind of stare...... Strange.

He also kinda No very handsome i think he's in his 20s.

Because of his stare i fasten checking his items.

" Sir, the total will be 5000 won." I informed the man.

" Here."

" Here's your change sir, thank you and come again." I said bowing to the man, then i give a plastic bag which where his items is in.

Then he left.

So strange..... I think i know that man........

Then I look at hanni who was giving me a nasty look.

" What???"

" Do you know that man?" She asks.

" No, He is familiar though, i think I know him but at the same time i Don't know either."

" Ohh..kay, but do you notice his staring at you?"

" Yeah, i noticed it two." I said trying to remember where i saw the man.

Time passed by and it was now time to leave because beomgyu and soobin who are also my friends from this job, arrived for their shift.

" Hey sunoo, want me to walk you home?" Hanni asks me.

" Uhhhhh, No thanks it's a 10 minute walk from here, so I'm okay."

" You sure?"

" Yeah"

" Ok bye, be careful." She said waving to me.

" You too."

Honestly I want to be accompanied by her, but What if my stalker did something? It will not be good for both of us, I might drag her into a not good situation.

As i was walking and listening to music......

There its is again........ The feeling.

I just ignored the fact that i was being followed by someone.

I just walk faster and faster eventually reaching a crowded place which i sighed in relief.

I reach our apartment and entered inside.

" Grandma!!! I'm here!!!!" I yelled out so she can be informed that i was now home.

" Ohh, you're here, did you eat dinner?"

" Nope."

" Aishh, you stubborn kid, i told you to eat your dinner, eat now i cooked your favorite ttoekbokki."

" Really??? Omggg I love you grandma." I jumped in happiness and hugging her.

I was currently eating and munching happily when i noticed that there's a paper in a table.

Ahhhh i remember it was our due date today for our rent in the apartment. I finished eating and went to the living room where grandma was watching tv.

" Grandma, here." I gives her the money that i saved.

" No, that's yours keep it you need it more."

" No, grandma it's yours, it's my way to thank you for what you done to me."

" You're really a stubborn kid, i have my savings." She said and giving me back the money.

i insisted that she keep it, but as always she always win and scolds me but in a good way.

" Grandma, i have something to tell you."
I said and sitting beside her.

" What is it son?"

"I-I-uhhh....... I'm losing my scholarship, I'm sorry, i failed you." I said before bursting into tears.

" NO! you never failed me son, And so what if you lose your scholarship? We will find a way." She said pulling me into a hug.

"  I think that i will drop out and i will start working since i finished my senior year."

" Please, don't do that, I will find a way ok? Grandma will find a way." She said while hugging me.

Sometimes I don't know if I'm the one being a stubborn or if it was her because she keeps rejecting the money that i will give her and insisting that i will drop out.

After that i went to bed and takes a shower before i will finished my other homeworks and reviewing for our quiz tomorrow.

It was now 1 o'clock in the morning and i just finished my last assignment and reviewing, and i decided to go to sleep.

My body drifted into a sleep............

But then...........

I had a feeling someone was caressing my cheeks.

' fuck here we go again'  i thought to myself and pretending to sleep

" You'll be mine."

That's the sentence i heard as i was pretending to sleep, then i feel that he left my room and I sighed in relief.


Hello again, I know it's a bit boring but we're just heading to the juicy part.

I promise the next chapters will be interesting.

Should i make this 15 or 20 chapters?

Also i will be adding some ships like
Jaywon and heejake.

That's all and thank you for reading

Have a good day/night!

Please consider voting and support me because it motivates me alot.

One supporter is enough for me as long as you are happy 😊😊😊 lav yah all<333

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