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Sunoo lay in a hospital bed, his face peaceful in sleep, a stark contrast to the turmoil he'd recently endured. Jake sat on one side, his expression a mix of worry and relief, while Heeseung sat on the other, guilt evident in his eyes.

Heeseung broke the silence, his voice soft and remorseful. "Jake, I'm so sorry. I should have done more, should have told you everything sooner."

Jake looked at him, his anger softened by the exhaustion of the past days. "It's okay, Heeseung. What's important is that Sunoo is safe now."

As they talked quietly, Heeseung hesitated before asking, "Are you going to tell Sunoo about Sunghoon’s condition?"

Jake opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by a faint groan from the bed. Both men turned to see Sunoo stirring, his eyes fluttering open.

"Sunoo," Jake said gently, leaning closer. "You're awake. How do you feel?"

Sunoo blinked, disoriented but relieved to see familiar faces. "Where... where is Sunghoon?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

"We’re taking care of him," Heeseung assured him, trying to sound as comforting as possible.

Sunoo's brow furrowed as he recalled the past days. "Why did he act that way? Why did he hurt me?"

Heeseung glanced at Jake, who took a deep breath and said, "Heeseung told us that Sunghoon has trouble controlling his emotions and impulsivity. He... he can’t always control what he does or says."

Sunoo looked between them, trying to process the information. "Is it... is it something he can get help for?"

Heeseung nodded. "Yes, with the right treatment and support, he can learn to manage it better. We're going to make sure he gets the help he needs."

Sunoo’s eyes filled with a mix of confusion and sadness. "I just want him to be okay. I want us all to be okay."

Jake squeezed Sunoo’s hand gently. "We will be, Sunoo. It’s going to take time, but we’ll get through this together."

Heeseung added, "We’re here for you, Sunoo. All of us. And we’ll make sure Sunghoon gets the care he needs."

Sunoo nodded slowly, still grappling with his emotions but finding comfort in the presence of his friends.


It's been three days since everything changed. Sunoo now lived with his Jake hyung, away from Sunghoon. In the aftermath of the chaos, he hadn't seen or spoken to Sunghoon. The silence between them was deafening.

He tried to talk to Heeseung about Sunghoon, but the older simply told him that Sunghoon was not in a good condition. That was all Sunoo got. No further details, no assurances. Just silence.

Even though Jake and Heeseung had explained that Sunghoon had a problem, Sunoo felt it was more than that. There was something deeper. He remembered the fear in Sunghoon's eyes during their last encounter.

Was it obsession? Was it fear of abandonment? Sunoo couldn't be sure.

He loved Sunghoon deeply. That love made the betrayal and violence even more confusing. Sunghoon had promised never to hurt him, yet here he was, grappling with the painful reality of those broken promises.

Sunoo's thoughts were a tangled mess of confusion and heartbreak. He longed for answers, for some way to make sense of everything. But all he had were questions and the hope that, somehow, Sunghoon could find his way back to the person Sunoo had fallen in love with.

OBSESSION (sunsun au)Where stories live. Discover now