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The whole dinner was okay..... The only problem is that I'm uncomfortable, you know why? It's because of that sexually fraustrated pedophilic old man. He was gazing me like a creep.....

And smiling.... Like an idiot.

" We will leave now.... Thank you for the food." Jake hyung thank the three older men.

As we are getting up from our sit, suddenly sunghoon holds my wrist tight enough for me to flinched.

" What the fuck? Get your hands off to sunoo?" Jungwon said.

" Hands off!" Niki adds and was about to go forward to attack sunghoon but stopped by heeseung and jay.

" Hey! Easy, he will not harm him." Jay exclaimed.

" Get off me!!" Niki said trying to budge off the hold of the two men.

" I just wanna talk to him... Alone." Sunghoon said looking at me.

His face was full of gentleness, care, and....


" Don't worry sunghoon will not do anything to sunoo, we promise you." Jay reassured niki, Jungwon, and jake hyung.

I agreed to talk to him alone.... I don't know why but..... I guess this will end if i know what he wants? Also i think this is the only way to end it all.

I already talked to jungwon, niki, and jake hyung and at first they did not approve but i reassured them that i will be okay..... They just sighed in defeat.

After a while my three friends leave already, i just stand there looking at the moving car.... Not a while later i can't see the car anymore and i flinched when i felt a cold hands at my arms.

" Let's go inside now it's getting cold you might get sick." Sunghoon said which made me look into his eyes.....

His beautiful charming black eyes are captivating....

Omg why was i thinking that?

We both get inside and sat at the couch, i was facing me which made me very uneasy because his gaze is intimidating.

" W-What d-o yo-u w-want ?" I mentally smacked myself when i stuttered, gosh his stare is scary.

" You." I looked at him confusingly.

" M-me??? L-li-ke m-m-my b-b-b-body?" I again i stuttered because i was schoked.

" it's not like that, but i would love your body." He chuckled and getting up from his sit and walking towards me.

As he was walking towards me i averted my eyes to my clasped hands, when sunghoon grabbed my chin with his right hand and leaned towards my face.

" I was just kidding, i just want to be with you, love.... Forever." He said to me looking straight into my eyes.

I can feel my heart pounding, it's like my chest is gonna burst open... And why do i felt something in my stomach? Oh may god i think I'm gonna die.

I want to say something but i couldn't open my mouth, i was to flabbergasted and shocked at the same time.

" I would give everything for you sunoo my love, money, luxurious Things, a mansion, anything sunoo, just stay with me." He whispered.

" Why would i want to stay with a monster?" I hardly said looking directly to his eyes.

" Tsk, tsk, tsk you can call me anything you want a monster, son of the devil, demon, killer, everything i don't care anymore."

" Why are you doing this?"

" Because i love you."

" It's not love! It's your obsession!"

" That's right love, I'm obsessed." He said in a serious tone.

" Now choose.... Stay here with me and i will give you everything or refuse but i will make your life a living.... Hell." He adds whispering the last word.

" Fine, i will stay here with you but..... At least let me spend some time with my grandma..... I want to be with her until her last moments....." I mumbled as a tear escaped my eyes.

" Shhhhh, it's okay. And of course i will let you." Sunghoon said embracing me into a hug.

I burst into tears upon remembering my grandma, she was the one all i have. I can't bare to lose her....

Sunghoon was hugging me all the time, i don't why but i find comfort into the hug.

I can feel his heart is beating so fast and i bet he can feel mine as well.

We broke into the hug and sunghoon looked at my lips then at my eyes.

" Can i kiss you sunoo?"

As i looked into sunghoon's eyes....
It was sparkling with love and care.

His gaze was hipnotizing.... And without a second thought i nodded.

Then he leaned closer and carefully claimed my lips, the kiss was passionate and gentle.

I opened my mouth and his tongue immediately entered my mouth, his tongue swirl into mine, exploring the inside.

I returned the kiss and started to swirl my tongue into his mouth. We both moaned because of the pleasure, his hand traveled down into my waist and gripping it hard which made me moaned even more.

After making out for 5 minutes straight we broke the kiss because we started to lose air.

" Let's sleep now love." He said before carrying me into a bridal style.

I felt my face is turning red, and i wrapped my arms around his nape for support.

Why am i feeling this?



I'm sorry if i not updated this past days because i was super busy with school works.

It turns out it was just our pre test today and our exam is next week😭😭😭😭😭

Don't worry I'll try to update if i have time. And I'm sorry if there's typos and grammatical mistakes that's cuz English is not my first language.

Thankyou for your support and reading this chapter 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊

Ilymmmmmm<33333 have a good day and night ilysmmmm

Stay healthy, drink water and eat everything you want, k?

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