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Jake was restless, unable to sleep peacefully even in Heeseung's spacious bedroom. He tossed and turned, thoughts of Sunoo's safety haunting his every dream.

Just as he managed to drift off, his phone buzzed loudly on the nightstand, jolting him awake.

He grabbed it, squinting at the screen in the dim light. Sunoo's name flashed on the display.

"Sunoo?" Jake answered, his voice a mix of surprise and hope.

"Hyung, I don’t know where I am. I’m in some villa, but I can’t describe it well. Sunghoon is with me, and I can’t escape," Sunoo's voice trembled.

"Hold on, Sunoo. Just keep talking to me," Jake urged, trying to keep his voice calm despite the panic rising within him. "We’ll figure out where you are."

Before Sunoo could continue, Jake heard a door creak open on the other end of the line.

"You sly little fox," Sunghoon's menacing voice interrupted. "Did you think you could trick me?"

The line went dead. Jake’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared at his phone, the silence deafening. Without wasting another second, he threw on a shirt and rushed out of the bedroom.

He found Jungwon, Jay, Niki, and Heeseung in the living room, their faces etched with worry and exhaustion. They looked up as Jake burst in.

"Sunoo called me," Jake announced breathlessly. "He’s in some villa, but Sunghoon found out. We need to track the call."

Heeseung nodded, his expression grim. "I'll have my men start tracking the call immediately. We don’t have a moment to lose."

Heeseung pulled out his phone and made a quick call, instructing his security team to trace the location of the last call made to Jake’s phone. The atmosphere was tense, every second feeling like an eternity.

As Heeseung's men worked, the group huddled together, each lost in their thoughts and prayers for Sunoo's safety. Jake’s mind raced, replaying the call over and over, trying to glean any additional details from Sunoo’s brief words.

"We’ll find him," Heeseung said firmly, breaking the heavy silence. "And we’ll bring him back safely."

Jake nodded, his resolve hardening. They couldn’t afford to fail.


⚠️ Mature content ⚠️ violence ⚠️
If you're under 18 then you can skip this part!🔞🔞

Sunoo's heart pounded as Sunghoon dragged him down the dimly lit hallway of the villa. He struggled to keep up, his legs weak and trembling with fear. They reached the basement door, and Sunghoon threw it open with a force that made it slam against the wall.

He yanked Sunoo down the stairs, not caring if he stumbled.

In the cold, dark basement, Sunghoon shoved Sunoo against the wall, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think you can betray me?" he hissed. "You think you can call for help and I'll just let you go?"

Sunoo tried to speak, but fear had stolen his voice. He could only shake his head, tears streaming down his face. Sunghoon's expression twisted into something darker, more menacing.

"You need to learn your place," Sunghoon growled. Without warning, he slapped Sunoo hard across the face. The impact sent Sunoo reeling, his cheek stinging with pain.

Before he could recover, Sunghoon's fist connected with his stomach. Sunoo doubled over, gasping for breath, the pain radiating through his body.

"I trusted you, Sunoo," Sunghoon continued, his voice a dangerous whisper. "And you betrayed me."

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