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" Why did you left me grandma?" Sunoo cried out hugging the picture frame of his grandma whilst looking at the coffin where  the lifeless body of his beloved grandma lies.

The six boys saw sunoo's sorrows, it made their heart bleed to see sunoo in such a state specially sunghoon. He saw himself in sunoo. when his mother's dies, he cried like sunoo too. He knows the feeling of losing a loved one, especially if it's the person who only loved you and only you.

Sunoo looked to the coffin being dragged down into the pit whilst in tears. He broke down on sunghoon arms, the older just let him be.


It's been 4 days and sunoo is still not okay, he isolated himself on his bedroom( in sunghoon's mansion btw)

" Don't cry my beautiful son."

" Let sunghoon and your friends take care of you."

" Don't be sad, just keep in mind that i will be no longer in pain."

" Remember that i will be here with you always."

" I love you, my most beautiful son."

Sunoo again broke down into tears remembering his grandma's last words. He hugged his knees tightly whilst sitting on his comfortable bed.

Still reminiscing the time his grandmother is alive and remembering their happy time, jokes, and laughter together.



" He still doesn't eat anything." I sighed disappointly.

" Really? No water? No food?" Heeseung ask which i nodded my head.

" Damn, you really need to convince him or he will get sick." Jay said.

" I tried, i tried everything. Giving his favorite mint choco and tteokbokki but he will cry harder, i think it's reminding him of his grandmother." I exclaimed.

" You're the one who can help him. you're in his place in the past, try to cheer him up or try to do funny things or spend some time with him." Heeseung said in a suggestive manner.

" I tried but he said he want to be alone for a while... But okay I'll do that.... For my love." I said as i clenched the glass of liquor.

" Nice, but please have patience on him. Don't lose yourself." Jay seriously replied.

" That's right, control your emotions and stay in control." Heeseung said emphasising each and every word.

" Yeah..." I said nodding.

" But are you sure that you don't need a psychiatrist or a psychologist?" Heeseung asked.

" I'm sure, as long as sunoo's with me and mine." I answered in a serious tone.

" Ok, but don't be harsh on him." I nodded.

I don't need anything, all i need is sunoo. Seeing him made my heart flutter and soft, his beautiful sparkly foxy eyes made my heart soft. When i looked at his eyes, all i can see is happiness but we all know eyes never lie.

He filled the void in my heart, when i first saw him i knew that he was the one... I knew that i fell inlove with him.

His  small waist, beautiful foxy eyes, fare skin, and plump lips made me want to keep him forever under my care.

His mine and ONLY mine.

If anyone hurts sunoo I'll hurt them too.

I'll do everything for him. Even if that cost the world and my life. If anyone dares to snatch away sunoo from me.....

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