1. Daryl and Beth and the boy named Rudy

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A young boy had stumbled upon a vegetable garden. It was weird that most of the vegetables were still in great shape, but the boy wasn't an idiot, if there was a garden this taken care of, well, there must be a person around.

His parents had warned him from a young age about stranger danger, but he hasn't seen another human being in a long time, ever since his parents got torn apart right in front of him.

He was excited about meeting another person. Maybe he could ask for some vegetables instead of stealing them like he planned to.

A few feet away from the vegetable garden was a small Beautiful looking house. It looked like someone's been cleaning it and keeping it nice.

The boy felt nervous and anxious as he walked over to the house.

He hoped this person was good. He didn't want the first person he met to be some evil person who wanted to eat him like in Hansel and gretel.

The boy stood in front of the door, and he raised his hand, slowly knocking.

"Um.. hello? Is anyone there?" The door creaked open slowly, and the boy nervously chuckled.

"Just the wind," he said to himself before pushing the door more open, and he walked inside.

"I'm coming in!" He announced, hoping the person wouldn't shoot him for entering.

The boy jumped a little as a sudden bang came from down the hallway.

The boy slowly walked further into the house and down the hallway. The floorboards creaked underneath his weight.

He stopped in front of a door, and there was writing on it, smeared with dry blood.

"...locked myself in. I got bit, but I couldn't kill myself. Whoever is reading this. put me out of my misery." The boy read out loud.

The boy sighs. What was he expecting? All he's ever encountered was the dead, but still, he had hoped that there were still people out there.

He reached for the doorknob, but he pulled his hand back, letting it drop back to his side.

"Sorry." The boy whispered, shaking his head before he walked out of the house.

It was getting dark, and he should head back. He didn't want to stay in a house that had a dead person in the basement.

He could've killed it, but he couldn't. He killed the dead before, not many, only a few, but he was playing it safe.

He put a trip wire or something, made the dead trip, and he'll stab them in the head.

That's what his parents told him if he ever saw one of the dead. To either shoot or stab them in the head, it was the only way they wouldn't get back up.

They also told him to avoid them as much as possible, which he did. He didn't encounter one of the dead unless he needed to.

It's how he's been staying alive since his parents died.

The boy had stolen a few carrots before heading off.

He walked through the woods, the heat slowly disappearing. just a little as the night came.

He paused as he heard shattering in a distance. He could've ignored it, but curiosity won the better of him.

He followed the sound of the shattering before walking out of the woods.

His eyes widened as he saw a fire, but then he noticed the two figures standing a few feet away from him.

They had their middle fingers raised towards the fire.

People. It was people.

The boy stood behind them, eating his carrot as he stared at them.

He wondered why they flicked off a fire. He thought it was weird, but he'll keep that to himself.

The two people turned around, only to freeze as they spotted the young boy.

The young boy smiled as they noticed him, and he lifted his hand and waved.

"Hi...carrot?" He offered, pulling out two carrots from his bag.

"Are you alone? Is anyone else with ya?" The man questioned, glancing around.

The young boy glanced around, "Uh, no? Just you two."

"Daryl, walkers." The girl next to the man known as daryl said, seeing walkers coming out from the woods as they saw the fire.

"Come on, move." Daryl demand, pushing the boy a little.

The boy didn't need to be told twice. He followed daryl, and he couldn't help but notice the girl.

She was older, way older than him, but he still thought she was pretty.

As he was looking at the girl, he didn't notice the tree in front of him, and he smacked right into it.

He fell back on the ground, his nose bleeding.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked, her face appearing above him, and he smiled at her.

"Are you an angel?"

The girl chuckled ," 'think he's fine, daryl."

The young boy sat up before standing up,

"Keep ya eyes in front of you, kid." Daryl told him with a pointed glare.

The young boy nodded, "I will."

The three of them walked now. It was silent for a couple of minutes.

"I'm Beth, and that's daryl." The girl introduced with a kind smile.

"Rudy." The young boy introduced himself, feeling his cheeks heat up. He never had a girl smile at him before.

"How long have you been alone, Rudy?" Beth questioned, walking beside him as Daryl walked ahead of them, but he was listening to the conversation.

"Uh... almost a year, I think. My parents got torn apart a couple of months into this whole "the dead walk" thing, so, yeah, I think almost a year," Rudy replied

"How long have you guys been out here?" He asked

"Not that long. We had a group, but we got separated from them. We're trying to find them, you should come with us." Beth told him,

Rudy looked at her in surprise, "Are you serious? I can come with you?"

Beth nodded, "Yeah, right, Daryl?"

Daryl glanced back, seeing Beth and Rudy looking at him. He just huffed and looked away from them.

"That means yes in caveman." Beth told Rudy with a small grin, and Rudy cracked his own grin.

"Count me in."


1036 words

First chapter!


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