36. The dead don't grant mercy

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Jadis stumbled towards a vehicle that belonged to the CRM left behind by soldiers that now joined the dead following behind her.

She let out a shout as a body collided with hers, sending her towards the ground with a loud yell as her injured shoulder smacked against the pavement.

She was turned on her back, and she gritted her teeth, coming face to face with Rudy, who held a knife across her throat,

The cold metal pressed against her skin, hard enough to leave a mark but not hard enough to break the skin.

Jadis noticed how badly Rudy's hands were shaking, how tired his eyes looked, he was exhausted, and she could use that to her advantage.

She let out a small chuckle, "Go ahead, kill me because that's all you do, right? Kill, and follow orders like a good lap dog."

Rudy glared at her, "Shut up."

"Why? Can't handle the truth? oh, wait, you already accepted it. You accepted the fact there is no use in saving yourself because, " Jadis lifted her head up a bit, smirking , "there's nothing left to save."

Jadis jabbed her hand into Rudy's side, making him scream out in pain, and she pushed him off of her, standing up.

Rudy gritted his teeth, groaning as he stood up, his side aching, and he could feel blood sliding down his wound that Jadis reopened.

"You're right," Rudy spoke, "there is no use in saving me. There's nothing left to safe," 

A small grin appeared on his face, "Rudy's dead, and now, all that's left is lieutenant fairbourne,"

"And lieutenant fairbourne doesn't hesitate to fucking kill." Rudy rushed towards her, sending a strong kick to her stomach, sending her stumbling back,

Rudy didn't give her a chance to recover as he stabbed her in the side, and Jadis let out a sharp gasp,

Rudy twisted the knife, and lowly chuckled, leaning closer to whisper in her ear, his eyes trained on the walkers nearing them,

"For Anne, I shall grant thy Mercy, but for Jadis, shall not be granted, the dead don't give mercy," Rudy stepped back, pulling the knife out,

"No, wait," Jadis pleaded, and Rudy placed a hand on her shoulder, her eyes meeting his,

"Amen." He whispered before he roughly pushed her back into the walkers, who didn't hesitate to start tearing her apart.

Jadis screamed as the walkers tore her apart, and Rudy turned and walked away, heading towards the vehicle.

The car was unlocked, and Rudy got inside before closing the door just as walkers started banging on the window.

He searched for the keys, which he found on top. He turned on the car, and he pressed on the gas, speeding off towards the location of the pickup.

Jadis was right about him. There was no saving him, but just because there was no saving him doesn't mean there's no saving the others.

He was also wrong. His purpose wasn't protecting the CRM. No, it was protecting the people. He worked for the people, not for the CRM.

He knew only one way to protect all those people, and that was to kill general beale.

The man that started everything, the man that caused him so much pain for the last several years.

He will admit, he was a hypocrite, but he wasn't about to admit it out loud, especially to Mitch.

Mitch was right, and Rudy knew Mitch was always right. Even if he wasn't, he was in some way.

Rudy's heart ached as he thought about Mitch, his hands clenched around the steering wheel,

There was no future with Mitch. Rudy didn't have a future, and Rudy knew Mitch would be able to find someone better than him.

His vision blurred, but he blinked the tears away. He didn't get to cry.



Rudy arrived at the location and he saw the helicopter, and he got out of the car, slamming the door behind him,

He only took a few steps before he realized there was no pilot.

A snarl caught his attention, and he turned and saw the pilot as a walker, slowly heading towards him.

Rudy took out his gun and walked over to the helicopter, "Oh, shut up." He shot the walker in the head as he passed him.

Rudy opened the driver door, and a bark made him pause. He let out a sighed and turned and saw his team coming out from the trees.

Anakin ran over to him, wagging his tail, and Rudy petted him, "up, boy." Anakin jumped into the helicopter, and Rudy clipped his harness in.

"I gave you a chance, you chose freedom, you should be on your way towards it." Rudy told them, getting into the helicopter.

"Stop being an asshole."Mitch told him, keeping Rudy from closing the door, and Rudy glanced at him, turning on the radio and grabbing the speaker to speak into it.

"This is.." Mitch reached over him, getting up in his personal space just to switch off the radio, and he looked at Rudy, their faces inches away from each other.

"Really? God, childish, Mitch." Rudy told him, and Mitch sighed,

"Listen, I can't leave without you, I can't leave you behind, I didn't choose freedom , I chose you," Mitch told him, staring into those beautiful blue eyes,

"So, I don't care what you say, what you do, I'm coming back with you, and so are they, Murphy needs medical attention, and he won't make it that far without it.."


"And you can't say no.. wait, what?" Mitch asked, and Rudy looked at him a bit amused,

"I said, okay, during your ramble, Mitch," Rudy said, and Mitch smiled, "Now get in the back Sergeant."

Mitch nodded before he smirked and quickly pecked Rudy on the lips, "knew you cared, tough guy."

Mitch helped Blake with Murphy before he got in the passenger side as Rudy started the helicopter.

"Where's the grimes family, and Nat, anyway?" Rudy questioned, glancing at Mitch, who shrugged

"Probably on their way to Alexandria." It was a lie, and Rudy could tell it was, but he didn't question it,

Mitch let out a small hum as he grinned to himself before placing a hand on Rudy's thigh.

"I will stab you."

1051 words

I'm apologizing for Rudy's mood changes. He's having an internal war within himself


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