23. A permanent frown

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Rudy stared at his hands that were covered in blood. Carl's blood. Siddiq and Rudy had taken Carl back to Alexandria where siddiq was working on him, and Rudy was standing in a corner, just staring at his blood covered hands.

"..what in the hell happened?" Negan loudly questioned, looking at Rudy for answers, but Rudy seemed to be in shock.

"Rudy!" Rudy flinched, and he looked up at Negan, his eyes meeting his,

"What happened?" Negan repeated, and Rudy glanced over at Carl's unconscious body. His skin was pale due to the blood lost, and his breathing was shallow.

"..we.. were helping Siddiq.. and a walker bit Carl in the arm...i..I cut off his arm." Rudy stammered out, his eyes glued on Carl.

"Damm," Negan muttered under his breath, "is he gonna be okay, Doc?" Negan walked away from Rudy.

A hand touched Rudy's shoulder, and he flinched but relaxed when it was only Rosita.

"Come on, Rudy." Rosita gently said, leading him to the bathroom.

She turned on the water, gently grabbed his hands, and started to gently but firmly wash the blood off his hands.

"..you okay?" Rosita questioned, and Rudy slowly nodded his head.

"I have to be." Rudy quietly replied, and Rosita scoffed,

"No, you don't, Rudy. You are a kid. It's okay not to be okay." Rosita told him, and Rudy looked at her.

"I'm fine. Carl's the one that's not fine." Rudy told her, his voice wavering a bit, but he cleared his throat.

"You saved his life, you know? Cutting off his arm, it saved him. You saved him. I'd take that as a win." Rosita said, turning off the water and grabbing a towel to dry off Rudy's hands.

"I also endangered it, Ro. It's my fault that we were out there in the first place, if I wasn't so stubborn, so..so full of hate of wanting Negan dead, then Carl wouldn't be out there telling me that he wants peace with the saviors...i..I said some really mean words to him. " Rudy said, not wanting to imagine what his last words would've been to Carl.

"I understand. I want the saviors gone too, so does Sasha, Daryl, Maggie, so many of us want them gone, want negan dead," Rosita told him,

"But Rudy, you are seven years old.." Rudy interrupted her,

"I'm eight. I turned eight the day Negan killed Abraham and Glenn." Rudy quietly confessed,

Rosita didn't say anything besides pulling Rudy into a hug.

Rudy slowly wrapped his arms around Rosita.

"I am so sorry, Rudy,"Rosita whispered to him, "it's okay, you don't have to do this alone."

Rudy let out a small sob, "I just miss them so much."

Rosita just held Rudy. She hoped hers and Sasha planned to worked and Negan would be dead once and for all, and Rudy wouldn't have to miss any more friends.


Rudy sat outside on the porch of the infirmary. Rick had come back and went straight to Carl, and now the saviors were leaving.

Negan stood beside him, leaning against the frame, both of them watching as the saviors load up the trucks with the supplies Alexandria put aside for them.

"..I would offer for you to come with me, but you made it pretty clear that you won't want to be anywhere near me," Negan spoke up, looking down at Rudy.

"And I'm pretty sure you'll just try and kill me again. So, you should stay here in Alexandria." Negan said, with a small grin.

Rudy didn't reply, watching the saviors load up the trucks with poison food. They had no idea in a couple of hours, most of them would be dead.

"Not much of a chatter box today, huh?" Negan questioned, chuckling, "that's alright. You had a long day."

Rudy turned his head to look at him ,"They're done loading up the trucks. That's your cue to leave."

Negan stared at him for a second before letting out a small laugh, reaching his hand out, and ruffling his hair.

Negan walked down the porch stairs, "See you later, kid."

Rudy watched as the saviors left Alexandria. An anxious feeling settled in his stomach, but he pushed away as he stood up and walked back into the infirmary.

Siddiq stood awkwardly near the sink, and Rudy walked over to him. "Is he gonna be okay?"

Siddiq looked down at him, nodding his head, "Yeah, he's gonna be okay. He just needs a lot of rest."

Rudy nodded ,"thank you for saving his life."

Siddiq smiled slightly, "you saved his life,Rudy."

Rudy gave him a small smile, but it didn't stay long. The smile faded into a frown.

A frown that somehow became permanent on his face now, rarely smiling these last few days.

There was nothing to smile about anymore. Everyone he knows is slowly dying, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

He just wanted his family to stop dying.


Sasha and Rosita were missing. Rudy couldn't find them anywhere. Eugene had switched sides, and nobody told him until he asked for him, and he didn't even see Eugene at the sanctuary.

Maybe Eugene was feeling some sort of guilt for switching side, or maybe he was just scared of what Rudy would do to him when he saw him.

Rudy would likely punch Eugene if he ever saw him again. Abraham was his friend, and he just joined Negan's side like it was nothing.

As much as he didn't like Eugene at the moment, he hoped that he didn't eat any of the food.

He didn't want Eugene to die even if he wasn't the most liked person right now.


Rudy lifted his head from where he was staring at his skateboard. A screwdriver in hand as he was fixing the wheels.

Rick walked over to him, Michonne following closely behind him.

"Oh, hey, Rick, Michonne, is Carl okay?" Rudy questioned,

"He's fine." Michonne replied, and Rudy nodded.

"So, why are you yelling my name?"Rudy questioned

"Negan radioed me this morning, pissed off.." Rick started but was interrupted by Rudy.

"Oh, did he have a good morning with half his people turning into walkers?" Rudy asked, rather sarcastically.

"You poisoned the saviors!?" Rick questioned, in disbelief, looking down at Rudy.

Rudy chuckled , "What's the big deal? " Rudy asked, and Rick sighed,

"The big deal is that Negan is pissed that half of his people turned into walkers overnight, Rudy.  What the hell were you thinking!?" Rick asked, shaking his head.

"I was thinking that they got what they deserved, and I'm not gonna apologize. If Negan wants an apology, he needs to beg for it." Rudy stood up and faced Rick and Michonne.

His eyes traveled behind them, and he saw Rosita.

"Ro!" He called out for her, making Michonne and Rick turn around, and Rosita walked over to them.

"We got a problem."


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