30. Michonne Vs Lieutenant fairbourne

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The group had gotten separate during the herd as they fought. Anakin and Rudy were pushed into a mall, and they were trapped inside without much of an exit.

The others were still outside dealing with the heard, but the Gunfire was becoming distant.

Rudy knew his team was getting pushed back. He knew they would head back to the helicopter, but Rudy wasn't.

He wasn't just about to leave without completing the mission.

Anakin let out a small whine as the walkers banged against the glass doors. They wouldn't hold much longer.

Rudy let out a sighed, "Come on boy, let's find another way out."

Rudy moved away from the doors and walked further into the mall, turning on the flashlight from his vest and the flashlight on Anakin's vest.

If he and Anakin got separated, at least anakin would have light. Rudy didn't care much about himself in the moment, only caring at anakin.

Rudy twirled his knife around between his fingers as he walked through the mall, looking for another way out.

He noticed how clear the mall was of walkers. There were no walkers in sight.

Rudy was on alert. He gripped the handle of his knife tightly as he rounded a corner.

He froze as something cold and sharp pressed against his throat. The glint of metal shined with his light, and Anakin began to growl loudly.

"I'll slit your throat before you can even make a move." A familiar voice threatened before a familiar voice appeared in his line of view.

Rudy eyed the sword pressed against him before his eyes met Michonne, "Michonne Grimes, what a surprise." His tone was sarcastic, but Michonne was caught off guard, and Rudy took that chance to push her wrist to the side, gripping the handle of the sword and delivering a swift kick to her stomach.

Michonne went stumbling back, and Rudy held her sword in his hand before a yelp was heard and anakin was growling.

Rudy turned and saw a man underneath Anakin, clenching his eyes shut as Anakin bared his teeth at him.

It was a clear mistake to turn his back on Michonne even for a minute.

Michonne threw herself at Rudy, tackling him to the ground,

The sword clattered on the ground, scattering a few feet away from them.

"How do you know my name!?" Michonne questioned, and Rudy threw a punch at her, hitting her straight in the face before switching their positions.

Michonne didn't hesitate to punch Rudy in the face before she brought her knee up and pushed him back, throwing him back.

Rudy grunted as his back made contact with the ground, but he quickly got on his feet and got into a fighting position.

Michonne did the same, and Rudy grinned at her, taunting her, "Show me what you got, Grimes."

Michonne let out a yell before she started to fight with Rudy.

Rudy dodged or blocked most of her attacks, but she was strong and ended up punching Rudy a few times.

Rudy got a few good hits before Michonne kicked his knee, sending him kneeling to the ground, and Michonne grabbed her sword, holding the tip under Rudy's chin, glaring at him.

"Tell your dog to stand down, or I'll kill him." She threatened, and Rudy glared at her, scoffing under his breath.

"Anakin, stand down."

Anakin growled lowly, but he moved back, letting the man up.

"Nat, you okay?" Michonne asked, glancing at the man who nodded,


Michonne's eyes met Rudy's again, "I will only ask you this once more. How do you know my name?"

Rudy didn't answer, and Michonne sliced his right cheek a bit, and Rudy gritted his teeth, clenching his fists.

His radio came to life a moment later,

"Lieutenant fairbourne! What's your location!?" Sergeant Denver voice came through the radio,

"Rudy! Rudy! Answer the fucking radio!"Mitch voice came right after Anaya not even a second later.

Michonne's eyes widened in realization, stepping back a bit.

"Rudy?" She quietly questioned, shocked, and Rudy pushed the sword away, standing up, his body sore and aching.

His back was burning with pain, the painful reminder as to why it was burning in pain made him tense.

If he didn't kill Michonne and this Nat guy, he would get punish again.

The sound of glass breaking in the distance snapped him out of his thoughts, and he picked up his knife.

"The dead are coming...I..." Rudy trailed off, not knowing what to say.

He couldn't kill Michonne. Nat, maybe, but Michonne? He couldn't kill her , and Damm the punishment.

He could get whipped over and over, get electrified, get locked in a room with no window and a straight jacket, and he  handle the starvation if it meant Michonne could get her happy ending with Rick and Carl.

Rudy clenched his jaw, glancing towards the end of the hall as the walkers rounded over the corner.

"Fuck, fuck , fuck it!" Rudy looked at Michonne, "rooftop, now."

Michonne nodded and she lead the way towards the rooftop with the others hot on her trail.

Rudy grabbed his radio. "This is lieutenant fairbourne. Rooftop of the mall, now!"

Rudy didn't hear the response as he heard anakin let out a loud yelp, and Rudy quickly turned to look at him,

A walker grabbed ahold of his vest, and Rudy didn't hesitate to run over, tackling the walker back, stabbing it in the head.

Anakin barked as walkers came closer,

"Rudy!" Michonne shouted, rushing over,

"No! Go! Ankin, go with them! Go! Go!" Rudy demanded, holding the walkers back, getting surrounded and pushed around,

Rudy was thrown into a room, landing on something sharp that pierced his side, and he let out a small scream, grunting as blood began to rapidly pour out, and he placed his hand over his wound.

Gunfire sounded , "Rudy!" Mitch frantic voice sounded, and Rudy scrambled back as walkers headed towards him.

A walker fell on top of him, and its jaw was inches away from Rudy's neck,



1014 words

It's not my best chapter , but

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