9. The first night in Alexandria

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Rudy sat in a chair in front of a woman who introduced herself as Deanna Monroe. She was the person in charge of Alexandria.

"Do you mind telling me your name?" Deanna questioned with a kind smile.

Rudy stared at her for a second, but speaking.  "Rudy. Rudy fairbourne, but don't tell Daryl I told you my last name. He's been guessing what it is, and he ain't even close."

Deanna chuckled, nodding her head ,"I won't. How old are you, Rudy?"

Rudy hummed ,"twelve, almost thirteen, I think, maybe I'm already thirteen, I don't know."

"When is your birthday?" Deanna asked, genuinely interested

"Um, May 31st." Rudy replied, and Deanna nodded,

"May 31st hasn't passed yet, I have a calendar. We're barely in April," Deanna replied

"So, Rudy, how long have you been with Rick and his group? Daryl had told me that he had found you after?" Deanna questioned

Rudy nodded ,"Yeah, well, more like I found Daryl and Beth," Rudy noticed Deanna's curiosity about Beth.

"She's dead. Beth, she was killed. It's been days, I think," it has been almost a whole week since the death of Beth.

Rudy has been counting. He hasn't stopped counting since then.

"She would've loved this place."

Deanna offered him a small smile ,

"I'm sorry for your loss."


After the whole group was done being questioned. They were given two houses but they all decided to stay in one.

Rudy had taken a shower after Maggie told him, too. He wasn't complaining. He really needed one, and he was glad he was clean now.

He was dressed in simple pajamas that Deanna had given him. It was lizard themed.

The pajamas were a little big on him, but he didn't care. Obviously, Maggie had told him to roll the pants up or else he trip.

He tripped and listened to Maggie afterward. At least, he made everyone laugh when he tripped.

"..ow, ow, ow!" Rudy winced as Maggie brushed his hair. She had insisted on brushing it after the much needed shower.

"Your hair has so many knots, Rudy." Maggie told him, and Rudy shrugged, "I never brushed my hair, except for when Lucille did. She said the exact same thing as you,"

"You have so many knots in your hair, Rudy. God, do you ever brush your hair? This is the last time I am ever letting you and Negan alone in the kitchen, I leave for one second, and there's flour and dough all over." Rudy did his best, Lucille impression.

Maggie chuckled ,"This, Lucille sounded like a wise woman. Was she your sister?"

Rudy shook his head, wincing as his hair was pulled. "Ow, no. She was my neighbor. I actually spent more time at her house than mine. My parents were never home. So I was always over there, I think they needed it,"

"They used to have a kid. A boy, a baby, actually. He was the same age as Judith when he passed away. Leukemia. It was sad, I liked him, even though he didn't like me, cried every time I carried him," Rudy chuckled a little.

"He puked all over my face, and it even went in my mouth. It was absolutely disgusting, but Negan found it hilarious and just had to take a picture." Rudy grimaced, shivering as he remembered that day.

Maggie chuckled ,"That is disgusting."

Rudy sighed ,"I don't even know if they're alive. Last I saw them was when my parents came and took me from them. What was the point of taking me if I just ended up watching them get torn apart in front of me?"

Maggie finished brushing his hair. There weren't any more knots in his hair.

"You ever thought of going back?" Maggie questioned, and Rudy turned to face her,

"Yeah, always, but I don't know my way back. I was going to ask Beth if she knew how to read a map, but you know? Then Tyreese died, and I just.. I didn't bring it up, I didn't want anyone else to die." Rudy told her , frowning, his eyes watering as he thought about them.

Maggie sat down next to Rudy on the floor and pulled him into a hug.

Rudy's body shook as he silently cried. Maggie rubbed his back in a comforting manner.

"It'll be okay, Rudy."


Rudy couldn't sleep. His body was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He laid next to Noah, who was sleeping, snoring away, but Rudy was wide awake, his mind racing with thoughts and memories.

Everyone was asleep. Rudy glanced at Noah before he quietly and carefully pulled the blanket that someone had thrown over him and Noah.

He kept the blanket on Noah, and he stood up, carefully stepping over the others.

He walked into the kitchen area where the moonlight shined through the kitchen window.

There was a basket of supplies that Deanna had dropped by.

He got on the chair and glanced inside before he spotted a journal. He pulled it out carefully so as not to make too much noise.

There was a pencil inside of the book, and he grabbed it, opening the book to a blank page.

Lord Zard sat on the counter, and Rudy grabbed the jar, opened it, and pulled him out, settling him on the counter.

"Just for a little while." Rudy quietly whispered to him.

Rudy decided to sketch Lord Zard. He loved drawing. He would always draw or just sketch. He wasn't good at it, but he wasn't bad at it either.

Lucille had told him that he was average,and she even hung up on one of his drawings. He didn't remember which one it was, but she was proud of it.

Rudy hasn't had the time to draw. He glanced at Lord Zard before he started to sketch.

As he kept sketching, his eyes were slowly starting to close, and before he knew it, his head dropped gently on the table, and he was peacefully sleeping.

This time, he didn't have a nightmare or a bad memory. This time, he had a small smile on his face.


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