17. Coach Smith

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Rudy sat in the passenger side of Simon's truck. Simon had taken him from hilltop with Gregory's blessing, of course.

Gregory was more than happy to get rid of Rudy and handed him over to the saviors.

Rudy didn't know if the saviors were bad or good, but if Negan was the leader, then they had to be good people.

Negan was a good person, or at least he was to Rudy. Rudy remembers him as a good person, and he hopes he's still a good man.

Simon didn't tell him anything about Lucille. He wondered if she was okay, maybe when he sees her again, he can tell her all about his day just like before.

Lucille loved hearing about his day. Every time he came back from school, she always asked him about his day, and she listened to every detail, even if Rudy was speaking way too fast for her to understand.

He could tell her about all his adventures, and he could tell her about Beth, Noah, and all the others that didn't make it.

He could also tell her about Daryl, Maggie, and Lord zard. He couldn't forget Lord zard.

He hoped Lord zard was okay. Last he checked, he was still in Sam's room.

He frowned, glancing out the window as Simon was driving. The wind blew in his hair.

Sam finally admitted that they were friends,and now Sam was dead. Rudy wondered if he was the problem.

All the people he became friends with ended up dead, and he's still alive. How was that any fair.

If he was the problem, then why not take him instead.

He wouldn't mind dying if it meant others get to live if his friends get to live. He didn't mind dying one bit.

He wondered if he did things differently, then maybe Sam would still be alive.

He was such a jerk to him before his passing. He did deserve a little scare for kidnapping Lord zard , but he didn't deserve to die.

He had to watch him get torn apart just like his parents. At least Sam wasn't screaming at him to do something to save him, but Sam couldn't really scream as the walkers torn his flesh from his bones.

Jesse was screaming. She was screaming so loud, and Rudy could still hear her screaming.

He wondered if Jesse and ron were still alive? If Jesse was, he felt bad for her if losing a friend was hard, and then losing a child was harder.

Rudy couldn't imagine the pain of losing a child. He was a child himself, but if he ever grew up to be an adult, then he wouldn't want to have kids.

He didn't want his children growing up in this world filled with the dead. Sure, the world before wasn't all great, but at least the dead wasn't trying to eat you every second.

Rudy didn't want to watch his children die. He understood that parents can't be around every minute of their child life.

Negan and Lucille were, though. It was weird that other people were more involved in his life than his own parents, but Rudy didn't question it.

Being with Lucille and Negan felt like he had a family, and maybe they could be that again.

They could be a family, and Rudy could introduce them to his new family. Then they all could be one big happy family if Rudy was ever optimistic.

It wasn't a fairytale, Rudy hated fairytale. He didn't know why. He just didn't like them so much.

"..aaand here we are! The sanctuary," Simon parked the truck and looked over at Rudy with a grin. "Nice, huh?"

Rudy glanced around, and he had a bad feeling about this place. He couldn't understand why. He was supposed to be excited to see negan again, but he was nervous.

A nervous Rudy was never a good Rudy.

Rudy got out of the truck, as did Simon, who was talking into the walkie-talkie.

He should steal one later, to talk to his group, tell them that he's alive, but for some reason, he didn't want Negan to find that out.

"Come on, kid." Simon slightly nudged him, and Rudy started to walk beside him, glancing around the sanctuary.

It wasn't like Alexandria, but he was pretty sure nothing beats Alexandria.

"Simon! This better be good." A voice yelled, and Rudy froze upon hearing that familiar voice.

It wasn't long before Rudy's eyes settled on a familiar face.

"This is pretty good. Look who I found at Hilltop." Simon pushed Rudy forward,

There, standing in front of him was none other than Coach Smith. The man who pleaded to his parents not to take Rudy away.

Rudy lifted his hand, not really knowing how to react. "Uh..Hey, Coach, like time no see."

"Rudy?" Negan questioned in disbelief, not believing the boy that was like a son to him standing right in front of him.


It wasn't long before the shock disappeared, and Rudy was pulled into a tight embrace.

Rudy wrapped his arms around Negan just as tightly.

"Hey, Kid," Negan let out a small relief laugh, "how's it been?"

Rudy let out a small laugh ,"it's been a freaking nightmare, " Rudy pulled back, smiling at Negan.

"But it looks like you had a blast. You made a cult."

Negan chuckled, but there was sadness in his eyes, "Come on kid, let me give you a grand tour of the sanctuary."

"Is Lucille here? Is she okay?" Rudy questioned, and Negan sighed,



Lucille was dead. She had cancer, and she died. Rudy had hoped she was still alive, but that hope was crush the second those words came out of Negan's mouth.

He thought if Negan was still alive, then Lucille would be too because he knew that Negan would keep her alive, but he was wrong.

The dead didn't take out Lucille. She did. She had killed herself, and she turned into a walker.

He had lost her, and he didn't even know it. He had hoped, but it was all for nothing.

"...hey, kid," Negan knocked on the door, smiling as Rudy snapped his head over to look at him.

Negan had given Rudy a room, but Rudy didn't want to stay at the sanctuary. It seemed like a nice place, but Rudy wanted to go back to Alexandria.

"Mind if I come in?" Rudy shrugged, and Negan walked in, sitting down next to Rudy, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Negan let out a deep sighed, "she didn't stop thinking about you, kid,"

"Not even when she..you know, she wrote you a letter because somehow she knew you were still alive." Negan took out something from his pocket and held it out for Rudy.

It was a note. It was a bit crumbled, and there's was a stain of red on it.

Rudy took the note, but he didn't open it. He just stared at it.

Negan pulled him into a side hug, "It's good to have you back, kid,"

"A lot of things are gonna change around here."


1200 words

Sorry if the reunion between Negan and Rudy was a little lame.


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