27. Carl Grimes

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"So... you fly often?" Mitch spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Murphy and Blake weren't even chatting, and if they were, then it was offset, their voices blocked out by the sound of the helicopter.

Rudy glanced at Mitch, who cracked a grin at him.

"Stay off the Mics unless it's important." Rudy replied as he looked out the window.

"Oh, come on! This is so awkward!" Blake exclaimed, finally speaking up.

"Yeah, why are you so uptight today?" Murphy questioned, and Rudy glanced between Blake and Murphy.

They were sitting in front of him, side by side. Mitch sat next to him, and Anaya sat in the front with the pilot, and anakin was lying across Rudy's lap.

Rudy didn't reply. He wasn't uptight. He was just tense, especially when jadis gave him mission's.

Mission's that only he could do and know about. Those missions usually involved killing someone, someone who used to be important to the CRM, or someone who was a threat to them.

That was his job and his job alone. His team, his...family, were just back up. He would never admit it out loud that those unserious goons were his family.

He grew up with them, he trained next to them, but he got the special training, and he got the torture.

He didn't blame them. It wasn't their fault the CRM picked him as their special weapon.

He just couldn't help but envy them. They didn't have the scars or the trauma that he did. He envied how they could sleep without having to wake up during an awful memory.

He envied how they didn't feel overwhelmed with all the responsibilities. He envied how they could just be themselves.

He couldn't be himself anymore. No, the CRM took that from him. They took everything from him and shaped him as they wanted.

Rudy was nothing but a puppet with someone pulling his strings.

He envied his family, but he was also glad that they didn't suffer the way he did.

If Blake and Murphy suffered the same way he did. Then, he wouldn't hear the inappropriate jokes coming from Blake, or he wouldn't hear the laughter that followed that belonged to Murphy.

Anaya was quiet, but she was snarky. Her responses wouldn't be the same, and Mitch...

Rudy wouldn't be able to be sarcastic with him. He wouldn't be able to feel like... himself with Mitch.

He didn't know why he felt the way he felt with Mitch, but he did, and it scared him.

It scared him because he knew that one day Mitch would leave him like everyone else did.

One day, Mitch would see how much of a problem he was and hate him just the the people from his past did.

He was just too scared to close to someone and lose them all over again.

Mitch just somehow wormed his way into his heart, way too close to his heart.

He cared for Mitch and his team, even if they didn't see it like that. He was stern and made sure they didn't mess up because he didn't want them to die.

He lost enough people. He wasn't going to lose his team, his little family that he made.


"...does anyone ever wonder where our lieutenant goes? Like, shouldn't he be doing this mission with us?" Murphy questioned,

The group had arrived at their destination, and Rudy had split up from the group with Anakin.

He disappeared in seconds without so much of a word.

"It's none of our business, Murphy. Leave him be." Anaya spoke, sending a look towards Murphy.

"I'm also curious as to where he goes. Like he's so uptight about this mission, scolds us during the whole flight and just leaves us the second the helicopter land? That's suspicious," Blake said, looking at Mitch, who was sitting around doing absolutely nothing at all.

"Aren't you going to help us?" She questioned, and Mitch shook his head,

"Nope. I'm waiting for Rudy to come back, then I'll help when he orders me to." Mitch replied

Blake smirked, sitting on one of the grates they were supposed to load up in the helicopter.

"Ooh, is that like a kink of yours, Mitch? Loved to be bossed around?" Blake asked in a teasing tone.

Mitch smirked, "Only with Rudy. He could stab me, shoot me, and I'll still do everything for him."

Blake and Murphy shared a look before laughing ,"Dude, you are so wrapped his finger."

Blake snorted, "Like Mitch would be putting his fingers in.."

Blake inappropriate joke was interrupted by sounds of gunshots.

The playful mood turned serious in seconds, and Mitch quickly stood up, running towards the sound of where the gunshots came from.

The others quickly followed after Mitch. The sound of gunshots stopped.

A loud bark was heard before a shout was.

"Don't move!" Rudy's voice echoed, making the group stop as they reached Rudy.

"Rudy! Rudy, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Mitch questioned, coming to stand next to Rudy.

Rudy didn't reply as he stared down at the person underneath Anakin.

"Anakin, stand down." Anakin let out a low growl before he backed up, sitting next to Rudy.

Rudy pulled out his handgun and clicked off the safety, aiming it at the person.

"Get up." He demanded, and the person slowly stood up, raising only one arm up.

"The dude has no eye and a metal arm, wondered what happened to him." Blake whispered to Murphy, who hummed, wondering the same thing.

"Rudy? Rudy fairbourne?" The man questioned, and the group pulled out their own guns

They all aimed their gun at the man that stood in front of them.

"How do you know his name?" Mitch questioned. His grip on the gun was tight,ready to pull the trigger if needed.

"Intercoms." Rudy replied, stepping closer and lowering his gun, but he didn't put it away yet.

He stood in front of the man and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Rudy.." The man started, but Rudy interrupted him.

"Finish loading up the helicopter. Now." He addressed his team without looking at them.

They all seemed hesitant before slowly they all went back beside Mitch.

"Sergeant Dawson.."

Mitch interrupted Rudy, "Lieutenant, I am not leaving you with this stranger. You're going to have to shoot me."

Rudy glanced at him before sighing. He holsters his gun, "Sergeant Dawson meet inmate 2341,"

"Carl Grimes."

1076 words


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