29. An Elimination team

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Carl has been at the CRM for half a week, and he has seen his father only a couple of times, and he has only seen Rudy once and that was half a week ago when he arrived at the CRM.

It seemed like he wasn't the only one clueless about Rudy's whereabouts, his team were as well, but they were hiding their worry beneath their tough demeanor.

Murphy seemed to be the only one who had softened up around him. He was actually a nice guy once he dropped his tough guy act.

Blake seemed to be coming around to him, but she still threatened him every chance she could get.

Sergeant Denver rarely speaks to him, and when she does, it's only to correct his mistakes or tell him to do better, and Mitch?

Well, Mitch officially hated him. There was nothing that Carl could do or say to get Mitch to stop glaring at him.

Carl didn't really care. He wasn't at the CRM to make friends. He was there for his father and Rudy.

The CRM had given him a new arm, one that matches with his father since apparently Rick cut off his own arm to try and escape but failed to escape.

He's hasn't really gotten used to the new arm, and with all the training, he hasn't much time to think about anything.

He was currently training at the moment, with Sergeant Denver looking over him.

They were in some sort of training room, but it seemed to be only reserved to the team.

Murphy was hanging off a pole, upside down,his legs holding him up.

Blake was sitting on top of a grate, sharpening her knife while glancing so often at Carl.

Mitch was sitting by the weight bench, with anakin by his feet.

Anakin reminded Carl of Dog. He thought Anakin and Dog would probably get along if they ever met.

Carl couldn't wait until Rudy came back from wherever he went. He needed to speak to him.

Anakin perked up, standing up, a small whine leaving him before he rushed towards the door, his tail wagging,

Everyone paused and looked towards the door. It opened, and Jadis walked through, and It was clear that everyone was disappointed, but anakin barked and ran behind Jadis.

"Hey, whoa!" Mitch stood up, as did Blake, both sharing a look.

Murphy did a flip as he got off the pole, landing on his feet, and Anaya went to stand next to Mitch.

"I missed you too, Buddy." Rudy appeared, walking into the room with anakin attached to his side, happily wagging his tail.

"Lieutenant!" Blake bounced over and threw her arms over him, "we missed you so much!"

"Yeah, all we did was train and train." Murphy said, smiling.

"Where did you go?" Mitch questioned, and Rudy looked over at him as Blake stepped back, glancing between the two.

"It's classified." Jadis answered, and Mitch glanced at her before looking into those blue eyes that he's been praying to see.

"I wasn't speaking to you."

Rudy stared at Mitch for a second before answering, "it was a classified mission."

Mitch didn't believe him, but he let it slide for the moment.

Rudy's eyes moved behind Mitch, and he saw Carl, and he snapped his head towards Jadis, who grinned at him. 

"Lieutenant, private Grimes has joined your team as of a week ago," she glanced at Carl before smirking at Rudy.

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