13. the attack in Alexandria and a missing lizard

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In the last couple of days, Rick went crazy, killed Sam and Ron's father, and a man named Morgan arrived at Alexandra, and he knew Rick.

Rudy had been staying in his room for the last couple of days, only making appearances when Maggie forced him too but other than that,

Enid has pretty much gossip to him about what's going on around Alexandra, and she also complained about Carl and ron.

Rudy wasn't really interested in listening to Enid about Carl and Ron, but he just nodded his head along.

Rudy didn't plan on staying in his room for a very long time, but he wasn't extacly making plans on leaving anytime soon, either.

Until Lord Zard went missing from his tank.

Daryl had gotten him a tank for Lord Zard so he wouldn't be in a jar all the time.

He gave Aaron his jar back. Aaron hesitantly accepted it while Eric thanked him.

Rudy liked Eric and Aaron. They were good people. He just didn't want to get close to them. He didn't want to lose any more people.

If he didn't get close to anyone anymore, then it wouldn't hurt as much when they died.

Rudy wondered if someone would care if he died?

Anyway, Lord Zard was missing. Rudy checked his whole room but he didn't find him.

He checked the whole house, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Rudy ran outside and checked outside, but there was no lizard around.

"Okay, Rudy. Lord zard needs to be around here somewhere. Don't panic. Just stay calm." Rudy muttered himself, glancing around

"Lord zard!!" Rudy was freaking out. He didn't want to lose Lord zard.

There was screaming in the distance, but Rudy didn't pay attention to it as he rushed around, trying to Lord zard.

Rudy tensed as he heard gunshots. What the hell was going on?

"Hey, kid." Rudy turned around and saw a man standing there with a knife, grinning at him. He was dirty and had a W on his head.

Rudy didn't have a gun. He didn't have any sort of weapon on him since he wasn't really allowed to carry after the stunt he pulled.

In his defense, he was angry.

Rudy took a step back, "Um..hi..now..bye." Rudy quickly turned and ran.

The man gave chase, and he was fast.

Rudy heard footsteps coming closer to him before he felt a body colliding with his.

Rudy felt the wind get knocked out of him as he fell to the ground, smacking his head against the pavement.

His ears were ringing, and he was roughly turned, and a knife was in his face.

"Get..off!" Rudy pushed his hands against the man, but he wouldn't budge.

The man laughed, grinning down at him before Rudy gasped as the knife was impaled into his side.

Rudy let out a whimper as the knife twisted. He let out a scream as the knife was pulled out, and the man raised the knife, but a gunshot rang out.

Blood splattered on Rudy's face. The man fell beside him, and Rudy sat up, scooting back, letting out a yell as pain shot through his side.

"Rudy! Rudy!" Carol was in front of him now, her eyes full of concern, and she froze as she spotted the patch of red on Rudy's side.

Rudy placed his hand on his side, blood quickly seeping out between his fingers.

His wide, terrified eyes looked at Carol. "Why..why are you dressed like that?" He blurted out,

"Can you walk?" Carol questioned, and Rudy glanced down at his side before looking at Carol.

"I've been stabbed. What do you think?" Rudy sarcastically replied, and Carol narrowed her eyes at him.


"I can.. I think I can." Rudy told her, and Carol helped him up. Rudy let out a scream before letting out a deep breath.

"God, horror movies make it look so easy." He muttered to himself, leaning on Carol for support.

"Come on, the infirmary is close." Carol told him, keeping a tight hold on Rudy as she walked, and Rudy slightly stumbled.

"..I have to find Lord zard.." Rudy mumbled, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and falling on Carol.

"Dammit, Rudy!"


"..I hate bed rest." Rudy complained, and Denise looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"You will not be standing up from the bed, Rudy." Denise told him with a pointed look.

"But I have to find Lord zard. He's missing!" Rudy exclaimed, wincing in pain.

Denise sighs, "Rudy, he's a lizard. He's probably dead."

Rudy gasped, "he..he can't be dead, okay? He's not dead. I am going to find him and he.. he has to be alive."

Denise stared at Rudy before she let out a small sigh ,"I could ask around to see if anyone saw Lord zard."

Rudy smiled at her , "We should put up missing posters."

Denise raised an eyebrow but chuckled ,"Sure, we could put missing posters if Nobody's seen Lord zard."

"Is Daryl back yet? Glenn? Abraham?" Rudy questioned. Maybe they could help with finding Lord zard.

Daryl was a good tracker. He could easily find him.

"No. Not yet." Denise replied, but it seemed like she wasn't telling Rudy everything.

Something else was happening, and nobody was telling him, and he didn't want to know.

Not until Lord zard was found, then Rudy would care what's happening in Alexandria.

Maybe he could slip out once Denise was distracted.

"Wait, what if he was kidnapped?" Rudy suddenly questioned, and Denise gave him a look.

"Who would want to kidnap a lizard?" She asked,

"People, Denise. I need to question everyone." Rudy tried to stand up, but Denise stopped him.

"No. You are staying in bed, I don't want to stitch you up, and you lost a lot of blood." Denise sternly told him,


"No buts!" Denise interrupted, seeming stressed, and Rudy felt bad, but he was worried about Lord zard, and he couldn't really control his talking.

Words just fly out of his mouth. His parents had told him countless times how that could be annoying.

He was annoying, and Denise already had a bad day.

"Okay.." Rudy quietly said, deciding to focus on keeping his mouth shut so as not to annoy Denise any further.

"Here, take some of these." Denise said, handing him some pills.

Rudy shook his head ,"No. No, I hate pills."

Denise sighed, "Rudy.."

Rudy turned on his side, ignoring the pain on the other,

"I'm taking a nap."


1097 words

I don't know if I like this chapter..


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