7. Comfort during a storm

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Tyreese was dead, and Sasha killed a pack of dogs. That happened in a span of a couple of days.

Rudy didn't eat the dogs, but he refused. He refused to eat dogs. He would rather starve. He was starving.

As everyone else ate the dogs, Rudy thought about Tyreese.

He would be sure that Tyreese wouldn't eat dogs. Rudy couldn't even look at them or even be near them while they eat.

The group tried to get him to eat, but he refused.

Anyway, Tyreese was a good man. Rudy thought he didn't deserve to die, but then again, neither did Beth, and neither did those dogs.

A noise snapped him out of his thoughts, and Rudy glanced to his side and saw Judith crawling over to him.

"Uh.. baby, baby's on the loose." Rudy spoke up, eyeing Judith wearily. He didn't know how to handle babies.

Nobody seemed to be doing anything at Judith crawled over to him, sitting in front of him just staring at him.

"Uh..hi." Rudy lifted his hand and waved, looking at Judith with a weird look on his face.

"Why is she just staring at me?" Rudy questioned, glancing at the others, but they seemed to be no help at all.

"Maybe she wants you to pick her up." Rick suggested with a small grin on his face.

Rudy looked down at Judith and awkwardly laughed , "Right, Okay, Um.. Judith, I don't hold babies, okay? One time, I held my coach baby, and let me tell you, that baby did not like me."

Judith reached out for him, and Rudy sent a look for help, but everyone was just grinning or smirking at him.

Rudy threw them a betrayed look, and he reached out for Judith, picking her up and holding her out in front of him.

"Hold her closer." Carl spoke up, grinning at him.

Rudy pulled her closer, and Judith pulled his hair. "Ow!"

Judith let out a laugh. Carl laughed a little, and Rick chuckled. The others smiled a little.

"Ha, ha." Rudy mocked, and he looked down at Judith with a small smile on his face.


"..anyone ever seen like a horror movie before?" Rudy suddenly questioned as they all stared at the water bottles in front of them that just appeared out of nowhere.

Rudy glanced at everyone. "I think this is the part where some psycho killer comes out with a chainsaw and kills us all."

"What kind of movies do you watch?" Daryl grumbled, glancing at him.

Rudy shrugged, "True crime."

Eugene went for the water, but it was slapped out of his hands.

Rudy glanced up at the sky as it started to rain. The sky was darkening, but everyone seemed to be happy that it was raining. Well, most of them were happy.

Rudy was happy for a second, but then he remembered that Beth could never enjoy the rain anymore.

Rudy used to love the rain. He would sit for hours outside, just listening to the rain and watching as it fell.

Thunder boomed in a distance. Now, Rudy hated storms. He was scared of them.

Nobody ever comforted him during a storm when he was a kid. His parents were always at work, and he was always alone.

Rudy felt his arm being grabbed, but it was just Maggie pulling him with the rest of the group.

Thunder boomed loudly, and Rudy tried to be brave, but all he wanted to do was hide under the blankets like he used to.

They all went into a barn for shelter. Rudy picked the further corner from everyone and from the storm.

Rudy pulled his knees to his chest, covering his ears as lighting cracked outside.

The barn doors were shaking with how strong the wind was.

He closed his eyes and tried to remember a happy moment in his life.


"...what does the interrupting Cow say to his friend?" Rudy questioned, spinning his fork in his spaghetti.

"What did he say.."

"Moo!" Rudy moo like a cow, laughter followed.

"He got you on that one, Lucille." A man said, laughing and high five Rudy.

"Ha, ha, Very funny," the woman Lucille said, shaking her with a smile. "Did Negan show you that joke?"

Rudy shook his head ,"No, I learned it in my joke book," he grinned , "that Coach Smith got me for Christmas."

Lucille threw the man, Negan, a look, and Negan raised his hands in surrender as he laughed.

"What? It was a good gift!"


Rudy calmed down a bit after remembering that day. Negan, his coach, had brought him a book full of jokes for Christmas.

Rudy had to leave that book behind. He had to leave almost everything behind.

The day everyone was leaving, evacuating, Rudy was with the smith's. Then his parents came to pick him up but he didn't want to leave without negan and Lucille.

He had screamed and begged, but it was all useless in the end.

It was for nothing, too. His parents died a couple of months after that. Then he was alone with nobody, no parents, no Lucille or Negan.

He had been alone until he found Beth and Daryl. He missed Beth. He missed hearing her voice, her singing.

Rudy jumped slightly as he heard snarls, and he saw everyone holding the doors. Judith was on the ground, crying.

Nobody was comforting her. Rudy didn't want Judith to feel like he was feeling.

Rudy stood up and went over, picking up Judith before heading back to his corner, holding and protecting Judith with his arms.

Judith stopped crying, and she sniffled, getting comfortable in his arms.

"Shh...it's gonna be okay...it's just a storm...that's all. Think happy thoughts... Do babies think happy thoughts, or is your mind just filled with jellyfish floating around," Rudy rambled to Judith,

"I think jellyfish just roam around in our heads when we're babies, and we just laugh at them, and we cry when they sting us."

Rudy hoped the storm would pass real soon.


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