19. failed assassination

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"..would you just talk to me?" Negan questioned, leaning against the doorframe, his bat out of view.

It's been hours since what happened. Rudy was taken back to the sanctuary without much of a choice, but it didn't really matter. He wasn't really there.

His mind just kept replying the deaths of Abraham and Glenn over and over again.

He felt like he was going to be sick by the constant reminder of how much of a monster the man standing by the door is.

He was excited to see him again, but now? He despised him, and he wanted nothing more than to see him die at the moment.

"Look, I said I was sorry. I didn't even know it was your birthday until I saw the reminder on the watch." Negan spoke, his voice just fueling Rudy's anger.

Rudy lifted his head and looked at Negan with nothing but hatred, and he stood up.

"I don't care about my birthday! What I care about is that you killed my friends!" Rudy snapped, glaring up at Negan.

"Well, for starters, you didn't tell me you made friends. Maybe if I knew, I could've been a little nicer." Negan replied,

"I felt like I couldn't trust you, and it turns out my instincts were right!" Rudy spat out, "get out!" Rudy pushed Negan back,

"Get out!" Negan took a step back, and Rudy flicked him off before slamming the door shut.

"Rudy!" Negan yelled, banging on the door.

There was no reply, and Negan sighed, "I'll be back later to check on you, kid."

Rudy heard Negan walking away, and he leaned his back against the door as tears slid down his face.

He slid down and brought his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around himself before his body moved as he sobbed.

His sobs stilled as their was a soft knock on the door, and he sniffled.

"Ru..it's me, Sherry, can I come in?" Rudy stood up and slightly opened the door, and Sherry walked in.

All she had to do was take one look at the boy before she was pulling him into her arms, wrapping him in a tight embrace.

Dwight had told her what had happened, well bits of it, but her main concern was Rudy.

She had grown to like him. He was a good kid when he wasn't being a menace to the saviors.

She remembered that it was Rudy's birthday, he was so excited about it, and Sherry couldn't believe Negan could do something like that in front of a child, especially one like Rudy.

"I hate him. I hate him so much." Rudy cries out, and Sherry just held him, running a comforting hand through his hair.

Maybe when she leaves, she can take Rudy with her. Leave all the pain and memories behind.

Let the past be past.


"..you're just gonna sit there all day?" Rudy closed his eyes and brought his hands up to cover his ears.

Sherry had left a while ago before negan noticed that she was gone.

Rudy has been staying in this room for god knows how long, but he knew his birthday passed.

Rudy hated how he was handling his grief. He hated the way his grief made him see his dead friends.

"..what are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be avenging us?"

Rudy shook his head ,"You're not real. This is all in my head. Yeah, it's all in my head cause Abraham and Glenn are dead, and they're not really here."

"...killing someone won't change anything but yourself."

Rudy opened his eyes, but he was alone in the room.

Glenn was right. Killing someone won't change anything but himself, but Rudy already did change. He was different , and he didn't care if he killed someone.

Negan deserved it, and killing him won't bring Abraham or Glenn back, but it will make him feel better. He will feel better if Negan is dead.

It wasn't just for himself, though. It was for Maggie. For Daryl. For Sasha. For Rosita. For everyone.

Rudy made up his mind, and he could do it. He could kill Negan.

He was going to do it for everyone.

There was a knock on the door, "Rudy, hey, I came to check up on you. You can't stay in that room forever, kid."

It was Negan. This was his chance.

Rudy stood up and hesitantly opened the door, and Negan smiled at him.

"See, was that so hard?" Negan questioned, and Rudy saw the gun negan had.

All he had to do was grab it.

"..you okay, kid?" Negan asked, and Rudy shook his head, and Negan pulled Rudy into a side hug.

Rudy took his chance, grabbed the gun and pushed Negan back, and lifted the gun, aiming it at Negan.

"Whoa! Whoa! Put that down! That is not a toy!" Negan demanded, eyeing the gun.

Rudy took a shaky breath, his grip on the gun was tight, and the gun in his hands felt heavy.

"Rudy, put it down right now." Negan ordered, and Rudy glared at him as saviors hurried over but stood behind Negan.

"You killed my friends... I have to do this." Rudy told him, and Negan nodded, taking slow steps towards him.

"Okay, okay, I understand, but do you even know how to use a gun?" Negan questioned,

Randy glanced at the gun , "You see this? This means the safety is on. You can't shoot if the safety is on." Noah's voice rang in his head.

Rudy took the safety off and looked Negan in the eye, "Yeah. I do, actually,"

"And I killed someone before, I shot her in the head after she killed my friend." Rudy moved his finger in front of the trigger.


Rudy interrupted Negan, " No! " Rudy shook his head ,"Lucille would be so disappointed in who you turned out to be and killing people with a bat that you named after her?"

"You are not the man I knew, and this man? I can kill in a heartbeat." Rudy told him, and Rudy pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out, and a body dropped to the ground with a thud.

"Son of bitch!" Negan roared out in anger, and Rudy stared at the dead savior that jumped in the way,

Everyone was distracted but Rudy took that moment to run out of the room, and down the hallway.

"Don't let him leave!"


1081 words


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