21. Back to Alexandria

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Rudy carefully peeled the skin off the apple. He didn't like the skin of the apple, so he always peeled it before eating the apple.

"..dude, you're gonna cut your fingers off like that." Jerry sat down in front of him and took the apple and knife and helped him peel the rest of the skin off the apple.

"What do you give Negan extacly?" Rudy questioned, leaning his arms on the table and slightly leaning forward.

"Food, mostly. He took all of our weapons, The dude practically left us with nothing." Jerry replied

Rudy nodded his head. If Negan was picking up food from the communities, then Rudy could use that against him.

"Here." Jerry handed Rudy the peeled apple, and Rudy took it. "Thanks."

Jerry smiled ,"No problem, little dude."

Rudy bit into his apple, glancing around the kingdom, watching people walk around, chatting, and doing chores.

"I need to get back to my group. They could be in danger because of what I did," Rudy looked at Jerry,

"I need to get back to Alexandria." He told him,

"That's your community, right?" Jerry questioned, and Rudy nodded, and Rudy looked down,

"I haven't been there for a while...I just.." Rudy let out a sighed, "I want to go home."

His eyes met Jerry's again, and Jerry could see the sadness in those eyes, and he felt bad for the kid.

"I'll see what I can do to get you back home." Jerry promised, standing up and sending a small smile towards Rudy, who smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Jerry." Jerry nodded his head and walked away, probably to talk to Ezekiel.

"Hook, line, and sinker." Rudy muttered to himself, standing up.

He needed to get back to Alexandria. He had plans, and he couldn't do it at the kingdom.

It had to be Alexandria.


"..Rudy! There you are." Rudy didn't turn to look at Ezekiel as he held a worm in his hand.

"It's rude to not look at someone when they're speaking to you." A familiar voice made Rudy's head snap up, and a smile appeared on his face as he gently put the worm down.

"Carol!" Rudy stood up and rushed over to Carol, throwing his arms around her, hugging her tightly.

"Careful. She's injured." Ezekiel gently warned, and Rudy pulled back, noticing that Carol was in a wheelchair.

The last time he saw her in a wheelchair was at the hospital when Beth was killed.

"It's so good to see you again, Rudy. It's been a while." Carol spoke with a smile on her face.

Rudy nodded ,"Yeah, it's been a while."

Rudy noticed Morgan standing next to Carol, and he lifted his hand, waving at him, "Hey."

Morgan smiled, lifting his own hand and waving back ,"Hey."

"Rudy," Rudy looked at Ezekiel, "Jerry told me that you want to go back to Alexandria, your community, right?"

Rudy nodded, "Yeah, since Negan practically owns everyone communities, I'm not safe anywhere, so I'd rather go back home and wait for him there."

"How did you escape, Negan?" Morgan questioned, and Rudy glanced at him before sighing.

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