35. The misson : Part two

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"...lieutenant!" Blake grinned as she rounded the corner, an arm thrown over Murphys waist, while Murphys arm was thrown over her shoulder.

Murphy was limping, and Rudy glanced down,seeing Murphys left leg wrapped in a bloody rag.

"Alec.." Rudy started, but Murphy interrupted him, "I'm fine, just a broken leg, that's all."

"Rudy, I thought we had to go back and get you." Michonne spoke up with a small smile as the rest came out of their hiding spot.

"He's not here to come with us." Rick said, standing next to Mitch,

"Rudy?" Blake asked, her eyes meeting Rudy's, and Rudy sighed,

"I have my mission.." Rudy started but was interrupted by Anaya.

"We're your mission. You're here to kill us." She said, her voice holding no emotion, but her eyes held a hint of betrayal.

"My orders were to find you and eliminate every single one of you, but I won't do that because my team is coming back to the CRM with me." Rudy told them,

"This is our chance to leave the CRM. To live a somewhat peaceful life, Rudy. You can come with us, we'll fake our deaths, and be done with the CRM once and for all." Mitch spoke, taking a step forward,

Rudy's hand flew to his handgun, but he didn't pull it out yet, and Mitch paused, eyeing the gun before his eyes met Rudy's.

"You're really going to shoot me?" Mitch questioned, slowly stalking forward, and Rudy pulled out his gun, aiming it at him.

"I will..if I have to." Rudy told him, but it was a lie.

"Rudy, what are you doing? This is our chance of living our lives," Blake spoke, her voice thick of emotion,

"We could all just leave, go back to their place, they said we could live there."

Rudy glanced at her, "it's not that easy.."

"Bullshit! You are just saying that, but really? You're just scared." Blake spat out,

"Rudy.." Mitch drew Rudy's attention back to him, "Let's just leave. Let's leave the CRM behind."

Rudy took the safety off, and Anakin let out a small whine.

"I'm sorry."

A gunshot rang out before a shout of pain sounded right after.

Mitch spun around and saw Jadis holding her bleeding hand, glaring at Rudy, her gun lying a few feet away from her.

"I knew it," she let out a laugh, "knew you couldn't do it."

Michonne pulled out her sword, but Jadis ran off.

"Don't," Rudy stopped Rick and Michonne from chasing after Jadis.

"I'll go. You three leave, now, go back to Alexandria, and never speak of any of this ever again." He demanded, narrowing his eyes at the grimes family.

"We're going with them." Blake spoke up, and Murphy nodded, "Yeah, sorry, lieutenant."

"Come with us, please." Mitch pleaded, but Rudy let out a huff, shaking his head.

"Fine. Go, I don't care anymore, "That was a lie. He cared so much, but no matter how much his heart ached, he had to let them go.

"Just leave all of you." With that, Rudy ran off after Jadis, and Mitch chased him.

Rudy couldn't leave the CRM. They all just thought it was easy to just leave, but he didn't suffer all those years just to leave it all behind.

He didn't kill all those people just to leave it behind. He didn't because someone's dog , someone's step stool, someone's pawn to just easily leave it behind.

The others didn't suffer like he did. They got off easy, and he took their punishment. Whenever they messed up, he took their punishment, and they were just gonna leave him.

"Rudy!stop!" Mitch gripped Rudy's arm before he could leave the building through the back door.

"What, Dawson?" Rudy snapped, and Mitch glared at him.

"Shut up. Are you seriously going back to that place? Are you seriously leaving us behind?" Mitch questioned, "leaving me?"

"I can't leave the CRM." Rudy roughly pulled his arm from Mitch grasp,

"Yes, you can!" Mitch snapped, "you can leave right now!"

"No, I can't!" Rudy yelled, "I didn't fucking suffer all those years just so I could just leave it all behind!"

Rudy glared at Mitch, "like I said before, you have nothing at the CRM, but I have everything there, so, if you want to live a normal life, then go, "

His glare disappeared, "This is goodbye."

Rudy turned and headed out of the building, walkers instantly surrounding him but he pushed through them, following the blood trail Jadis left behind.

Mitch scoffed as the door closed, "We're going back," He turned his head and looked at Rick and Carl, who had followed them.

"Or at least I am, and I am going to kill that bastard Beale and destroy the CRM." Mitch, all but spat out.

If he couldn't take Rudy from the CRM, then he's just going to take the CRM from Rudy.

Without the CRM, Rudy could finally be free, and he could live a life with him.

All he wanted was to live a life with Rudy, but Rudy had a thing to make everything so difficult.

"We're with you." Rick told him he needed to save Rudy. He failed Rudy when Rudy was a kid,

He couldn't fail him again. Jadis only managed to get Rudy because of him. He was the one who kicked Rudy out of Alexandria,

If he didn't tell Rudy to leave, then Jadis wouldn't have taken him. He would've grown up in Alexandria, be someone else other than a soldier train to do nothing but kill when ordered to.

"You love him." Carl spoke up, and Mitch huffed,

"Oh, what gave it away?" Mitch sarcastically questioned. He was pissed.

Pissed that he wasn't enough for Rudy, but he couldn't blame him. If he grew up the way Rudy did, he wouldn't trust anyone. He wouldn't give up on the life he was tortured to have for someone else.

A whine rang out, and Mitch glanced down, seeing Anakin whining, crying out.

"Don't worry, boy. We'll get him back."


1016 words

It's not my best chapter


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