47. delirious

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Rudy's fever had gotten worse over the night, and Daryl had left earlier with 10k and Carol to get antibiotics, at least try to find some.

Rudy was left in the care of Isabella, Laurent, Rue, and Dog. He kept drifting off to sleep every couple of minutes, but he kept waking up every other minute.

Isabella had strictly told Rue and Laurent to stay away from Rudy, to stay away from the room.

Rudy was unpredictable while running a fever. He mumbled stuff. Sometimes, she would catch what he was saying, but other times, he didn't mumble, he acted,

He wasn't violent towards others. It was mostly to himself. Isabella would often find him pacing, mumbling and hitting himself,

She got him to calm down, but sometimes it didn't work, and she didn't want the children around until he was better.

She was sure Rudy wouldn't harm the children even under a fever, but she wasn't taking any chances.

Currently, she was with Rudy, trying to get his fever down. She gently brushed his hair to the side, and he slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times,

".. Lucille?" Rudy quietly questioned, and Isabella shook her head at him,

"No, I'm Isabella." She gently told him, and Rudy leaned into her touch,

"..miss you, luc..my arm really hurts, Lucille.." Rudy let out a small sniffle as he was holding back tears, but a few manages to slide down his cheeks,

Isabella didn't know who Lucille was, but she must've been important to Rudy at some point in his life, maybe his mother,

Rudy didn't seem the type to show his vulnerable side to just anyone, He hides it behind walls he build up, only letting those walls crumble for certain people, Lucille must've been one of those people.

"..I know," Isabella told him, sitting beside him, and Rudy laid his head on her lap, wrapping his good arm around himself. "..I'm sorry."

"..it's not your fault.." Rudy's voice was above a whisper but quiet, "It's mine.. Shouldn't have held on to the door when she was driving away."

"Who was driving away?" Isabella questioned, running her fingers through Rudy's hair,

"..my mom.. you were there, remember, she had to leave for work again, it was Christmas and she didn't care, I begged her to stay, cried but she left and I hurt my arm, spent Christmas with you," Rudy sniffled,

"We drank hot chocolate and watch.." his voice wavered, "we watched the Grinch, and we stayed up all night eating and making fun of the way Negan snored when he fell asleep through the movies."

Isabella sadly smiled, remembering her movie nights with her sister, Laurent's mother.

"We had a fun time." A sob escaped Rudy,

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." He cried out, and Isabella shook her head,

"No, honey, you have nothing to apologize for." She told him, and Rudy nodded his head,

"Yes, I do.. you told me that I would grow up to be a great person, but I'm not, I'm sorry I didn't meet your expectations of me, I'm sorry I disappointed you." Rudy said, bringing his hand up to wipe his tears

Isabella barely knew him, but from what she heard from Carol, Rudy sounded like a great man, "You have nothing to be sorry about. You turned out to be the most amazing person you could be,"

The next words were probably more for her sister than Rudy, "You could never disappoint me. I will always love you no matter what."

She wished she could've told her sister one more time, let her hear those words from her one more time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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