42. Rue

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"..should talk to our people back in Alexandria." Carol told Rudy, who looked at her with a hesitant look on his face.

"..um, yeah, we should, just um, leave me out of it." Rudy replied, and Carol threw him a look,

As much as he missed Mitch and wanted to hear his voice, he wasn't actually up to arguing at the moment, not over the radio.

"Rudy, you can't ignore your problems forever." Carol told him, and Rudy huffed out a chuckle, grinning at Carol,

"Yeah, I can." Carol narrowed her eyes at him before turning to look at Rue,

"Hey, don't be like him and avoid your problems." She warned before turning to the radio to contact their people.

Rudy and Rue shared a look both chuckling to themselves.

".. Carol, are you there? I repeat Carol, are you there?" Eugene's voice came through one of the channels that Carol passed, and she turned back,

"I'm here, Eugene," She replied , and she glanced at Rudy, who was standing in the corner, near the window.

"And so is Rudy." Rudy snapped his head over to her, a betrayed look on his eyes.

"Oh, thank God, where are you?" Eugene questioned,

"We're looking for Daryl." Is all Carol replied with,

"That does not give any specifics of your location," Eugene replied, "You have a lot of people looking for you. Mitch almost killed me twice."

Rudy snorted, and Carol threw him a look, and he chuckled under his breath, looking out the window.

"..Rudy! Are you there?" Mitch voice came through the radio, and Rudy shook his head at Carol,

"He's here." Carol replied, and Rudy let out a small sigh as Carol tossed him a grin.

Rudy walked over to the radio and cleared his throat.

"I can't talk to him, Rue, do it for me." Rudy said, and Rue happily nodded, "Sure!"

"Coward." Carol muttered under breath,

Rue sat in front of the radio and pressed the button, "Hello?"

She looked up at Rudy, "What do you want me to say?"

"Tell him I went out to kill the dead, and I'm very busy, can't talk." Rudy whispered, and Rue nodded,

"Rudy isn't here at the moment. He's busy killing the dead. He can't talk." Rue repeated, throwing a smile at Rudy.

Carol chuckled to herself, "Maybe you should also tell Rue to take her finger off the button."

"Oops." Rue removed her finger from the button she was pressing the entire time, and Rudy cursed under his breath.

"..okay, first of all, who was that, and second,seriously, Rudy?" Mitch questioned, and he sounded angry.

Rudy sighed and pressed the button, "her name is Rue, and second, yeah, seriously."

"You can't just leave, Rudy!" Mitch told him, and Rudy scoffed under his breath,

"Didn't you say that that was all i was good for? Leaving?"

"I literally didn't say that! You're twisting my words around." Mitch argued, and there was a voice in the background speaking to Mitch before the sound cut off.

"..just where are you?" Mitch questioned with a sighed,

Dog started to bark, and Rudy shared a look with Carol, as Rue went to answer Mitch.

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