45. Reunited with Carol

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"..get inside!" Rudy gestured for Rue and Dog to get inside of the first car they saw once they made it outside.

Rue and Dog got in the back, ducking down, out of sight, Rue holding Dog closely to her as Rudy got in the car, slamming the door shut behind him,

He searched the car before he found a set of keys. He started up the car as quickly as he could, and the second it was one, he pressed on the gas, driving fast.

Bullets shattered the back windows, and Rue let out a scream, "Rue!"

"I'm okay!" Rue replied, but she was scared. She held Dog even tighter.

"Just stay down!" Rue let out a small whimper as the car took a sharp turn,

The gunfire became distant after a moment, but Rudy was still driving fast.

Rue got on the seat, putting her seatbelt on, and Dog sat beside her,

"..Rudy?" Rue called out, and Rudy glanced at her, "Huh?"

"Your arm looks like shit." She told him, earning a small laugh from Rudy.

"Yeah, yeah, it does." Rue smiled a little but frowned as she noticed the way Rudy's eyes were slowly closing, and the car was slowing down.

"Rudy?" Rudy slump forward, his head hitting the steering wheel. It let out an ear piercing screech,

Rue took off her seatbelt and climbed over the seat, "Rudy!?" She shook him, but there was no response,

She pulled him back, his head rolling to the side leaning against the window, and Rue leaned forward, putting her ear on Rudy's chest,

She let out a sob of relief, wrapping her arms around Rudy, crying, glad that he wasn't dead.

Dog whined, and Rue pulled back, sniffling, "he's okay, Thor, he's okay."

Rue didn't feel safe just being in the middle of the road, where the bad guys could easily spot them.

"Rudy." Rue tried to wake up Rudy, but it was no use, Rudy wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

"Okay.. what would Rudy do?" Rue questioned to herself, "he would be able to drive." She mumbled before an idea popped up in her head.

She got out of the car and ran to the other side, opening the back door, "Stay," she told Dog before she opened the driver seat,

"Sorry about this, Rudy."

Rue pulled on Rudy's good arm, and Rudy fell out of the car, on top of Rue, who let out a shout and a groan.

"..this was a stupid idea." She mumbled to herself before standing up.

Rudy let out a small groan, "Rudy, can you stand?" Rue questioned, and Rudy briefly opened his eyes before sitting up, slowing standing up,

"..up..general..orders?" Rudy stumbled around, and Rue grabbed his arm,

"I need you to get in the car." Rue told him, and Rudy let out a groan, slowly climbing into the far before passing out.

Rue smiled at Dog, "Looks like luck is on our side today, Thor." Rue closed the door, and she hopped into the driver seat, closing the door, and she looked down at the seat before pulling the handle to make the seat go forward.

Her chest was pressed against the steering wheel, but she could reach the gas and the breaks.

She pressed on one of the pedals, and the car moved backward , "Okay, not that one."

She pressed on the other one, and she let out a small scream as the car quickly moved forward,

She released the gas a little and let out a sigh of relief as the car moved slowly.

"This is easy," Rue said to herself, and Dog whined,

"Don't worry, Thor, I won't crash."


"...it's was my first time driving!" She defended herself as Dog was staring at her,

She had accidentally crashed the car into another car, and now the car was stuck,

The sky was darkening, and Rudy hasn't woken up yet, only that one time to get himself in the car,

It was just her and Dog, but what was she worried about? She used to be alone before, she could handle it again, but there was this feeling in her stomach that wouldn't just go away,

Her eyes glanced around her surroundings. There was no dead around or people, and somehow that made it feel more eerie,

She looked at Dog before she moved to the back, sitting beside Rudy, leaning her side on the seat, and she grabbed his hand in hers, and Dog stayed on guard in the front.

Rue leaned her head on Rudy's, "Come on, Rudy, wake up." She quietly said,

Dog suddenly let out a bark, and Rue flinched, her eyes widening, and she scrambled to the gun that Rudy had tossed to the side earlier,

Dog kept barking before he started to growl in warning.

The growling stopped a second later before Dog jumped out of the broken window,

"Dog!" Rue whispered, shouted, her heart hammering in her chest, but she didn't leave the car. She stayed by Rudy's side,

She heard footsteps coming closer, and she raised the gun, aiming it at the window,

"Stay back! I'll shoot you!" Rue warned, her hands shaking,

"..Rue, is that you? It's me Carol, you remember me?" Rue lowered her gun, and she scrambled to get out of the car, swinging the door open, and she saw Carol with a man and young teen boy,

Tears appeared in Rue's eyes, "Carol!" She ran over to her, throwing her arms over Carol's waist, before she pulled back, looking up at Carol,

"You gotta help, Rudy! He's bad, really bad." She pulled Carol over to the car,

"What happened?" Carol questioned, taking in Rudy's unconscious form,

"Bad people happened. They took us from the boat, and Rudy got us out, but he passed out and only woke up for a second, and he hasn't woken up again." Rue explained,

"...Rudy.." Rue looked at the man who came to stand beside Carol. He seemed to know Rudy, but she didn't know him, and she wasn't going to trust him, not until Rudy said it was safe to trust him.

"We have to take him back to Isabella." The young teen spoke up, his accent noticeable,

"..the car still works?" Carol questioned, looking at Rue, who nodded,

"Yeah, but I got it stuck." She said, and Carol raised an eyebrow at her but didn't ask anything.

"Daryl, you alright?" Carol questioned, turning to face the man, now known as Daryl, who nodded after a moment,



1096 words
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Daryl finally saw Rudy after years!!


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