10. Rudy's first day at Alexandria

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A scream startled Rudy awake, making him fall off the chair with a loud thud. "Ow."

He stood up and stretched his body, letting out a yawn as he walked over to the others, who were all awake now, due to Eugene shouting.

"What's going on?" He questioned, standing between Maggie and Glenn.

"Rudy! You should keep that thing in the jar! I woke up, and it was staring at me!" Eugene told him, pointing to Lord zard.

"Oh, I forgot to put him back." Rudy chuckled, walking over and grabbing him, holding him on the palm of his hand.

He suddenly smirked, turning to Eugene, "Are you afraid of little lizards, Eugene?" He questioned, walking towards Eugene.

He held out Lord Zard towards him, and Eugene backed up, bumping into Abraham, who let out a small laugh.

"Nice, kid."

Rudy grinned, and Fist bumped Abraham before he sent a grin towards Eugene as he walked out of the living room area.

Sasha was in the kitchen area looking down at the journal.

"Hey, Sasha, enjoying sketches of Lord Zard?" Rudy asked, putting Lord zard back in the jar.

Sasha lifted her head and looked at him. "You didn't sketch your lizard."

Rudy raised an eyebrow ,"I didn't?"

Sasha turned the journal towards Rudy, pushing it towards him, and Rudy looked down

what was staring right back at him where sketches of Beth and...Tyreese.

Rudy frowned as he looked up at Sasha, "I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I sketched them. "

Sasha smiled at him. It was a small smile, "it's okay, do you mind if I keep it?"

Rudy nodded, "Yeah, you can keep it, Sasha."

Sasha walked over to his side and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, I mean it, Rudy, thank you."

Rudy hugged Sasha back. "It'll be okay," Sasha pulled back, and Rudy smiled up at her.

"You still got me." Sasha smiled and chuckled.



After eating breakfast and getting ready for the day, Rudy finally stepped out of the house.

Daryl was sitting on the porch with his crossbow.

Daryl glanced up as he heard someone walking out. It was only Rudy.

He took in Rudy's appearance. He had a new pair of jeans, and he wore a grey t-shirt with a red and black flannel shirt that he didn't bother to button.

Instead of his black Converse. He had red Converse now. The shoelaces were just tucked into the shoe.

"Hey, tie your shoes, or else you'll trip and break ya neck." Daryl told him, and Rudy glanced down at his shoes.

"Nah, I'm good."

Daryl rolled his eyes ,"Sit." He demanded, and Rudy sat down in front of him.

Daryl grabbed one of his legs and started to tie Rudy's shoes.

"You don't know how to tie shoes, do you?" Daryl questioned, and Rudy snorted, "Of course I do!"

Daryl gave him a look, and Rudy sighed, "No.. I just tucked my shoe laces into my shoes for a whole year. Look, I tried, but I just couldn't do it."

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