31. The first kiss

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The walker teeth almost touched Rudy's skin before the walker was pulled off of him, and Rudy scrambled back, and saw Mitch bashing the walker's head against a table's corner before he dropped the dead walker and turned to look at Rudy.

"Rudy!" Mitch kneeled beside him, cupping his face in his hands, glaring at the cut on Rudy's cheek, but then he saw the way Rudy's hand was on his side, how wet his gloves were.

"..were you bit?" Mitch asked, his voice shaking at the thought of Rudy being bit and being unable to save him.

Rudy shook his head, groaning, "No, no, Sergeant, you should've left me behind. You put the whole team at risk.."

"Shut up!" Mitch snapped, his angry but worried eyes met Rudy's, "Don't you fucking say that I should've left you behind!"

"Nobody would leave without you, so, kindly shut the fuck up, and let me get you home." Mitch told him, wrapping an arm around his waist, and pulling him up.

Rudy gritted his teeth, groaning as his body flared up in pain, a small whimper escaped him,

"I'm sorry." Mitch said, leading rudy out of the room.

Rudy stumbled over his feet, almost falling, but Mitch kept a tight hold on him, and Rudy turned his head to look at him,

Their faces were inched apart, and they were staring into each other's eyes.

Rudy could feel his heart begin to race as he saw the way Mitch eyes flicked to his lips before meeting his eyes.

Rudy's eyes widened as Mitch crashed his lips with his.

Rudy slowly kissed him back before he pulled back, panting slightly, his eyes terrified as the words Beale said to him echoed in his head.

A snarl interrupted their moment, and Mitch let out a laugh that made Rudy almost flinch, but he held back his flinch.

His chest felt tight, and all the noise seemed to be drowned out by the sound of the blood rushing to his ears, the sound of his heart thumping in his chest.

Mitch looked at Rudy, who was staring at him, "I almost forgot about them. Come on, baby, let's get you home."

Rudy didn't reply, too focused on keeping himself calm, but he was panicking.

A part of him was scared of going back to the CRM, but the other half was obedient , wanting to go back, wanting to please general beale,

But Rudy knew that he would only disappoint beale when he went back. He knew what was awaiting him.

His job was to eliminate all remaining survivors, but instead, he was bringing them back alive.

He didn't complete the mission.

Rudy felt his eyes growing heavy and his body becoming too heavy to keep himself up.

He felt himself getting lifted up before his back was pressed against another, and there were arms around him, familiar arms, but he was too tired to even care about the pain in his back.

"Shh, it's okay... we're going home..."

As Rudy went unconscious but thankfully still breathing, laying practically on Mitch, who didn't seem to mind at all.

Rudy's face was scrunched up in pain, and anakin whined, lying his head on Rudy's lap.

Anakin could sense the pain his owner was in, and he didn't like it one bit.

Mitch glanced at Michonne, who was sitting next to Carl. He eyed the two with clear distrust and clear hate.

Blake had her gun trained on Michonne, as Anaya had her gun trained on Nat, who nervously smiled.

Carl saw the way Mitch was holding Rudy as if he was trying to protect him from the whole world, from them.

He saw the way, his face turned apologetic as he pressed a rag against Rudy's wound, and Rudy would ever so often let out a whimper of pain.

He wondered what Rudy and Mitch were. What their relationship was.

Rudy didn't seem the type to develop feelings for someone so easily. Younger Rudy? Maybe, but older Rudy seemed to distant himself from people.

He seemed the type to keep his friends far away from him and his enemies real close.

Carl regretted what he said to Rudy earlier. Rudy was nothing like Negan.

Everyone was startled when Rudy suddenly let out a shout before his body just started to seize, almost like a seizure.

"Shit!" Mitch kept an arm over Rudy tightly as he used his other arm to himself and Rudy from falling out of the helicopter.

Murphy reached out and grabbed ahold of them both.

Rudy's seizure only lasted a second before another started, and he was screaming,

"What the hell?!" Blake questioned, helping Murphy keep ahold of Rudy and Mitch.

"We're almost there!" The pilot shouted through the coms before asking for a med team to be on standby.

Mitch heart ached as Rudy continued to scream and seize in his hold. He wanted to take all of his pain away and shield him away from the cruelty of the world.

He knew that Rudy could kick his ass if he ever tried to do that.

The helicopter landed, and the med team took Rudy away from him, putting him in a gurney, and general beale was there.

"He's having seizures. Why aren't you helping him!?" Blake yelled as the doctors rapidly talked to each other.

"These aren't seizures!"

Mitch went to follow as they wheeled Rudy away, his heart stilling as Rudy stopped screaming, and his body just laid there.

Mitch was stopped by Jadis, and Mitch glared at her. "Get out my way."

"No. You will leave the doctors to do their job, Sergeant Dawson." Jadis told him, and Mitch scoffed,

"I am not leaving him alone!" He agrued

"Sergeant Dawson." Beale spoke, and Mitch looked at him, and Mitch just wanted to take out his gun and shoot him, and he would've if he wasn't out of bullets.

"Lieutenant fairbourne would be fine. I have my finest doctors working on him as we speak," beale turned to face Michonne and Nat.

"Why don't you tell me whose these two are?"

1022 words

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