26. Lieutenant fairbourne

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The alarm blared loudly for only a second before a hand slammed down on it, turning it off.

Rudy glanced to his side, seeing Anakin, his dog still sleeping, lying on his back, snoring away.

Rudy let out a small chuckle, leaning back, his back pressing against the wall. He's been awake for a while and fully dressed in his uniform.

He hasn't been sleeping well since.. Since that day, he left everything behind.

It had been years since jadis practically kidnapped him, or as she called it, "saving him."

It wasn't saving him. She entrapped him in a life that he couldn't get out of. Saving someone doesn't include years of torture.

He grew up being a soldier, a weapon for a government that doesn't really care about its people.

He wouldn't admit it out loud, but for someone reason, he had hoped that someday someone would come and save him.

That hoped vanished the second the torture continued, and nobody was coming to save him.

He gave up on ever seeing the people from his past, and he couldn't mention them to anyone.

He kept Alexandria and his group a secret from everyone. The only person who knew was jadis, but for some reason, she was also keeping it a secret.

A younger Rudy would've been curious as to why she was hiding Alexandria from the CRM, but older, trained Rudy? He could care less.

He didn't care about much besides the CRM. That's what they drilled into his head.

The CRM, and the CRM only. His mission was to protect the CRM at all cost and eliminate all threats to it.

He was the CRM special lieutenant, especially General beale.

The man was trying to act as a father figure to Rudy, but Rudy used to have one, and then he got another one..or he liked to think he gained another father figure with Daryl, but it's been years.

Daryl probably already forgotten about him or already thought he was dead.

He was just a stupid little kid who was always causing some problems. Why would anyone care for him? Especially Daryl.

Everyone was probably glad he wasn't around anymore.

Rudy let out a sighed and stood up from his bed, letting out a small whistle. "Anakin, up, we got work to do."

Anakin rolled into his stomach and stretched himself off the bed, letting out a yawn as he did so.

Rudy grabbed his handgun, making sure the safety was on before putting it in the holster on his left leg before he grabbed his sniper rifle and slung the strap around him.

The sniper rifle settled on his back as he walked over to the door. As anakin drank and ate, he grabbed his knife that impaled on the table.

Rudy let out a whistle, "Kin, come here." Rudy crouched down as anakin rushed over to him, wagging his tail.

Rudy put on anakins harness, and Rudy softly smiled at him, petting his head. "Let's both make it home today."

Rudy leaned his forehead against Anakin's before he stood up and unlocked the door, swinging it open.

"..shit!" A startled voice shouted, and Rudy raised an eyebrow.

"Sergeant Dawson. What are you doing?" Rudy questioned, walking out of his room, closing the door behind Anakin, who greeted Mitch Dawson with a nudge.

"Well, for starters, I told you to call me Mitch, when it's just you and me, and second, I brought you coffee, strong, just how you like it." Mitch replied with a smile, holding out a cup of coffee towards Rudy.

Rudy took the cup of coffee, "You spying on me, Mitch?" Rudy questioned with a raised eyebrow, slowly drinking the coffee.

"What!? No, i.." Mitch trailed off as he noticed the small grin on Rudy's lips,

Mitch chuckled ,"You're just messing with me."

Rudy hummed, "What's the occasion?"

Mitch sighed, running a hand through his hair as he and Rudy started to walk side by side down the hallway with Anakin in between them.

"As much as I want to say that, I brought you coffee out of the goodness of my heart and my undying love for you," Mitch winked at Rudy,

"We have a mission, or at least I think we do. I don't know that lady with the shitty haircut wasn't giving much information." Mitch said,

Rudy paused, reaching out his hand and grabbing Mitch arm to stop him from walking.

"What did she say extacly." Rudy questioned, and Mitch shrugged

"Well, her exact words were, "You, get me lieutenant Fairbourne and meet me by the landing pads in 10 minutes." Mitch told him, mimicking a female's voice

It was a horrible impression, and Rudy narrowed his eyes at him. "When was this extacly?"

Mitch let out a laugh, "Ten minutes ago."

Rudy let out a sigh, lowering his hand, "get the others, and meet me outside." With that, Rudy walked away from Mitch.

Mitch watched Rudy walk away, and his eyes traveled down before he smacked himself in the back of his head.

"No, nope, eyes up, don't be a perv."


"..do you understand what your mission is?" Jadis questioned, and Rudy nodded.

"Yes, Ma'am." Jadis nodded, and she glanced behind Rudy as she heard commotion.

She let out a sighed, "You have your mission, and they have theirs,"

"Don't fuck it up, fairbourne." With that Jadis turned around and walked away.

Anakin let out a low growl at her retreating form, and Rudy placed a hand on his head.

"Yeah. I don't like her either."

"Yo, lieutenant. What's our mission?" Blake Preston questioned, throwing an arm over his shoulders.

Rudy shrugged her arm off and turned to face them with a serious look on his face that he often wore.

He was always serious all the time, never a smile on his face, always wearing a frown.

A smile and a grin were a rare sight to see on him.

"I will debrief all of you on the way there. I will say this once and only once," his eyes narrowed into a glare, giving all them a pointed look,

"Either of you fucks up this mission, I will personally shoot you myself, do I make myself clear?" He asked, but he only got nods back in reply.

" I said, do I make myself clear!?" He repeated his questioned louder,

"Yes, sir! Loud and clear, sir!" The replies were shouted back immediately, all straightening up with their hands behind their backs.

Rudy saw the way Blake was grinning and the way Murphy was trying to hold back his laughter.

Those two could never be serious about anything, always joking and messing around, but they always got the job done.

Murphy and Blake reminded Rudy of his younger self, reminding him how he used to be like them, but all he changed.

The CRM changed him.

"What are you all standin' around for? Get your asses in the helicopter."


1165 words


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