41. The little girl with Dog

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Rudy tore a hand through his slightly wet hair, stepping to the side avoiding the water as the waves crashed against the dock as Carol tied the rope to the dock.

He glanced around looking for any sign of the dead and humans, his knife in his hand, and the gun Carol gave him tucked on the side of his waist, hidden beneath his shirt.

He felt weird not wearing his uniform or having his own weapons, but he needed to get used to it. He wasn't at the CRM anymore.

He wasn't a soldier anymore. He needed to stop acting like one, and he needed to start acting like a person that Mitch could be happy with.

He wanted to make Mitch happy, and he needed to change to do that.

Rudy paused as a distant bark was heard before an even distant almost unheardable scream followed.

That's all Rudy needed to hear before he took off running, "Rudy!" Carol shouted after him, cursing before she quickly followed him.

Rudy easily jumped over a fallen branch, landing on his feet, not wasting a second continuing to run down the road, nothing but trees surrounding the area.

The barking got louder, and Rudy took a turn into the trees, following the sound of the barking.

Rudy paused, panting slightly as he saw walkers snarling at a tree, and the barking continued, it was coming from inside of the tree,

A scream made him rush forward, stabbing a walker in the back of the head, not giving the others any time to actually notice him.

He killed them one by one until the final one who was halfway into the tree, and he dragged him out before stabbing the walker in the head.

"Rudy!" Carol caught up with him, coming to a stop, panting as she took in the scene in front of her.

Rudy ignored her as he crouched down in front of the tree, holding his hands out in a surrender gesture,

He dropped his knife to the ground before taking his gun out and putting it aside of him, and he stood up, taking a few steps back.

"..it's okay, we won't hurt you, I promise you, you can trust us, " Rudy calmly said, his voice soft and gentle, a tone that Carol only heard whenever he was speaking to children.

"My name is Rudy, and that's Carol. She may look an evil grandma, but trust me, she's not as evil as she looks, ow," Carol gently slapped him in the back of the head.

A small giggle was heard, and Rudy smiled, "You can come out."

Carol watched as a little girl crawled out of the tree, followed by a familiar looking dog.

"Dog." Carol called out, and dog wagged his tail, barking as he ran over to her,

"You know Thor?" The little girl questioned surprised, and Carol raised an eyebrow at her,

"You named him Thor? His name is Dog." Carol said, and the little girl shook her head.

"No, his name is Thor. Dog is not a name." She argued, and Rudy chuckled,

"She's right, Dog isn't really a name. Nice choice of name. Since we know Thor's name, can we know yours?" Rudy questioned, a small smile on his face.

The little girl stared at him for a moment before deciding that she liked Rudy. He seemed nice.

"My name is Rue." She introduced herself, with a small smile.

"Daryl wouldn't just leave dog.." "Thor." Rue interrupted, and Carol sighed,

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