38. Don't let go

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Rudy led the children into a room, heading towards a rack and letting out a small curse, but he turned to the children , "Come here." He told them,

"I want you to listen to me very closely. You are going to put this mask on, and under no circumstances do you take them, not until you are away from the gas, do you understand me?" He told them, putting a mask on his youngest, Morgan, who was silently crying.

"No!" She shook her head, and Rudy cupped her face in his hands, "sweetheart, I know you're scared, but I need you to be brave, right now, can you do that? Can you be my brave little girl?"

Morgan sniffles and nods her head, and lets Rudy put on the mask, "Don't take it off."

"Wait, there's only four masks, what about you?" Billy, his oldest, at sixteen questioned , holding the mask in his hand.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Rudy told him, but deep down, he knew he wasn't going to be fine.

The gas would enter his lungs, and all his insides will melt, and it's really a painful death, but Rudy would suffer a million times if it meant his kids would be safe.

"Dad..are you gonna die?" His second oldest at twelve Claire asked, crying,

"No," He lied, and he smiled reassuringly at her, pulling out a bandana and wrapping it around his neck, "I'll be fine." He pulled the bandana, so it was covering his mouth and nose.

It would only give him a few minutes, but at least he would be able to get his kids out of the building.

"Billy, listen to me. You remember how to shoot a gun, right?" Billy nodded,

"Yeah." Rudy pulled out his gun and handed it to him, "If I slow down, I want you to leave me.."

"What, no!" Billy protested, shaking his head,

"Billy! I need you to leave me behind if I start slowing down, and I need you to take your sisters and get them out of the gas. Do you understand me?" Rudy questioned, staring into Billy's eyes, and Billy nodded, his eyes watering buy a determined look on his face.

"Yeah, I can do that."

Rudy nodded, "Good, are you guys ready? Girls, hold hands, and don't let go of each other and Claire, hold into Billy's belt, don't let go of each other."

The four of them nodded, and Rudy saw gasp coming under the door, and he was glad the children were wearing the mask already.

He pulled out his knife, "Let's go." Billy grabbed into the back of his uniform, and Rudy opened the door, and he coughed, gas stinging his eyes.

Most of the gunfire had stopped, but there were still a few gunshots.

Rudy coughed as he led the kids towards the exit, but he was trouble breathing as he kept going. He could feel blood sliding down his eyes,

Just as they were nearing the exit, Rudy leaned against the wall, "Go!" He coughed out.

Billy hesitated, but he led his sisters out of the building, leaving Rudy behind.

Rudy could feel blood bubbling up his throat,and he pulled the bandanna down, throwing up the blood,

A snarl caught his attention, and he weakly looked up and saw Nurse Jane as a walker, and Rudy rolled his eyes at himself.

The infirmary has oxygen tanks, and he needs oxygen.

Rudy forced himself to stand up and walk towards the infirmary, stumbling , trying not to breathe the gas in,

Nurse Jane was behind, snarling and growling, and as he was slowing down, she was getting closer.

Rudy slumped down against the wall as he couldn't go any further, and his eyes drifted up, seeing Nurse Jane coming closer until her body dropped in front of him.

"Rudy!" Mitch appeared in his line of vision, his worried, panic eyes staring into his, but Rudy's eyes were trained on his kids, who were with Nat.

Rudy could feel himself being lifted up, but he couldn't focus on much,

Rudy could feel the world spinning, and this was it. This was how he was going to go out.

"..open the door! Hurry!..grab that!" He distantly heard Mitch yell before he could feel something getting put on his face,

"..come on, baby, breathe."

Rudy took slow breaths. He could feel fresh air hitting his lungs, slowly releasing the agony they were in.

Mitch stared down at Rudy, who was slowly breathing in the oxygen. There was blood sliding down his eyes and blood down his chin,

If he was even a second late, Rudy would be dead, but he grateful that those kids found him and Nat.

"Dad?..oh, my god, is he dead?" Claire asked, her eyes staring at her adoptive father.

Mitch snapped his head towards the kids, "dad!?" He exclaimed in shock,

Rudy was a dad? Why didn't he tell him? More importantly, why didn't he know that he was a dad. He would be a good dad. Just ask the others.

"We need to leave now." Nat spoke up, and Mitch looked at him, nodding.

"Yeah, hey, you four, follow me, and don't wander off." Mitch sternly told them, and the four children nodded.

Mitch lifted up Rudy, Rudy's head directly under his chin, and he honestly weighted like a leaf.

Mitch carried Rudy out, with Nat in front of him, killing any of the dead they encountered. The kids were in between them, holding on to each other.

Billy was carrying Morgan, while Abby, the second youngest, was holding hands with Claire.

Mitch was going to have a serious talk to Rudy once he's all better, better yet, while he's recovering, he won't be able to argue back.

"..not..a princess.." Rudy muttered, and Mitch heard it, cracking a small grin.

"Yeah, well, you're my princess."

Rudy weakly lifted his hand, flicking him off, and mitch let out a small laugh,

Rudy was definitely gonna be okay.


1008 words


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