16. Simon said

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Rudy slowly opened his eyes as he gained consciousness again. He wasn't being moved around anymore. He was lying on a bed, a thin blanket on him, covering his body, stopping below his chin.

He was in a room that he didn't recognize. He sat up, his face scrunching up in pain.

".. I'm glad to see you're awake." Rudy snapped his head to the side, seeing the man from before.

He smiled at him, "You don't have to worry. Nobody is going to hurt you, My name is Paul, but everyone calls me Jesus."

"I wasn't far off, I called you god." Rudy replied, lying back down, deciding to listen to Denise this time.

Jesus let out a small chuckle, "Yeah. Well, what's your name? I'd say it's only fair since you know my name."

Rudy turned his head to look at him, wondering if he could trust Jesus but one smile, and Rudy was already trusting the man.

"Rudy. My name is Rudy, and I'm twelve, well, almost thirteen. It's the thought that counts." Rudy told him, and Jesus chuckled.

"Yeah, it's the thought that counts. Say, how'd you get that stab wound?" Jesus asked,

Rudy knew what he was doing. He was fishing for information.

"Well, it's a stab wound, so I was stabbed." Rudy replied, turning his head so he was staring at out the window. He saw people outside. It wasn't like Alexandria, but people seemed somewhat happy.

"Where am i?" Rudy questioned, watching people do chores.

"You're at the hilltop." Jesus replied as the door opened and an older man walked in.

Rudy instantly hated him. He just had this aura about him that just made Rudy dislike him already.

"Ah, the child is awake. Good, can you walk?" The man questioned

Jesus sighs, "What do you think, Gregory? The kid was on the verge of death a couple of days ago."

"I'd say he's fine to walk. We wasted enough supplies on him, If he's not gonna pull his weight, why are we keeping him around?" The man, Gregory, questioned

Rudy narrowed his eyes at him, "Aren't you old enough to be a fossil? Why are you still around?"

Jesus let out a small laugh that he quickly covered with a cough when Gregory looked at him before he glared at Rudy.

"The saviors are coming today." Gregory told Jesus, who sighed, while Rudy looked confused.

"Is that like a cult?" Rudy questioned, and Jesus stood up, giving him a small smile.

"Nothing you should worry about, Rudy. You should rest. It's been a couple of days, but your wound is still healing." Jesus told him,

"Wait, days? Days passed?" Rudy questioned, his eyes widening, the others might think he's dead.

Well, he would think he would be dead to. He's lucky to be alive. He had to thank Jesus for that.

"Yes, days that you have been sleeping like some princess wasting our resources." Gregory replied, but Rudy ignored him.

He may not be so subtle when he flicked him off. "I can't stay here... I have a home..I need to go back. "

Rudy didn't want to give them any information about Alexandria. He couldn't really tell if they were bad people or good people yet.

Jesus was one of the good ones that he could tell, but Gregory seemed to be one of the bad ones. Plus, Gregory seemed weary of this group called the saviors.

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