8. Aaron and Eric

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That was the guys name that had been following the group for a while.

The only thing that Rudy found interesting about Aaron was when Rick knocked him out.

He found it funny. He even chuckled, but Daryl smacked him in the back of the head, telling him to shut up, but Daryl had a small grin on his face, telling Rudy that he also found it funny

Rick had sent them all out, but Rudy headed back before anyone. He found a lizard  that he wanted to show Judith.

Rudy walked inside of the barn and saw the Aaron was awake. Rick was feeding Judith some apple sauce.

Rudy stood in front of Aaron, Rick watching silently.

"Do you like lizards?" Rudy asked, showing Aaron the jar he had in his hand that he may or may not have stolen from him when he saw it.

"Hey, wait, that's my jar. You put a lizard in my jar?" Aaron questioned in disbelief, glancing at Rick.

Rudy shrugged, "Not anymore. The jar was empty, and you're tied up, so you have no use for it."

Aaron looked back at Rudy, "it's need air, that jar doesn't have any holes on the lid."

Rudy stared at him for a second before pulling out his knife and making a few holes on the lid as he walked over to Rick and Judith.

"Look, Judy, a lizard, his name Lord Zard," Judith reached out for the jar, and Rudy happily gave it to her.

"We just have to make sure Daryl doesn't eat Lord zard."

Rudy saw pictures, and he picked them up.

"That's my community. Alexandria." Aaron told him, and Rudy glanced at him before looking at the pictures.

Alexandria looked like a nice place.

Rudy looked at Aaron ,"How many people have lizards? Do you think babies' thoughts are filled with jellyfish?"

"Rudy." Rick called out his name, and Rudy looked at him and let out a small sighed.

"I'm curious. Eugene said. Babies don't think at all, but I, for one, think that's a lie." Rudy said, and Rick sent him a look.

Rudy frowned but smiled as he went back to showing Judith Lord Zard.

He tuned out Rick's and Aaron's conversation.

Maybe Alexandria wasn't a scam. Rudy hoped it wasn't. He wanted somewhere safe for his friends.

He didn't want to lose anymore of them. He especially wanted a safe place for Judith.


"..so, you're Aaron's boyfriend?" Rudy questioned the man lying down with a broken leg.

The man who had introduced himself as Eric nodded with a small smile. "Yes."

Rudy nodded ,"That's cool. Hey, want to see a lizard?"

"Rudy." Maggie called out for him, and Rudy looked back at her. She gestured for him to come over.

Rudy looked back at Eric, "Nice meeting ya, Eric." Rudy stood up and walked over to Maggie.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" Abraham questioned, and Rudy looked at him with a small grin.

"You know you have to talk to strangers to make friends, right?" He said, and Abraham chuckled, shaking his head.

"Not grown men, Rudy." Maggie told him,and Rudy glanced around before looking at Maggie, "I don't see any kids around my age."

A smack to the back of his head delivered by Roista, "Don't be a smartass."

Rudy winced, rubbing the back of his head. "I wasn't, I'm just saying, plus, Eric, and Aaron, I believe them, I think they're legit, even Lord Zard thinks so."

"Lord Zard is a lizard, "Eugene spoke up, and Rudy looked at him. "They don't have thoughts or have the choice to speak."

Rudy raised an eyebrow ,"Oh, yeah?" Rudy pulled out Lord Zard from his jar and held him in front of Eugene.

"Eugene," he mimicked a very bad lizard voice, "just because I am a lizard doesn't mean I don't have any thoughts."

"That's a very bad impression of how a lizard would sound if they were able to speak." Eugene replied

Rudy sighed, putting Lord Zard back in the jar.

"Alright, I won't talk to Eric." Rudy started to walk away from.

"Where are you going?" Maggie questioned,

"Daryl." Is all Rudy replied with.

Rudy glanced back at the others, but they were in a deep conversation. He grinned to himself and headed towards Eric.

Rudy walked over to Eric, standing next to him. "Are there kids my age in this place of yours?"

Eric kindly smiled ,"Yeah. There's kids your age in Alexandria. Must be lonely not having friends your age, huh?"

Rudy frowned, "I used to have a friend. She wasn't my age. She was older, but she was the first I made since the world ended. She's dead now."

Eric frowned ,"I'm sorry about your friend."

Rudy sighed, sitting down, placing Lord zard jar down in front of him.

"I have another friend, Noah. He's the same age as Beth, my friend, who died. Noah and Beth were friends, too," Rudy told him,

"How did you know that you loved Aaron?" Rudy asked, changing the subject

Eric chuckled, "Love at first sight. I just knew from the moment I saw him."

Rudy hummed, "Rick punched him in the face eariler, knocked him out, he's okay though."

"Rick..he's..." Eric trailed off, but before Rudy could answer, Aaron walked in, and Rudy stood up, going back to the others.

Rudy watched Aaron and Eric reunite.

He wondered if he would ever fall in love like Eric and Aaron or maybe like Glenn and Maggie.

Rudy never had anything against the same gender liking each other. He thought it was amazing and brave.

He thought it was pretty cool. He knew that so many people didn't accept that, like his father.

His father didn't like people who liked the same gender. His dad was always saying something, and Rudy was always apologizing.

His mom never voiced her thoughts, but her eyes told everything. She was the same as his father.

Negan and Lucille didn't care. Lucille had told him that "People can love whoever they want, and when you are older, you can love whoever you want as long as you are happy."

Rudy wouldn't care if he loved a boy or a girl just as long as they loved him back.


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