2. funeral homes and hospitals

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"..do you ever shut up?" Daryl grumbled, glancing at Rudy, who cut off his rambling.

It only took Rudy a couple of minutes before he was comfortable with Daryl and Beth, and he was talking their ears off.

Beth didn't mind, but Daryl did. He was annoyed enough as it was.

"Sorry, I'm just excited, and when I get excited, I talk, like a lot," Rudy replied, "so, no, I don't shut up."

Rudy grinned at Daryl, who narrowed his eyes at him,

"Hey, look!" Beth, who was on Daryl's back since she accidentally hurt her ankle, and Daryl was carrying her on his back.

"It's a cemetery," Rudy spoke up first, gesturing to the whole land in front of him.

"Great, night of the living dead, anyone?"

Daryl and Beth gave him a look, and Rudy gasped, "Have you two not watched night of the living dead?"

"Keep walkin',and less talkin'." Daryl told him, walking ahead, and Rudy quickly caught up with him.

"I'll go up ahead." Rudy said, and before Daryl or Beth could say anything, he ran off.

He made it to the funeral home and ran up the stairs, almost tripping, but he caught himself.

He tried the doorknob, and the door was unlocked. He grinned and turned to Daryl and Beth, who were almost close.

"The doors unlocked!" He gave them a thumbs up before disappearing into the funeral home.

He walked into a room and got on the counter to open a cabinet, and he gasped,

"Holy shit!"

"Hey, get down from there." Daryl grumbled as he walked in, putting Beth down.

"Dude,look!" Rudy jumped down and held a peanut butter jar in hand, "peanut butter!"

He opened it and passed it to Beth, "Angel's first." He winked, and Beth laughed while Daryl smacked Rudy in the back of the head.

"Thank you, Rudy." Beth said, and Rudy smiled before throwing a small glare at Daryl, who smirked at him.

Rudy stuck his tongue at him, and Daryl chuckled,tossing him another peanut butter jar.

Rudy caught it and sat down next to Beth.

There was a noise outside, and Daryl went to check it. "It was just a dog."

"A dog? Can we keep it?" Rudy asked as Daryl came back into the room.

"The dog's gone, kid."

Rudy sighed. He always wanted a dog, but his parents had told him that he needed to be responsible , and he was, he is responsible.

If he can keep himself alive, then he can keep a dog alive.

"Next dog, I see, I'm keeping it." Rudy told them, drinking some soda, and Daryl scoffed,

"Good luck with that."


Rudy paced back and forth as Beth was singing, and Daryl was lying in a coffin.

It was dark outside, and Rudy was too bored to even try to sleep. His mind would just keep going and going with so many thoughts.

He always had trouble sleeping.

A noise at the door paused his pacing. He walked over, thinking it was the dog from before.

He opened the door, "Oh, shit!" He closed the door as fast as he could, but arms stopped him from fully closing it.

"Daryl! Daryl! Oh, God! Dead!it's the dead!" Rudy yelled, grimacing at the sounds of the flesh ripping apart with the door.

Daryl ran over and held the door, "Go!Go! I'll be right behind you!"

"Rudy, come on!"

Rudy ran over to Beth, both of them quickly exiting the funeral home.

Beth was ahead of Rudy, and a car had come out of nowhere and hit Beth.

"Beth!" Rudy shouted, his eyes widening as police officers got out of the car.

"What the fuc..."Rudy was cut off as one of the officers pulled out a stick and smacked it against his head, knocking him out.

The last thing he saw was Beth lying on the ground unconscious.


The moment Rudy woke up, his brain was pounding against his skull.

He let out a small groan, lifting his hand to his head.

He sat up, glancing around in confusion. The room he was in looked like a hospital.

He spent enough time as a child in a hospital that he could recognize a hospital room when he saw one.

He stood up from the bed only to fall. "Ow." He mumbled.

"I'll pretend I didn't see that." A voice came from the doorway,

Rudy quickly stood up and saw a young man standing by the door.

"It never happened." Rudy said, and the young man nodded ,"never happened." He agreed.

"Where's Beth? " Rudy asked, suddenly remembering the events that happened.

"The blonde girl you came in with? She's still unconscious. She'll be alright, though," the young man replied,

"I'm Noah." He introduced himself , walking further into the room.

"Rudy. I want to see her." Rudy told him,crossing his arms over his chest to seem intimidated

Noah chuckled, "You need to work on looking intimidating," he frowned

"It's not up to me."

"Then who is it up to? Santa clause?" Rudy sarcastically asked.

"No, me." A woman in a police uniform walked into the room.

"Okay. I want to see Beth, the blonde girl, your people ran over." Rudy told her, staring up at her with the best glare he could muster.

"My name is.." Rudy cut her off,

"I don't care what your name is! I want to see my friend, I want to make sure that she's okay? Do you understand me, or do I need to speak slowly? Or maybe in Spanish, so you can understand me." Rudy told her

The officer glared down at him, "With that attitude, you are not leaving this room. I will come back when you are calm. Noah, let's go."

Rudy scoffed, "You can't keep me in here, lady!" He yelled after her, the door closed door behind Noah, and Rudy banged his fist on the door.

"You're such a shitty cop!"

Rudy sighed and backed up from the door.

"God, I hate cops."


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