44. Escaping

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TW -  bit of Sa

"..son of a bitch!" Rudy cursed as he woke up in a room tied up to a chair, the rope was tightly secured around his waist, and every time he moved, there was a burning sensation.

He wasn't worried about himself. He was worried about Rue and Dog. They weren't in the room with him, and he preferred that they were still on the boat.

He glanced around the room. It was dark, barely any light, and there was dried blood on the wall, blood stains on the ground beneath him.

There was a metal door in front of him, and he glared at it.

The last time he was in a room like this, he was wearing a straight jacket, and he was getting electrocuted, but he endured all kinds of torture, courtesy of Beale himself.

Beale wanted to make sure that if he ever got caught, that he'll would never speak.

The door to the room opened with a loud creak, and Codron walked in, a smile appearing on his face as he stopped in front of Rudy.

Rudy glared up at him, "Where are they?" He questioned,

"They're safe." Codron replied as he started to walk in circles around Rudy.

"What do you want?" Rudy asked, and Codron stopped in front of him, putting his hands on the handles of the chair, leaning down,

"Information." Codron simply told him, and Rudy chuckled,

"What? That you're a pussy ass wet rag? Yeah, I think everyone knows that information.." Rudy was cut off by a punch to the gut.

"I want to know what you know what Daryl Dixon." Codron told him, and Rudy let out a laugh, looking at him,

"Who the fuck is that?" He questioned playing dumb, he couldn't let codron actually know that he knew Daryl.

He was curious about what kind of trouble Daryl had gotten himself into with this guy and his group.

"Do not play dumb with me, boy." Codron stood up straighter,

"Tell me what you know about Daryl dixon." Rudy titled his head to the side, humming,

"Well, I can for sure tell you...Go Fuck yourself!"

A punch was delivered to the side of his face, and he spat out blood, laughing, "is that all you got?"

Codron smirked at him, "you'll be a fun one to break."

Rudy grinned at him, "try your best, Codron."

"I will."


"..you know, these torture methods are pathetic!" Rudy let out a small laugh, coughing, and spitting out blood,

He was soaking wet from being waterboarded, his lip was cut and bruised, his left cheek was bruised, and he had a black eye, blood dripped down the side of his head,

His body was aching, and it was sore, his wrist were burning, and something wet was dripping down his wrist, and he was sure it was blood.

Codron had left a few minutes ago, promising that he would be back, and Rudy had no doubt he would be.

He coughed a little more as the door opened, and a man walked in. It wasn't Codron,

Rudy felt uncomfortable with the way he was looking at him, the way his eyes stared at him like he was prey,

The man walked forward, stopping in front of him, and his eyes traveled down before a grin appeared on his face.

"I will enjoy you." The man told him in French, and Rudy glared at him,

"Go to hell." He spat out in French, and the man leaned down, gripping Rudy's hair before smashing his lips against his,

Rudy struggled, but it was no use.

The man made a mistake of untying one of Rudy's hands, and Rudy saw a knife on the guys belt, and he quickly grabbed it,and stabbed the guy in the side, twisting the knife,

The man yelled out in pain and threw Rudy back, and Rudy let out a shout as he fell back, hearing a crack, and his arm was burning in pain,

"You little bastared." Rudy gasped as the man's hands wrapped around his neck, tightly squeezing, cutting off his airway.

Rudy pulled out the knife and stabbed the man in the neck, and sliding the knife across his neck, he closed his eyes as blood poured out, landing all over him.

The man choked on his own blood, his hands flying to his neck as he fell beside Rudy.

Rudy took deep breaths and coughing, and he groaned as he reached his hand out and cut the rope from his legs.

He let out a small whimper as he cut his arm loose. It was definitely broken by the looks of it.

Rudy gritted his teeth and crawled over to the man, taking his gun, and he stood up, kicking him.

"Fucking pig."

Rudy needed to find Rue and Dog and get them out of whatever place they were in.

He walked out of the room and cursed as he saw more men coming down the hallway.

"Hey! Stop!"



Rue flinched back as muffled gunfire echoed outside of the room she was in. She clung to Dog, who whined,and growled as he heard footsteps running past the door.

"Rue! Dog!" Rudy's voice rang out among the gunfire.

Rue stood up, wincing as her side ached, and Dog followed after her. She walked towards the door and paused as the gunfire stopped.

She took a deep breath before trying the doorknob, and she let out a sigh of relief that it was unlocked, and she opened the door, walking out of the hallway.

Her eyes widened at the number of bodies in the hallway, the lights were flicking above her, blood all over the wall, ceiling, and floor.

"Rue! Dog!" Rue snapped her head over to the left and saw Rudy walking over to them, covered in blood, and bruised.

Rudy crouched down to her height and pulled her into a tight embrace, letting out a relief breath,

"Oh, thank God," He pulled back, and his worried eyes met hers, "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He questioned

Rue shook her head, and she reached her hand out, gently touching his face, and Rudy resisted the urge to flinch,

"They hurt you." Rue told him, and Rudy smiled at her, standing up,

"I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle, do you know how to shoot a gun?" Rudy questioned, and Rue nodded,

"Yeah, I do." She replied, and Rudy nodded, taking out a gun and giving it to her,

"Good, if you see a dead one, you shoot them, I'll handle the people, do you understand me? You don't have to kill people, Rue, you let me do that." Rudy told her,

Rue nodded, "Yeah, but just so you know, I killed a person before, I didn't like it, but I can do it again."

Rudy slightly smiled, "I know you can, and that what makes you such a badass."

Rue smiled, chuckling, and Rudy glanced behind him as the dead started to rise,

"Let's get the hell out of here."


1181 words


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