3. Oh, thank lord Megatron

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Rudy paced back and forth in the room he was being held in. He had tried to look for a way out, or maybe a way to open the door, but there was nothing in the room.

He couldn't jump out of the window since he seemed to be near the top floor.

It has been hours since he heard from anyone, and he doesn't know how long it's been since he's seen Beth.

He wanted to see her. He wanted to make sure that she was okay with his own two eyes.

Noah seemed like the trusting kind, but Rudy didn't know if he could fully trust him.

Noah seemed to listen to that officer from before, and Rudy didn't like her, but then again, Rudy didn't like cops.

When he was younger, he always did some questionable things, and cops usually busted him and took him to his parents, explaining what he did in a much worse way.

His parents grounded him for weeks, and they even made his teachers give him extra homework, which completely sucked because Rudy did not like homework.

School was simply boring for him, yeah, he kinda liked it because he had friends, but his mind was moving too fast, and it made school work boring for him.

He wasn't made to be sitting still for hours and hours. He was meant to be moving around, like his mind was.

His parents would often send him outside in the backyard to run around, "Waste the energy." Was what his mother used to say.

Sometimes, his parents would get annoyed at him because he simply couldn't contain that energy inside of him for so long, and he just either had to keep rambling or just move around doing something.

Not only that, but he forgot things to, he doesn't mean to, but it just slips his mind.

His parents definitely got annoyed with him with that. He would often hide their Keyes, so they wouldn't leave him behind when they had to go to work, and he would forget where he put the keys, and remember later that he had them in his pocket.

His parents weren't bad parents. They just had zero patience to deal with him sometimes.

Rudy didn't know what was wrong with him. His mind just worked differently than others. He was different from others.

The only person who ever had patience with him was his neighbor. Coach Smith.

Rudy wondered if he was still alive. He wondered if Lucille was still alive. Last he heard, she was kind of feeling a little sick.

Rudy wanted to go back to their house and check, but his parents took him a long way from home, and he wasn't extacly paying attention to which way they were going.

He could've used a map, but he didn't know how to read a map. Maybe he could ask Beth when they get out of here.

Rudy stopped pacing as the door opened, and that officer from before walked in.

"Can I see my friend, or are you gonna keep me locked in this room forever?" Rudy spoke up before she could.

The officer tightly smiled at him, "My name is Officer Dawn Lerner, but you can call me Dawn or ma'am,"

"Now, Noah tells me your name is Rudy, correct?"

"No. My name is Barbie." Rudy sarcastically said, and Dawn deeply sighs.

"If I let you see your friend, would you stop with the sarcasm?" She questioned, and Rudy stared at her for a minute.

Rudy couldn't help but be sarcastic. Words just fly out his mouth before he can stop himself, but he really wanted to see Beth.

"I'll zip my mouth and throw away the key." Rudy made the gesture and faked, throwing a key before he forced a smile on his face.

It was that same smile he used when he was in trouble. It was that "I'm a good boy, and I'm innocent." Smile

It was far from the truth. Rudy was nothing but a menace, as Coach Smith used to call him.

Did Rudy hang out more in coach Smith house than his own? Yes, he did, but that was because his parents were rarely home.

They were always at work, and Rudy would always be at Coach Smith house playing video games with him or simply chatting with Lucille in the kitchen as she made something to eat.

"Good. Follow me." Dawn said, turning around and walking out of the room.

Rudy was quick to follow, walking beside her.

They walked in silence for only a second before Rudy spoke. "..are you guys kidnappers?"

Dawn glanced at him, and she chuckled ,"No, we are not."

Rudy nodded ,"so, Beth and I can leave then?"

"No, you can not." Dawn replied, and Rudy scoffed

"But you just said you're not kidnappers. Kidnappers don't let us leave. Police officers let us leave!" Rudy told her,

"It is also my job to protect you." Dawn told him, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking.

Rudy shrugged her hand off, "I don't need you to protect me, lady. I can handle myself just fine."

"I'm sure you can." Dawn didn't look like she believed him, but who would believe a twelve year old?

Not many people would.

"Rudy?" Upon hearing Beth's voice, Rudy quickly turned around and smiled, a genuine smile this time.

"Beth! Oh, thank lord Megatron, that you are okay!" Rudy ran over and hugged Beth, who chuckled and hugged him back.

"Don't you mean thank the lord?" A man in the room questioned, and Rudy pulled back from the hug, eying him wearily.

"No, no, I meant what I said,' Rudy replied before he looked at Dawn.

"So, can we leave now? Police officers don't hold people hostages."

Dawn sighed ,"No. You aren't leaving. You owe us."

Rudy raised an eyebrow, "owe you for what exactly? Running my friend over? Hitting me on the head? Kidnapping us!? Uh, hello!" He waved his arms around

"I was the one hit on the head, but you seem to be the one confused. We don't owe you horse shit, lady." Rudy glared at dawn,

"We wasted medical supplies on both of you, and you owe us for that, and until your debt is paid, you will stay here..."

Dawn was interrupted by Rudy once more,

"Excuse you? Did you just not hear a word I just said? Your people hit my friend with their car on purpose! If you wasted supplies, well that it your own Damm fault." Rudy snapped,

"Rudy, calm down." Beth told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen to your friend, and calm down." Dawn told him, and Rudy raised his hand, flicking her off.

"Don't tell me what to do. Only Beth can."

Dawn glared at him ,"You have seen your friend. Let's go."

"What? No!" Dawn reached forward and grabbed Rudy by his arm tightly, tight enough to bruise.

She dragged him out of the room as he yelled at her and tried to kick her. Beth was being held back by the other man.

"You're hurting him!"


1199 words


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