18. Happy birthday, Rudy

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It's been a few days since Rudy reunited with Negan and "joined" the saviors. Rudy didn't join the saviors. He was just hanging around them for a bit.

He hasn't told Negan about Alexandria or about anyone in his group.

He wasn't stupid. He could tell Negan had changed. He didn't show it, but Rudy could just tell.

He observed, and he saw the way the saviors were scared of Negan. He learned many things about Negan and the saviors in the few days he was with them.

He didn't like the fact that Negan had so many wives. Why did he need so many? He already had one, Lucille.

If Lucille was here, surly she would kick Negan's ass for simply even looking at another woman, and Rudy would pay money to see that, but money was useless now.

Negan's wives were kind to him. He liked Sherry the most of out all of them.

She had told him that she had a sister, but she was gone now. Rudy didn't know why, but he told her about Beth and Noah.

Maybe it was because she was honest with him. Rudy trusted her more than he trusted Negan.

He had a bad feeling about the saviors, about Negan.

Rudy didn't know much about Negan's people. He only met Simon briefly, but the others? Negan made sure he stayed clear from them.

Maybe it was because Negan didn't trust him either. It's been a while since they saw each other, and a lot has happened that changed both of them.

Rudy hasn't seen much of Negan during he stay at the sanctuary. He was gone most of the time dealing with stuff.

Rudy spent his time exploring and just checking the calendar. He may or may have stolen from somebody.

His birthday was in a couple of hours, and he was a bit excited. He wasn't as excited as before. He wanted to spend his birthday with his group, and Beth, Noah, Sam, and Lord zard.

His birthday wasn't always great, and rarely celebrated, but he thought this time it would be different, maybe it would be different.

"..Rudy!" Startled, Rudy almost fell off the chair he was currently standing on, with one foot in the air.

Negan stood in front of him with a confused look on his face, the baseball bat that he named after his late wife resting on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, and Rudy jumped off the chair, landing on his feet.

"Seeing how long I can stand on a chair." Rudy replied, looking up at Negan.

"Going somewhere?" He questioned, and Negan nodded, "Yeah."

"Great! Where are we going?" Rudy asked with a small grin, and Negan chuckled.

"Me. No, we." Negan told him, and Rudy sighed, "but I'm bored here. Come on, I won't bother you or wonder off, cross my heart, and hope to be Walker dinner." 

Negan stared down at Rudy, who smiled up at him, and Negan sighed before throwing an arm over Rudy's shoulders, pulling him closer, starting to walk.

"Alright, fine, but there are gonna be some rules..."


"...you remember we used to have an Rv like this?" Negan questioned, as he and Rudy sat inside of an Rv. Well, he was, Rudy was walking around.

Rudy chuckled ,"Oh, I remember. Lucille made you sleep in it whenever she got mad at you."

Negan chuckled, "I remember her sending you also. You were all pouty, puffy cheeks, and everything."

There was noise outside, and the smile on Negan's face disappeared, and Rudy was curious.

Rudy went over to the window, but Negan stopped him. "Rudy.. I don't want you to watch this."

Rudy looked at him confused, "Watch what?"

Negan didn't reply, and Rudy pushed past him, looking out the blinds, and he squinted his eyes as he saw figures outside, most of them kneeling,

"I can't see anything." Rudy muttered to himself and headed to the door, but Negan stopped him.

"Kid, something is about to go down, and I don't want you to witness it. Just stay in the rv." Negan told him,

Rudy had a bad feeling about all of this. His heart was hammering in his chest, and there was this feeling in his stomach that he couldn't get rid of. 

"What's going on?" Rudy questioned, and Negan pushed aside ,

"Nothing you should worry about. Stay in the rv."

Negan walked out of the Rv. The door shut down him, and Rudy went to follow, but something made him stop.

He listened as Negan's voice rang out. He sounded different.

His hands seemed to start to shake, but he wasn't scared, was he? It was Negan. He couldn't be scared of Negan.

Rudy took a deep breath, and before he could progress what he was doing , he opened the door and walked out,

His eyes widened in horror at the scene in front of him.

He barely recognized his own scream, "Abraham!"

He was running forward before his mind could catch up with his body, but he was held back by one of the saviors.

Negan turned around to face him with an angry expression. "I told you to stay in the rv!"

Rudy tore his eyes from Abraham's body, tears streaming down his face. "You... you..killed him.."

Negan took a step towards him, but Rudy flinched back.

"Get the hell away from him!" Daryl surge forward, punching negan in the face, catching everyone off guard.

Rudy was thrown on the ground by the savior holding him, who rushed to push Daryl back.

"Unacceptable!" Negan yelled, pissed, and he glanced at Rudy, stilling for a moment as he saw those terrified eyes staring back at him.

"That was unacceptable!"

Negan didn't give the group a chance to recover from the brutal death of Abraham when he brutally smacked the bat against Glenn's head.

Maggie cried out, and Rudy felt all the breath in his body leave.

"Maggie...I'll..find..you.." Glenn struggled to say, and Negan kept smashing the bat.

"..stop! Stop it!" Rudy screamed, standing up and running over, pushing Negan away from Glenn's body,

"Don't push me!" Negan snapped, and Rudy let out a small sob.

"Stop it.."

Negan stared at Rudy, wondering how the hell he knew the group, but he gritted his teeth and pointed a finger at Rudy.

"I told you to stay in the rv."

Rudy stared at him before he looked down at Glenn or what's left of him anyway.

A beeping sounded , and it was Rudy's watch. He had set an alarm to notify him when it was his birthday.

Negan hummed, grabbed Rudy's arm, and checked the watch before realization passed through his eyes.

He grinned and leaned in to whispered into Rudy's ear.

"Happy birthday, kiddo."


1139 words


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