28. Don't ask questions

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Jadis was waiting on the landing pad as the helicopter landed. Rudy jumped out and headed towards Jadis, grabbing her arm and pulling her a few feet away from his team.

"What the actual fuck, Jadis?" He angrily questioned, glaring at Jadis, releasing her arm.

Jadis glanced at the helicopter, seeing Carl standing there next to Mitch, who was keeping a close on him.

"Your mission is completed, Lieutenant. Remember, don't ask questions." Jadis replied

Rudy took a deep breath before letting it out, calming himself down, "What are you hiding, hm?"

"Nothing." Jadis quickly replied, and Rudy narrowed his eyes at her, stepping closer to her,

"Nothing? Don't bullshit me, Jadis. You never sent me on a retrieval mission before. They were all kill missions," Rudy glanced at Carl before his eyes met Jadis.

"Why didn't you tell me it was Carl?" He asked,

"And what would you have done if you had known?" Jadis questioned,

"A heads up would've been nice."

Jadis smiled at him ," and ruin the surprise?"

Rudy stared at her before he scoffed and went back to his team. "Get some rest, take Anakin with you." He ordered,

"Yes, sir!" Only three of them left along with anakin, but Mitch stayed behind.

"Disobeying an order?" Jadis questioned, looking at Mitch, who glared at him, standing up straight to his full height,

"I'm staying." Mitch said, his tone holding no room for arguments.

He wasn't about to leave Rudy alone with this man. There was something Rudy was hiding, and Mitch didn't like being in the dark, especially when it came to Rudy.

"He stays." Rudy said after a minute, and Jadis glanced between the two, her eyes slightly narrowing.

"What are you going to do to me?" Carl finally spoke up, glaring at Jadis, but his eyes softened as he looked at Rudy.

"Well, I'm going to take you to your father. Isn't that what you want, What you came here for?" Jadis told him,

Rudy snapped his head to look at Jadis, his eyes slightly wide, "Rick? Rick is here? At the CRM?"

It couldn't be. Rick was supposed to be in Alexandria just like Carl was supposed to be.

If Carl and Rick are at the CRM. Who's taking care of Judith?

"Lieutenant fairbourne," Jadis began, turning to look at him. "Report to General beale, Sergeant Dawson, take inmate 2341 to lieutenant Okafor, tell him that this inmate is Rick Grimes son, and he's a B."

Mitch looked at Rudy, who nodded at him. Mitch scoffed under his breath, grabbing Carl's arm,

"Let's go inmate 2341."

Rudy watched as Mitch walked away with Carl.

"Lieutenant fairbourne, Report to General beale.  Now."


Rudy knew he should've kept his mouth shut, but he couldn't stop the questions that he had blurted out.

He wasn't supposed to ask questions. He was just supposed to do his job, and no questions asked. That's how it always was, but finding out that Rick has been at the CRM..

Rudy wondered how long Rick had been at the CRM. He wondered if it was only Carl here or the others were as well.

"..Lieutenant, Jadis shared some of her concerns with me, "beale's voice snapped Rudy's attention towards him, standing up straighter with his hands behind his back.

His body was tensed, but he didn't show it.

"She is concerned that you have taken a liking to a Sergeant of yours, that it has clouded your judgment." Beale stood in front of him.


Beale interrupted Rudy, "Let's take a walk, lieutenant." Beale walked out of the room, and Rudy quickly followed him, synce, with his steps.

"The CRM is very important to me, lieutenant, but you are important to me as well," Beale started, glancing at Rudy

"You are like a son to me, and honestly, I don't care who someone likes, but I do care when it affects their judgment." Beale told him,

"Sir, my judgment hasn't been clouded, I've been following orders just like how I was trained. I've completed missions." Rudy defended himself.

Beale smiled proudly at him, "Yes, i know that, but," His smile disappeared as he stopped in front of a door, and Rudy paused,

His heart began to hammer in his chest, his hands started to shake, but he clenched his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white, and his nails digging into his palms.

"The CRM can't have relationships. There's too much at risk here." Beale said,

Rudy nodded, "I understand, sir.."

"You will understand, lieutenant."


"...I'm not taking orders from her." Blake muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at Jadis.

"Where's our lieutenant?" Murphy questioned, his eyes narrowing at Jadis, "and why is he here? Are you replacing our lieutenant?"

Standing beside jadis was Carl. His one eye was narrowed at everyone.

"Lieutenant fairbourne was sent on a classified mission, and he will return soon, but as for now, I will be in charge of your group," Jadis spoke, her voice loud and clear.

"And meet your new teamate, private Carl Grimes."

Mitch glared at Carl before his glare was directed at Jadis.

He hated Jadis with burning passion. He wanted nothing more than to take out his gun and shoot her in the head or maybe in the heart and let her turn into a dead one.

"Make him feel welcome." With that, Jadis walked away from the group.

Anaya, being the only responsible one besides Rudy, stepped up to Carl.

"Private Grimes. I am Sergeant Anaya Denver. You will address me as Sergeant Denver, Denver, or Ma'am." She told him before stepping back.

"How do you know Rudy?" Mitch questioned, not beating around the bush.

"I heard his name over the radio." Carl replied, it was a lie, and Mitch knew it.

Blake let out a laugh, circling around Carl, "I wouldn't lie to Sergeant Dawson,"

She grinned, "You see, he's a problem solver, and by that, I mean, he'll put a bullet into a problem," She stopped in front of him, pulling out a knife and holding it under his chin.

"And me? I'll slit a liars throat out, and if I'm in a good mood, I'll cut off their tongues." Blake told him,

Carl didn't seem afraid. He scoffed, "I heard his name on the radio a couple of times. It doesn't take a genius to put a face to a name."

"We don't believe you." Murphy said, standing next to Blake, Carl glanced at him before pushing the knife away from him.

"That's not my problem."


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