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Rudy became the leader after someone found out that he killed General Beale, though he wasn't fully recovered, and he didn't really like being a leader that much,

So, he gave it to somebody who actually deserved it. Anaya.

He handed the leadership to Anaya, who was surprised, but she accepted it with a smile.

Blake and Murphy decided to stay with Anaya, helping her free other posts.

Rudy wished he could help them, but it wasn't his fight, not anymore. They didn't mind. They could handle it themselves.

He was going to miss them but they promised that they would visit when it was all done.

Mitch was staying with Rudy, both of them deciding to head back with Rick and the others, since apparently the grimes family never left and were the ones that attacked the CRM releasing the gas that almost killed Rudy.

They apologized, but Rudy didn't make a big deal out of it, his kids, on the other hand, did.

Rudy didn't know how mitch was taking the fact that he had four adopted kids. He seemed to be acting weird about it,

The kids had told him that mitch had been around, taking care of them while he recovered, and Rudy didn't know what to think.

Whenever Rudy tried to speak, Mitch was interrupting him by asking what he needed and what he wanted, that he'll get it for him.

He seemed to be eager to help him that Rudy couldn't ask him what he wanted to ask him, always pushing the question back until the day they were leaving.

The kids were carrying their stuff into the helicopter, and Mitch was carrying most of the stuff since he forbade Rudy from helping them.

Rudy was leaning against the side of the helicopter with his arms crossed over his chest, watching the younger kids play around with Carl.

Mitch walked past him, but Rudy's hand reached out, stopping him from walking any further,

"Is something wrong? Do you need water?" Mitch quickly questioned as he turned to face him.

"No," Rudy replied, "stop being such a mother hen. I'm fine, been fine."

Mitch huffed out a laugh, "Right, and I'm the toothfairy."

Rudy grinned a little, "Really? Well, Addy has some words for you, Mr. Tooth fairy."

Mitch chuckled, glancing over at the kids, "they're good kids."

Rudy smiled, "Yeah, they are.." He let out a small sighed, "and I've been meaning to talk to you.."

"Marry me." Mitch blurted, and Rudy eyes slightly widened, staring at Mitch,

"What?" Mitch cleared his throat,

"Marry me, Rudy. I want to be by your side for the rest of your life, and I want to parent those kids with you, I love you." Mitch told him, waiting for Rudy's reply.

Rudy stared at him for a moment and nodded his head, "Yes."

"Yes? Yes, as in you'll Marry me?" Mitch asked, a grin on his face.

Rudy nodded, smiling ,"Yeah."

Mitch let out a shout, "Yes!"

"Hey, guys! He said yes! Rudy's gonna be my husband!" Mitch yelled, excited

"OH my gosh!" Claire squealed,

"Awesome!" Abby yelled, jumping up and down with Morgan, who had no idea what was going on but was excited because everyone else was.  While Billy wasn't jumping up down, he had a smile on his face.

Rudy laughed, a smile on his face,

"There's that smile. Thought I'd never see it again." Michonne said, coming to stand next to him as did Rick.

Rick chuckled as Mitch celebrated with the kids, high fiving Carl.

"~ Someone's in love~" Michonne teasingly sang out, making Rudy blush, looking down at the ground with a smile.

"He's blushin'." Rick commented, and Michonne chuckled, and Rudy shook his head, letting out a small laugh,

"How do you think the first meeting of Daryl and Mitch would go?" Michonne suddenly questioned, a smile on her face,

"I don't know, but I'd pay money to see it." Rick said, grinning at Michonne, "I'll ask someone to have popcorn ready for when they meet."

"..you think Daryl gonna be happy to see me?" Rudy suddenly questioned,

"Of course, he would." Michonne told him, and Rick nodded in agreement, "Yeah."

Rudy looked at his family before looking at the grimes,

"Let's go home."


"..land sweet land!" Abby dramatically exclaimed, falling to the ground as she rushed out of the helicopter once it landed on a field area.

"How'd that dirt taste like?" Mitch questioned with a small chuckled as Abby sat up, spitting out dirt.

"Disgusting." Mitch let out a laugh, helping her up as Rudy carried Morgan out of the helicopter, as she complained that she couldn't feel her legs anymore.

Billy and Claire followed closely behind,

"..Rudy?" Rudy looked over at the sound of his name and saw a young girl, looking at him with teary eyes,

He instantly recognized those eyes, and he smiled,

"Hey, Judith."

Judith looked at Rick, who smiled at her as he nodded his head, and Judith ran over to Rudy, hugging him.

"I remember you," Judith told him, looking up at him, "Uncle Daryl, never let me forget you, and neither did Carl, or anyone, and I'm glad I didn't forget my best friend."

"You're judy!? Oh my god, we heard so many stories about you. Do you remember that time you pulled my dad's hair when you were a baby?" Claire questioned , coming over

Judith excitedly started chatting with Claire and Addy.

"..you're the lizard boy." Rudy looked down and saw a young boy looking up at him in awe,

"I love lizards too!"

"Rudy, this is RJ." Michonne introduced, and Rudy smiled down at Rj,

"Do you have a lizard? I used to have a lizard.."

"Lord zard! Yeah, Uncle Daryl told me about him when he gave me a tank for my lizard." Rj excitedly said, quickly getting into a conversation of lizards with Rudy and Morgan.

"..your kid stole my husband." Mitch told Rick, who chuckled, "your kids stole my kid."

Carl walked over with a small smirk, "so, Mitch, are you ready to meet Daryl?"

Mitch raised an eyebrow, "who's daryl?"

Rick and Carl shared a look before walking from Mitch, leaving him slightly terrified,

"Who's Daryl!?"

"Babe, who's Daryl?"

1046 words


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