4. The failed escape plan and Daryl

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Rudy was bored, and he was mad. Those two things combined were never a good thing , especially for him.

He was locked in the room again. Someone brought him food, but he wasn't really hungry , so he didn't touch it. 

His body was weird, as was his mind. One minute, food could be interesting to him, and the next, food didn't interest him.

He could never understand himself. He couldn't never understand his mind or his stomach.

Plus, he didn't want to add to this "Debt" that he supposedly had with Dawn.

He never hated anyone in his life more than Dawn. He only met her for a couple of minutes, but he wanted her dead already, and he wanted to be far, far away from the hospital.

He didn't know how long he had been in that room, but people came and went with eaten food or full tray.

It felt like years passed, but really, it was only a couple of days.

Rudy was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling as he bored of pacing the room.

He sat up as the door to the room opened, and a head peeked in. It was Beth.

Rudy quickly stood up with a grin on his face. "You missed me, didn't you?"

Beth smiled at him, "Come on, follow me, we need to be quiet." She whispered, and Rudy nodded, quickly rushing out of the room and seeing Noah there as well.

"What's he doing here?" He quietly asked, gesturing to Noah.

"He helped me, Rudy. He's leaving with us." Beth replied, and Rudy glanced at Noah.

He didn't trust him... yet, but if he helped Beth, then Rudy could trust him.

The three of them walked over to an open elevator.

Rudy peered down and grimaced at the smell that was coming down from there.

"What's down there? Smells like one of my grandma's farts." Rudy said, looking at Noah for the answer.

Noah chuckled ,"Your grandma's farts smell like rotting corpses?"

Rudy shrugged, "They smelled bad."

"We need to get down there." Beth interrupted, flashing a light down.

"How?" Rudy question, and Noah held up a rope that he and Beth made with cloths, "with this."

Rudy blinked ,"Okay...guess we're riding the crazy train today. Who's going down first?"

Beth and Noah stared at him, and Rudy sighed ,"Guess I am."


"..these bodies are so squishy, why are they squishy?" Rudy, question, grimacing in disgust.

"Their flesh is falling apart, and their rotting. What do you expect?" Noah asked,glancing down at him.

"Not for them to be so squishy." Rudy replied

"We're almost out, Rudy." Beth told him, following behind them.

She was right. After a few minutes, they made it out, "I never thought I would see the sun again," Rudy grinned, looking up at the sun

"And now I'm blind."

"Let's go."

The three of them made their way to the gate. There was a dead or two roaming about.

"Hey! Stop!"

"Uh-oh, run, we should run."

Noah and Rudy made it to the gate, but Beth didn't. She was being held back by the police officers.

"Beth!" Rudy shouted, trying to go back for her, but Noah held him back.

"We'll come back for her." Noah dragged Rudy away.

"We better!"

Rudy didn't want to leave Beth behind, but he was gonna come back for her, just like Noah promised.

They were going to get Beth. One way or another.


Rudy glanced around for any sign of the dead waiting for Noah to come back. He was anxious and inpatient.

He wanted to save Beth. They don't have time to just stand around and do nothing.

He left her behind, and he didn't leave people behind. Especially not his friends.

Rudy jumped a bit as he heard shouting, and it sounded like Noah, no, it was Noah.

Rudy didn't waste any time running towards the shouts.

Noah had told him to stay hidden, but he couldn't just stay hidden if Noah was in trouble.

The shouting got closer, and Rudy stopped, panting, Noah was under a shelf, and one of the dead was at the door snarling, but there were two people standing there.

One of them he recognized, but they weren't doing anything.

Rudy rushed forward, taking Daryl's knife and stabbing the dead in the head just as it fell.

"Noah! Noah, are you okay?!" Rudy questioned, looking at Noah with worried eyes.

Noah let out a breath, nodding his head, "Yeah, yeah."

Rudy nodded, "Good," Rudy looked at Daryl, glaring at him. "What the hell was that, man!? You were just gonna watch him die!?"

"Rudy?" Daryl looked surprised to see him, relief even.

"No, I'm the Easter bunny, yes, it's me, Rudy, where the hell have you been, man!?" Rudy questioned

"Me? I ain't the one who got myself kidnapped! Where's Beth?" Daryl asked, taking his knife back from Rudy.

"Oh, yeah, we got kidnapped by police officers that are were holding us hostage at the hospital, Beth didn't make it out, and now that you're here, let's go save her," Rudy told him, before glancing at the lady next to Daryl.

Rudy raised an eyebrow, "So, while Beth and I were being held hostage, you got yourself a girlfriend?"

Daryl smacked him in the back of the head, "she's a friend."

Noah cleared his throat, "Uh, not to interrupt, but can you guys help me up."

"Oh, right."


Carol, the lady that was with Daryl, got taken after getting hit by a car.

Now Rudy, Noah, and daryl were heading back to Daryl's people.

Rudy was walking beside Daryl, swatting mosquitoes off of himself.

"Are we close yet?" Rudy questioned, glancing at Daryl, who didn't reply.

Rudy frowned. He wanted to save Beth and Carol already. He wanted his friend to be safe. He wanted Daryl's "Not girlfriend, just a friend." To be alright.

He hoped that Daryl's friend would help. He did not want to face a whole bunch of police officers by himself,

But he would face Dawn. He won't hesitate to punch her.


1025 words


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