24. Sasha

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Rick had made some sort of deal with another community. Rudy didn't trust them one bit, especially the one calling herself jadis, and especially since they're holding everyone at gunpoint at the moment.

He noticed that she seemed to have some sort of crush on Rick, and he couldn't be around them for even a second.

Though it wasn't like Rick wanted him around at the moment. He was still upset about the fact that Rudy managed to piss off Negan, who was now standing outside of the walls of Alexandria.

There was a coffin on the truck. Sasha was in there. She was alive as Negan had told them, but there was these bad feeling that settled in Rudy's stomach.

He didn't want Sasha to die. She couldn't die, not her. He had already lost so many people that he cared about, and he didn't want to lose her, too.

Rick was talking with Negan, trying to make some sort of peace that everyone knew it wasn't going to work.

Not everyone agreed with Rick and making peace with the saviors.

Maggie wanted Negan dead just as Rudy wanted him dead as well, but Rick was their leader, and what he says goes.

Rudy just watched the scene play out in front of him. He wanted to run out, run to the coffin, and let Sasha out.

"..and I want Rudy." Rudy tore his eyes away from the coffin and towards Negan,who was looking at him already with a grin on his face.

"He," Negan pointed to Rudy, "poisoned half my people who turned into walkers overnight and ate half of my other people,"

"He is eight years old, and he has more balls than any of you here. He tried to kill me, you know? With my own gun!" Negan chuckled,

"Now, why would it be fair to have such a badass on your team when he should be on mine? And I also want my Daryl back,I gotta have my Daryl." Negan said, smirking as he glanced between Rudy and Daryl.

"Now, I want everything right now, or Sasha dies."

What happened next happened way too fast for Rudy to progress it all, Negan had opened the coffin, and Sasha was dead.

She was dead. She had turned into a walker. Rudy could only stare at Sasha's walked form.

Gunshots rang around him, bullets flew past him, but all he could do was stand there, watching as negan struggled with Sasha.

A sharp pain on his arm brought him back,and he brought his hand up to his arm.

He was grazed by a bullet.

A savior pulled Sasha off of Negan, and Negan went to take cover.

Rudy's feet moved before his mind could catch up, and he was pulling out his knife before he could stop himself.

His mind caught up with him the second his knife impaled into Sasha's head.

He couldn't leave her like that. No matter how much his heart screamed at him, no matter how much it ached with so much pain.

Sasha was dead, and it was all his fault.

The gunfire soon stopped, and Rudy was roughly pulled next to Rick, kneeling beside him.

Carl wasn't at Alexandria, and neither was Judith. They were at Hilltop with Siddiq and the rest of the children.

There was smoke. It seemed like a fire started somewhere in Alexandria, and then a scream rang out.

Rick quietly gasped, and Rudy knew why.


She couldn't be dead. Not Michonne. Nothing can kill Michonne. She was still alive, and Rudy prayed that she was.

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