33. Rick grimes

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Thunder loudly boomed, the sound becoming nothing but a muffled sound as Rudy slammed the door behind him as he entered a building soaking wet,

He brought his hand up and pushed his hair back , the tips of his hair dripping droplets of rain.

He stood by the door for a moment. He wanted to go back. He wanted to go back to Mitch and just be with him, but he couldn't.

Mitch had nothing at the CRM, but Rudy did. He couldn't just the people to defend themselves. He couldn't let the children become soldiers, pawns in general beale twisted game.

He needed to save the children from becoming like him, from losing their childhood, from losing themselves.

Rudy felt his feet move, walking down the hallway, but he was in his mind,

He knew what everyone thought about him, what the people thought about him,  they just thought he was a dog,

He overheard a woman once call him a dog behind his back. It was in Spanish, but Rudy understood.

People would often call him names behind his back in different languages, thinking Rudy wouldn't hear or understand them, but he learned languages as he grew up.

The word dog or mutt was the one people used more.

He saw where they were coming from. He was loyal, obedient, and followed orders like any good pet would, but like any good pet with a bad owner has a snapping point, Rudy didn't have a snapping point or at least he thinks he doesn't.

He remembered what happened last time when he reacted out of anger, out of grief. He didn't want a repeat of that, just only this time, everyone he cares about will be killed, and beale would most likely make him do it himself.

"..Rudy." snapping out his thoughts, Rudy spun around, his hand on his handgun, but he slowly relaxed as he noticed it was only Michonne.

She was wearing a uniform similar to his. She didn't have her sword anymore, and Rudy was slightly relieved as Michonne won't threaten him with it again. He had enough cuts on his body. He didn't need more.

"Michonne." Rudy replied in a flat tone, and Michonne slightly smiled at him.

"You've grown so much," She said, her eyes becoming sad, "I am so sorry for everything, Rudy."

"Don't... don't apologize." He told her, but Michonne sighed,

"We never stopped looking for you. Rick and Daryl never stopped searching." Michonne told him, and it was Rudy's turn to sighed,

"What is it that you want, Michonne?" Rudy questioned, even though he wanted to ask how Daryl has been, how everyone has been.

Michonne stared at him for a moment before she spoke, ".. You've been standing outside of this door for a while."

Rudy glanced to his left, seeing a familiar door, and his body tensed before he looked at Michonne.

"Just got lost in my thoughts. If that's all, I have tasks that I need to complete, Rudy replied, "and finish before the day ends."

"I go by Dana. Jadis is keeping Alexandria a secret, and I should act as if I don't know Rick, Carl, or you." Michonne told him, and Rudy nodded.


"We're leaving this place, and you should come with us, come back with us, back to Alexandria." Michonne said, taking a step towards Rudy, but Rudy took a step back,

"No," He quickly said, shaking his head, "I'm not leaving, but I wish you luck."

"Rudy, you can't stay here. This isn't your home.." Rudy interrupted Michonne

"This is my home, Michonne. It has been for the last several years," Rudy snapped her, and he banged his fist on the door,

"This room has been my home for 2 whole years!" Rudy gestured to the area around him, "The CRM has been my home and is my home,"

"Alexandria is your home, not mine." Rudy spat out before turning to walk away, but Michonne's voice stopped him,

"What happened to you in that room?" She questioned, and Rudy stared down at the ground as he let out a small scoff before he chuckled,

"Good luck, Michonne. You're gonna need it." With that, Rudy walked away this time. Michonne let him.

Rudy could feel his chest becoming tight, and he brought his hand up, rubbing his chest as he walked further down the hallway,

As he rounded a corner, he almost bumped into someone but caught himself at the last second,

"Sorry, I wasn't.." Rudy trailed off as he lifted his head and saw Rick grimes standing in front of him.

It's been so long since he last saw Rick, and the last time he's seen Rick was when they argued, but it wasn't much of an argument , more like Rick just yelling at him for being stupid, and Rick was right.

Rudy accepted that fact after a couple of years in the CRM.

"..Michonne is down the hallway." Rudy told him, stepping aside, but Rick stopped him.


Rudy cracked a fake grin, "Hi, Rick," he lifted his hand and waved a little, "Bye Rick."

Rudy only took a few steps from Rick when Rick stopped him again, "Wait,"

Rudy let out a deep sighed, "Carl told me you've been here the whole time," Rick started,

"Did you know I was here too?" Rick questioned, and Rudy shook his head.

"No. Jadis kept that a secret." Rudy replied,

Rick nodded, "I want to apologize for what I said to you all those years ago. You were right,"

"We couldn't live in peace with the saviors no matter how hard we tried to make it work. Half of them are dead, the others might still be in Alexandria, and Negan has been locked in a cell.."

Rudy interrupted Rick, "you locked him in a cell? Do you have any idea what that does to a person?"

As much as he hated Negan for killing Abraham and Glenn, Rudy knew a thing or two of what being locked in a room for years could do to a person.

"I tried to kill him, slashed his throat, but I had him saved the last minute. Death was the easy way out, and he didn't deserve the easy way out." Rick explained,

Rudy wondered if he deserved the easy way out? He did a lot of bad things, maybe even worse things than Negan did.

Maybe he deserved all the pain and punishment.

Rudy sighed, "Not everyone deserves a second chance. Sometimes, you have to kill even if you think the person you kill is getting the easy way out."

He doesn't deserve a second chance, and he knows it.


Rudy interrupted Rick, "Good luck, Grimes. You're gonna need it."


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